Chapter 2087 Lafite: I want to dye this thing green

Sinners can indeed evolve, and when they absorb more power from Sinisters, there will be a chance to evolve.

The evolved believers are not only stronger, but may also have some special powers.

Moreover, the evolved god believers can command other god believers who are weaker than themselves under the same god, and automatically become the leader.

Wearing a bear, he put the two girls on the ground, then picked up the leader of the cult believers who was about to struggle, grabbed its tail, and threw it around on the ground, directly throwing the leader of the cult believers into a dizzy state.

Della and Lafite couldn't help but grinned, it hurt to see it.

Bailiyuan learned from Xanadu that the elves had found some special places, so she planned to come and see for herself. The only ones who came were Della, Lafite and Olinson.

Georgia and Fravor take care of Angelina and Malcarter at Rafi's house.

Angelina has already begun to change, and Malkart is guarding Angelina's side, and will not wake up until Angelina completes the transformation.

Although Della and Lafite were also curious about Angelina's changes, they knew that what was important now was the affairs of the gods and evil believers. They came here not to help Bailiyuan fight, but to collect useful information. Then communicate with the Empire.

It's impossible to expect Bailiyuan to write information with a quill pen between the meat pads in the future, right?

The leaders of the two godly believers have not given up their resistance, but their resistance seems a little weak, even a little ridiculous.

No one pities them, they have already stood on the opposite side of human beings and other life, and they attacked Angelina first.

When Xanadu arrived, she changed into the appearance of a mature woman, with a perfect smile on her face, and slowly fell from the air. Her green hair hung on her shoulders and extended to her chest, bending into an astonishing arc, like Fairy, Della and Lafite were stunned.

Della: "It's so beautiful."

Lafite pointed to his pink hair: "I want to dye this thing green..."

"No, you don't want to." Olinson slapped Lafite's butt, interrupting Lafite's imagination.

Not everyone can control a green head, at least they must have a broad mind.

People in the mage world have more gorgeous hair color. The reason for this is because of the influence of human blood and elemental power mastered in this world. Although Della's hair color looks black, it is actually a kind of dull. The purple color, the silver brilliance is hidden underneath, but it is not obvious.

Even for some people, not only the hair, but the hair of the whole body may be one color.

The arrival of Xanadu means that the two chiefs of the godly believers can be interrogated.

The leaders of the two godly believers were still yelling at them.

In fact, at this time, the disadvantage of too tenacious vitality was highlighted. Now the leaders of the two god-evil believers couldn't do it if they wanted to kill themselves, and they didn't have the ability to crush their own core.

However, it is almost impossible for ordinary people to ask something from their mouths. As believers of the gods, they are also leaders, so naturally they will not be afraid of interrogation, let alone death, and their spirits also have the power of gods , Ordinary people simply cannot read them consciously.

Even if Xanadu wanted to interrogate the two leaders of the godly believers, he still needed the power of Bailiyuan.

It is the spirit and will that come to Bailiyuan.

Xanadu put Bailiyuan on his head, and then their spirits and wills were connected. Led by Xanadu, he invaded the sea of ​​consciousness of the leader of a godly believer and read its memory.

Xanadu is in charge of the operation, and Bailiyuan uses his will as a defense to protect Xanadu's spirit from pollution.

If Bailiyuan and Xanadu were not strong enough now, and Bailiyuan's spirit and will had been sublimated many times, they would not dare to do this.

But Bailiyuan and Xanadu did not dare to enter the sea of ​​consciousness of the believers of the gods for a long time. There is an extremely strange and distorted power in the consciousness of the believers of the gods. Unwell symptoms such as headaches and vomiting, if you watch too much, you may even go crazy.

"Sure enough, it's the same distortion as the special power that the heavy armored tyrannosaurus encountered in the forest back then, but the elves and I have already done special training, and our will and spirit have been tempered. Those who can fight against chaos, There is only order, and what can resist distortion is tenacity!" Baili Yuan didn't relax.

Shanaido didn't waste time either, she quickly hypnotized the leader of the god-evil believer, and then violently read the memory of the leader of the god-evil believer.

After Shanaido withdrew her mental power, her face turned pale.

The consumption is not too great, but Xanadu felt a little uncomfortable in the face of that distorted spirit.

"Meow?" (Are you okay?)

"Don't worry, just meditate for a while. Thanks to you, my spiritual power has not been polluted." Xanadu smiled, and the smile was filled with a kind of loving feeling, which made Della and Lafite stare straight into the eyes. up. Olinson also blinked. At this moment, he felt as if he saw his godmother far away in heaven.

Although it was a bit exhausting, Xanadu also got what he wanted.

"I already know the situation of this group of god believers." Xanadu said.

It seems that because of hearing the news from Xanadu, another evil believer went berserk, but was trampled underfoot by Bangira.

And the leader of the sinful believer whose consciousness was invaded by Xanadu fell into a coma, his body began to change gradually, and he could no longer maintain the state of the evil believer.

The scales receded, the distorted shape returned to normal, and a naked woman was lying on the ground.

The faces of Della and Lafite turned red in an instant, and Lafite hurriedly closed Olinson's eyes, "Don't look!"

"You're pinching my eyes, woman, let go!" Olinson yelled in pain.

Xanadu also immediately covered Bailiyuan's eyes.

Bailiyuan: "Meow meow~"

I'm just a cat, what's the matter? Is the cat okay?


Return to Lafite's manor.

The other godly believers were wiped out, and the leaders of the two godly believers were sealed and tied together.

The elves also found several other similar small courtyards in the imperial capital, but most of the small courtyards were already empty, and only a few small courtyards still had the godly believers and other godly believer leaders who had not had time to retreat. The leaders of the believers were all captured and brought back to the Lafite family's manor. There were six of them in total, and they all acted together in pairs.

The elves also searched the small courtyards, but found no useful clues. The small courtyards seemed to be just a simple hiding place.

Lafite's father came back, and he and the old housekeeper got busy, contacting the palace while appeasing everyone.

There was also news from the palace that Hoddle had safely returned to the palace, and the palace would send people to Rafi's manor to take over the captured leader of the Apostate Believers, and at the same time, for the changed Angelina.

When Bailiyuan and the others returned to the manor, Angelina's changes continued.

At this time, Angelina's appearance has undergone some changes.

The injuries on Angelina's body have been brought under control, but her skin has turned into an abnormal grayish white color without any blood.

Like a corpse.

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