Chapter 2071 Adolf: I'm going to drive big

"Sure enough, let's get rid of you here." The arrogant priest said slowly, he changed his mind.

If you didn’t pay attention to the girls before, then it’s different now. Although the strength of the girls can’t face the arrogant sacrifice, the strength of the girls has improved too suddenly, and the span is too big Yes, the most important thing is that there is something wrong with the power they possess.

The arrogant sacrificial priest actually felt threatened from the power of several girls.

This is not a good sign.

"A breath of depravity." The arrogant priest stretched out his hands and shook the aura around him.

This is a power called "Aura of Corruption", which can not only be used for defense, but also for attack.

The depraved breath gradually appeared, turned into a black-red gas, and then rushed to the surroundings, surging like waves.

Xanadu finally made a move. She bent her fingers a little, and a layer of ripples seemed to form in the surrounding space, which spread silently to the surroundings, and it was so simple to block the attacking black-red gas.

It is like the collision of raging waves and the calm water surface of the ancient well.

The world is different, but they have managed to confront each other.

"You are in one form alone, and you can't fight me." Xanadu reminded.

Xanadu has learned a lot about the priests of the Demon King's Cult from Super Neng Miaomiao before, and she knows that the Priests of the Demon King's Cult can transform.

In fact, Xanadu tried to use some means to get the power fragments from the arrogant priest and the jealous priest before, but the attempt failed, so he could only snatch it violently.

The arrogant priest looked slightly serious.

At this moment, the jealous priest who had already fallen on the ground suddenly exploded, flashed in front of Xanadu in the blink of an eye, and reached out to Xanadu's abdomen.

It turned out that the jealous priest did not completely lose his ability to fight, but lay on the ground and pretended to be dead.

At this time, the jealous priest was also a little thankful. It was her mistake and stupidity that the big needle bee didn't make up the knife, but it was her own opportunity.

"What color are your intestines?"

"Be careful!" Della exclaimed.

The sudden change caused everyone's heart to lift up. At this time, Della and the others wanted to rescue but it was already too late.

Xanadu was contending with the arrogant priest, without dodging, the jealous priest's hand inserted into Xanadu's abdomen...and then penetrated Xanadu's body.

But not a trace of blood appeared.

The jealous priest's expression also changed from a smile to astonishment.

She didn't feel the feeling of her hand piercing through the flesh, but as if passing through the air.

But Xanadu was still in front of him, and the jealous priest also noticed Xanadu's eyes.

Xanadu didn't look at the jealous priest, but looked in the direction of the big needle bee, with some helpless expressions in his eyes.

"It's already this time, don't play these boring tricks."

"I don't understand what you're talking about." Big Needle Bee responded, "It's just a plan."

The jealous priest wanted to pretend to be dead in front of Big Needle Bee and Xanadu, but it was still a bit taken for granted.

"So what's your plan?" Xanadu asked.

"Of course I will give you the weak ones, and give me the strong ones."

The big needle bee's wings vibrated, and at an explosive speed, it penetrated Xanadu's defense and black-red breath, and rushed straight to the arrogant priest. The purple venom enveloped her and turned her into a purple drill.

Xanadu was a little helpless.

At this time, you have to compare yourself with yourself, and you have to grab the stronger one to fight monsters.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, it's fine.

The communication between Xanadu and the big needle bee is on the spiritual level, and the communication speed is extremely fast. At this time, the jealous priest just noticed Xanadu's eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Xanadu's eyes sank, and he looked at the jealous priest.

The jealous priest wanted to distance himself for the first time, but Xanadu's other hand suddenly grabbed the jealous priest's wrist.

This made the pupils of the jealous priest shrink sharply.

You can't attack the opponent, but the opponent can touch you.

What kind of BUG ability is this?

"Yeah, what kind of ability is this?" Xanadu said with a smile to the jealous priest, as if he had understood the thoughts of the jealous priest.

This shocked the jealous priest.

Xanadu put down her other hand, and a group of thoughts condensed in her hand, and then pressed directly on the chest of the jealous priest.

One of Shanaido's balls collided with the two balls of Jealousy Sacrifice.

As a result, the jealous priest flew upside down, spurting blood, and her chest became a bloody mess.

The mind force group just now is not an ordinary mind force trick, the super power in it is constantly spinning and pulling, which is very destructive.

However, the jealous priest seems to have a strong recovery ability. With the white smoke appearing on her wound, her wound quickly returned to normal, but the shattered gauze skirt made her spring up.

The jealous priest didn't pay attention to so much, but rushed towards Xanadu again and started a crazy attack.

She doesn't believe that Xanadu's ability has no weaknesses.

However, no matter how hard the jealous priest tried, her attacks would not be able to attack Xanadu, but would be hit by Xanadu constantly. Xanadu seemed to be able to know her thoughts, constantly anticipating her attacks, and then made the most appropriate attack. counterattack.

"What a terrifying ability." Angelina couldn't help but said, even if she knew that Xanadu was on her side, such a method still made her feel terrified.

Bailiyuan finally finished his meditation. He opened his eyes and watched the strange battle between Xanadu and the jealous priest. His eyes lit up, and he said to himself, "So that's how it is. Xanadu has also learned badly."

When fighting against super power elves, you must know in advance that many elves who are good at super powers are also good at illusion. What you see may not be real.

Seeing that the jealous priest was unable to attack Shanaiduo, but in Bailiyuan's eyes, it was the jealous priest who attacked the air, and Shanaido stood aside, playing with the jealous priest.

From the very beginning, Xanadu in everyone's eyes was what she wanted others to see, not Xanadu's real body.

And Xanadu can achieve this level without overturning the car, relying on the telepathy ability that her race can master, and can collect the opponent's shallow thoughts to predict the opponent's attack.

The battle on Shanaido's side is weird and easy, and the battle on the Big Needle Bee's side is a real collision of real forces. Don't think that the power of poison attributes can only be used for sneak attacks. If the power reaches a certain level, no matter what power it is Can carry out frontal assault.

Also because of the violent collision of the battle, the big needle bee and the arrogant priest kept moving to the distance.

At this moment, Adolf suddenly shouted.

"Green-haired girl, get out of here, I'm going to go big!"

Only then did everyone look up, and their attention fell on the Chaos Dragon who was supposed to be the protagonist today, and Adolf who was fighting against the Chaos Dragon.

The Chaos Dragon broke free, but didn't intend to continue entanglement, but wanted to escape. At this moment, Adolf roared, his body lit up with golden fighting energy, rushed into the air, and hugged the body of the Chaos Dragon , and then the vindictiveness on Adolf's body spread violently, turning into golden chains, binding the Chaos Dragon, and the powerful Chaos Dragon couldn't break free.


Adolf roared, then carried the Chaos Dragon on his shoulders, and smashed it in one direction, the direction where the Priest of Jealousy was located!

Xanadu didn't know when, but he had already run far away.

The chaotic dragon that fell from the sky directly hit the face of the jealous priest who couldn't react in time.


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