I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 2082 Angelina is the source of the empire's power?

Unexpectedly, after just one night, something happened in the imperial capital.

"Who the hell is that? He dared to kill the city gate guards. This is a provocation to the empire." Flavo said.

Killing the city gate guards is like beating someone in the face. It doesn't hurt much, but it is extremely insulting.

The death of the city gate guards is like saying that the defense of the imperial capital is rubbish.

"Don't worry, with the power of the empire, the murderer will be found soon," Angelina said.

Bailiyuan didn't doubt it, because according to his understanding, although the empire where the girls belonged to had an ancient aristocratic system, it was not corrupt. It was actually very powerful, and those forces that dared to provoke the empire could fight and scream.

The few girls didn't have the intention to die, and stayed obediently in the manor of Lafite's family.

But the manor didn't stay quiet for too long, because someone from the palace came to the Lafite family's manor.

The person who came was a brown-haired man, holding a noble cane in his hand, and dressed in silver-white slim-fitting clothes, he looked like a nobleman.

"Second brother." Angelina called.

"Little sister, long time no see." The man responded with a friendly smile.

This one is Angelina's second elder brother, who is also the second prince of the empire, Hoddle.

There are several princes and princesses in the imperial family, and the most famous ones are the eldest prince Adolf, the second prince Hodel, and the youngest princess Angelina.

Both Adolf and Hodel are extremely outstanding people, not only possessing unparalleled looks in the world, but also possessing strength and talent worthy of their looks.

Some people commented on the two princes - like the sun and the moon, hanging in the sky of the empire, one of them will always be seen when you look up.

The reason why Angelina, the youngest princess, was able to rank alongside the two princes was not simply because she was favored by the emperor and empress, but also because of her potential.

After all, she is the princess who summoned the dragon!

Although she is still very young, because of the existence of the giant dragon, no one dares to ignore her existence. Compared with ability and strength, a giant dragon is worth everything.

Because everyone knows that a country that can own a giant dragon will definitely become stronger.

If the two princes are the foundation of the empire, then Angelina can be said to be the source of power, and it is possible to become an empress in the future.

It's just that Angelina has always lived in the Mage Academy. After returning to the imperial capital, she usually lives in secluded places, making it difficult for the outside world to get in touch with her. This also makes her more mysterious and has some special characteristics. Titles, such as - the princess on the back of the dragon.

The second prince's sudden arrival made Lafite's family lively. Even Lafite's mother and second sister who hadn't left the house today showed up to greet him in person.

Although Hoddle is only the second prince, he is qualified to be taken seriously.

The few girls other than Angelina looked at Hodl curiously, they were even more unfamiliar with Hodl.

Compared with Adolf, who is like the sun, Hodl doesn't have the feeling that he can only be seen from a distance, but people can't help but get close to him. Hodl's friendly smile can easily make people have some wrong thoughts.

When they saw Hodel, the faces of the little girls turned red, and the romantic cells in Lafite's heart were suddenly stimulated.

——Ah, God, should I choose Your Highness Adolf or His Highness Hodr? What posture should I use to stop them from fighting?

Della noticed the abnormality of her best friend, and secretly slapped Lafite's little butt. This slap was designed to cure her best friend's intermittent abnormalities.

—Don't think about peaches!

Let alone whether Adolf and Hodel can see Lafite, a young girl who has not yet grown up. Even if they really want to arrange a marriage for the two princes, the empire must also consider the identity and ability of the future prince and concubine. It is absolutely impossible to do so. Choose her, a girlfriend who occasionally has an abnormal mind.

"Don't be restrained, I'm just here to pick up my little sister back to the palace. Father and queen miss my little sister a little bit." Hodell said with a smile.

Della suddenly realized that Hodell's words were an excuse, because Angelina had just met her parents yesterday, and now that Hoddle came, he wanted to bring Angelina back to the palace for protection.

"Is it because of what happened in the morning? The death of the city gate guards shouldn't be that simple." Angelina asked directly. She also analyzed the reason for Hoddle's arrival, and at the same time understood that the situation outside seemed to be without them. As simple as imagined.

Hoddle is used to his sister being so direct.

"Okay, I really can't hide it from you, so I'll just tell you something briefly, but we can't stay for too long, I still have things to attend to." Hodell didn't mind, as if it was because of Angeli In order to save Na's face, he planned to reveal some information.

"According to the investigation, it is not human beings who attacked the city gate guards, or it can be said that they are not normal human beings."

Hoddle speaks amazingly.

"Not...human? Could it be a monster?" Georgia asked doubtfully.

"Perhaps." Hodel's eyes diverged a little, as if he was recalling some special scenes, "Some special powers were detected from the corpses of the city gate guards, it was not a good thing, but a kind of chaos, A force of evil."

Immediately afterwards, Hoddle smiled again, "That's it, I hope you don't disclose it casually, it may cause panic, little girl, let's go back."

Angelina and Malkart were obediently taken away by Hoddle.

It was the emperor's intention to take away Angelina, and Angelina knew that she couldn't be petty.

"Everyone must pay attention to safety. If there is any abnormality, please contact the City Guard in time." Angelina finally urged.

"Don't worry, Angelina, you have to protect yourselves too." A few girls also expressed concern.

After Hoddle and Angelina left, they didn't react for a long time.

"What are you doing in such a dull atmosphere? Don't worry. If there are enemies, I, the one who is guarded by angels, will protect everyone." Lafite stood up and said.

But Lafite's mother sneered, "I'm counting on you, I might as well let old Bob."

The old butler Bob stood aside and smiled slightly, "I used to be a fighter, and I am quite confident in my own strength."

"You stay in the room well, as long as you don't cause me any trouble." Lafite's mother waved her hand, indicating that Lafite can retire.

Lafite's second sister got up with a smile and attracted everyone's attention, "Come on, I asked the kitchen to make some pastries, let's eat together."


Angelina followed Hoddle in the carriage to the palace.

"Brother Huang is not in Wangcheng now, so I can only show up. I'm so busy." Hodell couldn't help sighing.

"Second brother, is this troublesome?" Angelina asked again.

The relaxed expression on Hoddle's face disappeared this time, "It's not bad, the strong men of the mage group suspect... it's a sin!"

"Abominable?" Angelina's expression was obviously a bit puzzled, "What is that?"

Instead, Malkart's pupils shrank suddenly.

"Abomination." Hoddle sighed melancholy, "That's not simple..."

Boom boom boom——

Suddenly there were several explosions outside the car.

Then the guard's voice sounded.

"Enemy attack, protect the carriage!"

Hoddle's lips trembled, and he spit out a word: "Damn!"

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