I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 2080 Lafite who mourns the dead

Bailiyuan didn't show any abnormality, but followed the others and followed Lafite into the secret room.

The secret room has a dim magic lamp, and the style is slightly gloomy, but there are vents, so that the secret room is not silent, nor is it humid.

Lafite took out the treasure he wanted to show to others, but it was locked in a box, but Lafite's diary was simply placed on the desk.

"I found this thing at the market with Olinson last time, and I brought it back. Let me tell you, this thing is very good to use. Every time I use it up, I wake up feeling relaxed the next day. .”


Bailiyuan came alive.

Then Lafite opened the box, and saw a somewhat old book in the box.

As soon as he read the book, Melkart spread his wings, which is the dragon's conditioned reflex when facing danger.

Although Bailiyuan was a little disappointed and found that this was not what he thought, he still narrowed his eyes.

Angelina noticed something was wrong with Melkart, and her eyes became serious, while Della, Georgia, and Fravor surrounded him curiously, and looked at the books in the box.

"What is this? Is it a book that records some special knowledge?" Georgia asked with bright eyes. She is a girl who likes books.

"Could it be mysterious esoteric magic?" Della guessed. There are many similar books in her family, which are equally ancient and precious. Those books record many mysterious and unpredictable magic. Opportunity to read and learn.

"It may also be some adventure biography, which may contain clues about the treasure." This is Fravor's guess, which is her guess combined with Lafite's talents.

According to Flavor's understanding of Lafite, the things that can make Lafite hide like a treasure will not be those boring and boring knowledge or magic.

However, Lafite snorted and laughed, "Let me tell you, this is a magic item that can help sleep. Usually when I suffer from insomnia, I would pillow this book, and at that time I would feel as if someone Whispering in my ear and putting me to sleep gives me a good feeling, and Olinson feels the same way."

Olinson nodded, "Master Michael can also try it. Every time I sleep with this book on my pillow, I feel much more relaxed when I wake up."

"You can try it in turn today. My dad will celebrate his birthday in a while. I plan to give this prop to my dad as a gift. It can be used to help my dad sleep."

Baili Yuan looked at Lafite strangely.

Good guy, he called it a good guy.

This is so filial.

Olinson noticed Baili Yuan's eyes and couldn't help being a little puzzled.

"Master Michael, is there a problem?"

It was Malcarter who answered Olinson.

"This is a big problem, little girl Lafite. If you give this book to your father, you may become a child without a father in the future. No, you may even become an orphan."

Lafite: o((⊙﹏⊙))o?

Malkart didn't make a fool of himself either, "This book is the book of the old gods."

The moment he saw this book, the memory engraved in the blood of Melkart moved, helping it to recognize the true face of the book, and after knowing everything through the memory in the blood, Melkart felt a big pain in his heart. What the fuck.

"The Book of the Old Gods? What is that?" Angelina asked puzzled, this was the first time she had heard the word.

Not only Angelina, but others, including Olinson, don't know what the Book of the Old Gods is. Although Bailiyuan has seen the abnormality of this book, he has never heard of the Book of the Old Gods. Book.

"It's a good thing you didn't give this book to anyone else, but locked it up." Melkart sighed, and then explained.

Speaking of the old gods, we must first explain the god system of the mage world.

In fact, in a long time ago, the mage world was a world with gods, which is well known. Now there are still many legends about gods, and there are still many sects that believe in gods.

But few people know the difference between the gods.

The legends of various gods circulating in the world of mages, as well as the existing sects that believe in gods, whether they are righteous gods or evil gods, these gods are generally primitive gods, or second-generation gods or third-generation gods that appeared after the original gods wait.

For example, the Lord enshrined by the angels belongs to the original god and represents goodness, justice, holiness and light.

Primitive gods are born gods, generally gods born from the rules of the world.

The descendants of the original gods, the gods of creation, and other beings ignite the fire in a special way, and the gods who become gods are divided into second-generation gods and third-generation gods according to the different ways of becoming gods.

Among the angels, Michael and other archangels are generally second-generation gods and third-generation gods.

Later, the first batch of primitive gods left the mage world for various reasons, and disappeared with most of their dependents. Some people said that these gods created their own world, and they lived in their own world with their dependents. middle.

The second-generation gods, third-generation gods and other gods officially began to rule the world. The gods after these second-generation gods are generally gods that require belief.

Many years later, a war of faith broke out among the gods, and then a large-scale war of gods broke out.

The war of gods has lasted for many years, countless gods have fallen and become false gods, and the consequences of the fall of these gods have not completely disappeared until now.

Then, for some unknown reason, almost all the gods died, and the war of gods came to an abrupt end because of the death of the gods. At this point, other lives began to compete for the dominance of the world. protagonist.

The reason why Malkart can understand so much is naturally because the giant dragon was also a powerful existence in the period of the gods. Malkart's ancestors not only experienced that era, but also passed down many memories through blood.

This is the system of the gods, so what about the old gods?

The old gods do not belong to the god system of the original gods, because the existence of the old gods is older than the original gods, and the old gods have already become active before the birth of the original gods.

However, the old gods have no distinction between good and evil, good and evil. Although they are also natural gods, they were not born from the rules of the world. No one knows how these old gods appeared, but they only know that when these old gods exist During this period, the world was in chaos.

The emergence of the primitive gods is to fight against this chaos and bring order to the world.

The original gods expelled the old gods, but there are still many items related to the old gods that have been handed down. These items have a common characteristic, that is, the beings who hold these items will hear the whispers of the old gods, and their consciousness will be dragged. Into the abyss, plunged into chaos, and then frantically destroyed everything.

So far, there are very few things related to the old gods, but the book in Lafite's hands now is a book related to the old gods - the book of the old gods.

Lafite was holding the book of the old gods in her hand, and she suddenly felt that the book in her hand seemed a little hot.

The others also immediately distanced themselves from Lafite, as if Lafite had fallen into the toilet, making people frightened.

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