Chapter 2056 Traces of the Giant Dragon!

Della and the others only stayed in the mission town for a few days before leaving.

This time they heard about the mission of the poisonous dragon, and they came here to defeat the poisonous dragon.

Now that the poisonous dragon has been crusaded and the commission has been received, it is natural to leave to find other challenging tasks, that is, to go to other towns and stay in the town for a few days to wait for the completion of the custom-made clothes.

Now the five girls have changed into a set of outfits, not to mention how beautiful they are, at least they are loose enough to ensure that they will not be strangled to some weird places after transformation.

"Dulong's corpse was not obtained, so it was a waste." Georgia still felt sorry for Dulong's corpse. The children of poor families had long been in charge of their families, and if they were not in charge, they didn't know the price of food. Dulong's corpse was ruined by the Demon King Sect. From Georgia's point of view, it was a huge What was wasted, and what was wasted was their booty, and because of this, Georgia made another note of the devil's teaching.

Others saw it very openly, and some people had bold ideas.

Lafite patted Georgia on the shoulder, "Georgia, don't worry about that poisonous dragon anymore, with our current strength, we should be able to deal with real giant dragons, hahaha..."

As soon as Lafite finished speaking, several exclamations came from the distant forest.

"It's a giant dragon!"

"There are dragons!"


Immediately afterwards, a dragon's roar came from the forest, and the terrifying high temperature swept across the forest, burning the trees and everything else to death.

Della and the others walking on the main road also saw that green dragon!

It was a giant dragon that was even bigger and full of power than Malkart looked.


The giant dragon didn't notice Della and the others, but after finishing off the humans who hit it, it flapped its wings and left, setting off a strong wind and flying into the distance.

Della and the others stood there dumbfounded.

"It's a dragon!!!" Georgia yelled, her eyes were red because she saw the huge amount of wealth, and she was about to catch up with her staff.

Flavo and Lafite hurriedly supported Georgia from left to right.

"Georgia, calm down."

"I'm just telling you, don't take it seriously!"

Della swallowed, "There really are dragons."

The giant dragon is the top existence in the mage world. There are various legends about the giant dragon in the human society. The dragon scales of the giant dragon can defend against all magic. Wings can create a hurricane that sweeps through a town...

As for the books that record the existence of giant dragons, the stories in them are often epics, and the dragon slayers in them are synonymous with strength and honor, and are also the ultimate dream of most humans in this world.

At the same time, the dragon is also synonymous with wealth, not only because there is a huge amount of wealth in the cave of the legendary dragon, but also because the dragon is covered with precious materials.

The value of a giant dragon is comparable to any small kingdom, which is enough to double the wealth of a medium-sized kingdom. Even a powerful empire is greedy for the benefits that a giant dragon can bring. Some lucky people picked up a few pieces of dragon scales, Maybe you can change your fate against the sky and become a winner in life.

But at the same time, dragons are also powerful. Even the weakest dragons have the ability to slaughter cities and destroy lands. It is extremely difficult to conquer. Therefore, there have been no new dragon slayers for hundreds of years. Perhaps there have been , it's just that it's not known.

Angelina is relatively calm, because there is a real dragon on her shoulder, but, because Malkart is Angelina's familiar, his strength is also limited, and Malkart and ordinary The dragons also have some differences.

"I actually saw a giant dragon." Angelina said.

Melkart watched the green dragon leave, "That color and shape should be a type of wind attribute dragon, and it's a power type."

The probability of seeing giant dragons in the wild is extremely low, because giant dragons are not only precious, but also rare, and always live in special areas that are difficult for humans to reach. There have been no accurate reports of human sightings of giant dragons for decades. On the contrary, there are quite a few scammers who take advantage of human greed and find an excuse for the appearance of the dragon to cheat.

Unexpectedly, they encountered a real dragon now.

To be honest, Angelina was also a little moved.

"Can I defeat that dragon with the help of the power of the contract and cooperate with Melkart?" Angelina felt a little impulsive to prove her strength.

On the other side, Lafite and Fravor finally persuaded Georgia.

"Sorry, I'm a little excited." Georgia said a little embarrassedly, "That's a giant dragon, after all, it's a giant dragon!"

Georgia made a point of emphasizing it.

Flavor nodded, "Indeed, even when I face the giant dragon, I will have some special thoughts, not to mention after I have the strength, but we can only rely on the power of Daju for three minutes , so we must be cautious, and we are all mages, if we really face the dragon, we may fall into a disadvantage."

"Yeah, yeah, when we sparred against Malcotte before, we couldn't even beat Malcotte." Lafite chimed in from the side.

Malkart couldn't help looking at Lafite, then narrowed his eyes.

Woman, are you saying I can't do it?

Lafite seemed to have sensed something, and his body froze immediately.

"I know, I won't be impulsive again in the future, let's hurry to the next town, take on more tasks, and earn more money." Georgia regained her fighting spirit.

Lafite also hastily changed the topic, "What do I say? If I say there are people from the Demon King's Cult in the next town, will the Demon King's Cultists appear? Haha, just kidding, the people from the Demon King's Cult are like mice They usually hide in dark ditches, how could they appear casually, and even if the Demon King Cult appeared, now I can beat the Demon King Cult to death!"

"Okay, okay, I know you're great, so hurry up." Della laughed.

The five rushed to the next town, Mundra City, when it was dark.

A medium-sized town, full of artistic atmosphere, it can be seen that this town is developing very well and is very prosperous.

Even at night, the city of Mundra is brightly lit. The residents of the city are all gathered on the streets, talking about something. At the same time, there are many adventurers in the town going to and from various shops to buy equipment for themselves.

"This city is really lively, even at night there are so many people, this is not common." Lafite said with emotion.

Flavor nodded, "It's probably the same in the imperial capital."

"Let's go to the hotel first."

However, as soon as the girls entered the town, intelligence dealers followed them.

A man in a black cloak approached them with a mysterious look.

"Adventurers, do you want some information? It's about dragons~"


Seeing that several people did not speak, the intelligence dealer spoke again.

"If you are not interested in giant dragons, are you interested in joining a certain sect? I have a quota for joining the Demon King Sect. Are you interested? The treatment is good~"


Della and the others all looked at Lafite in unison.

Lafite opened his mouth, and then showed a wise expression, "At this time, why don't you ask the magical big orange?"

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