Chapter 2075 Use authority to deal with authority

Chenglong froze the body of the jealous priest.

The tyrannosaurus rose into the sky, facing the big mouth of the jealous priest, a destructive light shot directly through the body from the mouth, smashing the body of the jealous priest.

The fast-swimming frog leaped high and punched continuously, shattering the body of the jealous priest little by little.

"I, no, die!" The jealous priest moaned with the last of his strength, and secretly decided that when she recovered, she must swallow everyone!

"Found it!" Quick Swimming Frog raised his hand, holding a fragment of authority in his hand.

"Impossible!" The jealous priest felt strange, and she realized that she had lost the power fragment.

But isn't the fragment of authority already integrated with itself? How could it be taken away?

Chenglong glides gracefully on the ice, but her eyes are always bright. If you observe carefully, you will find that there are special marks in Chenglong's eyes.

This is the imprint of Chenglong's Fengxue power.

Theoretically speaking, the situation of riding a dragon is the same as that of envy and sacrifice, both of which are fused with fragments of authority.

The only difference is that Chenglong uses the fragments of authority fused with the power of the god of fate, which makes Chenglong have a stronger grasp of the power of authority, and the fragments of authority mastered by Chenglong are still being repaired. The grasp of the authority fragments is much weaker, and the power of the authority fragments can only be used roughly.

It takes magic to defeat magic. Naturally, with the power of authority fragments, the power of authority fragments can be defeated.

"Is this... the end?" The people around fell into silence.

Since it can be ended so easily, why did they fight to the death before?


In fact, Bailiyuan was also a little surprised, but the battles of other people did not mean that they were useless, on the contrary, they provided a lot of help for Chenglong to display his strength.

Before Bailiyuan summoned the stronger Xanadu and the Big Needle Bee, he wanted to quickly solve the jealous priest and the arrogant priest, but he failed. Now, because Chenglong, who also holds the power of the authority fragment, can easily solve it Jealousy sacrifice.

Chenglong was able to act so easily because the previous series of battles had severely injured Priest Jealousy, allowing the power of the authority fragments in Priest Jealousy to continue to play a role.

Only by riding a dragon can the authority fragments be locked, and then the authority fragments be peeled off.

At the same time, if the jealous priest had not suffered such serious injuries, it would be difficult for Chenglong to freeze the jealous priest quickly, let alone the tyrannosaurus and fast-swimming frog.

And there is another reason for the failure of the jealous priest, that is, the jealous priest is too confident in his own ability.

Perhaps because of his confidence in his own immortality, the jealous priest became less prepared for the enemy's attack.

"It's impossible for me to fall here!" The jealous priest still didn't die.

Even if she loses the power of the authority fragments, the priest of jealousy is only weakened, but the body of the priest of jealousy has been completely transformed by the fragments of authority. She can still be said to be immortal, but her recovery ability is greatly weakened.

"Not dead yet?" Lafite was very surprised.

Baili Yuan also licked his paws and washed his face.

If left alone like this, it may be possible for the jealous priest to recover after decades.

You can't just leave it like this.

Therefore, Bailiyuan looked at Malkat, because now only Malkat has the ability to deal with the corpse of the jealous priest.

Malkart noticed Bailiyuan's gaze, and his heart tightened, but he finally nodded.

"I see, let me deal with her."

After speaking, Melkart fell from the sky, and then ate the jealous priest into his stomach mouthful, and the other girls instantly showed uncomfortable expressions.

Angelina frowned slightly, apparently not as surprised as the others.

Lafite couldn't help but asked, "Won't it hurt your stomach if you eat like this?"

Malkart paused, and then responded: "Don't worry, I'm a giant dragon, I won't hurt my stomach."

Malkart's eating is very bold.

After a few minutes, Lafite couldn't help asking again: "Is it delicious?"

Malcolm: "..."

At this time Adolf and Olinsen finally crawled back, looking miserable.

"Help, the prince is going to die."

"The angel is about to die. I want Lord Michael to hug and hold me high."

"Brother Huang."

"Your Highness."

"Olinson, you're all right, great!"

Everyone's attention was diverted, and Melkart breathed a sigh of relief, jealous of the sacrificial taste, it's a little hard to describe.

A bit salty though.

No one noticed that the wound on Melkart's body had disappeared at some point, and the poison that was said to affect even the Chaos Dragon didn't seem to be able to take effect on Malkarter's body.

But no one cares about that now.


When the jealous priest was resolved, on the other side of the battlefield, the big needle bee and Xanadu were besieging the arrogant priest.

For Xanadu's support, Big Needle Bee refused, because she felt that Xanadu's opponent should be a jealous priest.

But Xanadu said, you don't want to, if you have the ability to go to the trainer, the trainer asked me to come.

Then the big needle bee stopped talking.

At this time, the appearance of the arrogant priest also changed. He turned into an angel, but there was no halo above his head, and the three pairs of wings behind him were also pitch black.

It's a fallen angel!

"Has the jealousy been solved?" The arrogant priest's eyes changed slightly, "Those people obviously can't solve the jealousy, so the one who really solved the sacrifice may be the cat worth noting."

The only variable is Bailiyuan.

"Surrender, maybe it will make your death easier." Xanadu said.

"It's really sad." The arrogant priest said to himself, not sure if he was talking about jealousy of the priest, or talking about his own experience.

The seven priests of the Demon King Sect, as well as the special missionary methods, have given the Demon King Sect itself a good strength, but now he is the only priest left... No, there is also the abolished priestess.

And the believers of the Demon King Sect, without the guidance of the priest, will become a mass of loose sand. Although brainwashing will make those believers still believe in the Demon King Sect, in the end, they are just crazy without guidance and will only become thugs.

"Although the best preparation has not been achieved, but now I can't escape, and I can't continue to make other arrangements. In this case..." The arrogant priest raised his head and looked at Big Needle Bee and Xanadu, "My mission is to Let's end here early."

Shanaido frowned at the arrogant priest's words, "What do you mean?"

However, the arrogant priest did not answer, but closed his eyes, but a blood-red light appeared from under his eyelids, and at the same time, the power in the arrogant priest's body also began to become violent and disorderly.

"He's going to blow himself up!"

The big needle bee has rushed out.

run through!

The defenseless arrogant priest's ring was pierced by the big needle bee, and the big needle bee also accurately penetrated the arrogant priest's neck, smashing the arrogant priest's head.

Power spewed out along the neck of the arrogant priest, but it was still about to cause an explosion.

Xanadu's eyes lit up directly, and powerful spiritual power enveloped the surroundings.


The explosion happened.

Half the mountain collapsed.

The figure of the arrogant priest disappeared, leaving only a fragment of authority floating in the smoke and dust.

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