Chapter 2053 Boring is hard-won peace

All the elves were unsummoned by Bailiyuan, except for the evil food king. Anyway, if the evil food king was in danger, he would just die as a projection.

Fortunately, Della and the others escaped death, but they also became more vigilant against the Demon King Cult.

Angelina also took the lead in thanking Bailiyuan. Every time they faced danger, it was Bailiyuan who saved them in the end.

"I'm exhausted." Lafite sat on the ground again.

Just now Lafite was not running by himself, but was running with Olinsen and the shield in Olinsen's hand. If it was in the past, Lafite would never be able to do it.

So, people don't force themselves, they don't know how good they are.

Among the few girls, Lafite's strength is the worst.

"Master, you did a good job this time." Olinson commented, and then recalled his own war hammer with some recovered strength, put away the war hammer and shield, and walked to Baili Yuan's side with short legs Salute, "Thank you very much, Lord Michael, for saving me and my mage."

Baili Yuan flicked his tail casually, and threw the fragment of authority to him for safekeeping.

Della's expression was a little awkward, she still couldn't adapt to Olinson's attitude, "Lafite has already thanked Daju before."

"But it doesn't affect my expressing my gratitude to Lord Michael." Olinson said righteously.

Angelina reminded others: "The Demon King Sect has already targeted us, and we must be more careful in the future."

The faces of several people became serious.

"Understood, I will be careful, and I will practice harder." Flavor said seriously, and then asked suddenly: "However, I want to ask, we failed to bring back the body of the poisonous dragon. What is the mission?"

Georgia opened the adventurer's handbook and found the answer: "If the crusade mission cannot bring back the mission certificate, there will be special personnel to investigate and collect evidence at the scene, but if this is the case, the speed of mission settlement will be very slow."

"That's it, it's good that you don't directly judge failure. I hope that my adventurer career mission completion rate is 100%."

"It's so cool, just like the legendary adventurer." Lafite laughed.

"But it's a pity that it has benefited. There are many good things on Dulong." Georgia said with some distress.

"It's a big deal and I'll hunt down other poisonous dragons later." Della comforted.

"Okay, let's recover, and then let's leave." Angelina took out some food and distributed it to several people.

Bailiyuan looked at the few people who started the picnic, and rubbed his fat face helplessly.

"Their mentality is really good. They can relax so quickly after going through a life-and-death crisis, which is very suitable for adventure. However, they need to be trained later, otherwise they can only be used as an atmosphere group during battles in the future, but They are limited by their age, how can we help them improve their strength..."

Della and the others added something, then walked out of the forest and returned to the town.

After they left, the birds in the forest took off and flew away.

A figure in the distance raised his hand to catch Asuka.

"That cat is not simple. With that cat here, we can't solve them at all. Now we've already threatened them. Let's let them go for the time being. We will try our best to search for the devil's godhead, and then we will deal with them and regain power."

The task of the priestess is not only to solve Della and the others, but also to tempt them.

Now it is impossible to solve Della and others, and there is also the problem of the Demon King's Cult itself, because it is too late for the Demon King's Cult to pay attention to Della and the others, and now the Demon King's Cult, except for the priestess, the remaining two priests cannot act casually. Otherwise, it would not be a single priest who came to encircle Della and the others today, and Della and the others might not have the chance to resist.


Bailiyuan temporarily returned to the world of heraldic envoys.

One night passed, and the next morning, the research institute was busy. After breakfast, the elves also entered the training ground and started their daily practice.

Er Ming also started sparring with the Explosive Muscle Mosquito, wearing a bear to teach them about their experience in fighting and exerting force.

Daming is still sleeping.

Even the Misaka sisters started daily shooting training.

Practice and training need to be persistent and accumulated little by little in order to progress.

Shirakawa Junko and Pikachu found Bailiyuan.

"Are you going out?"

"That's right, I'm going to cross the catastrophe soon, so we plan to leave here temporarily, it's impossible to go through the thunder catastrophe here." Junko Bai Chuan laughed.

Bailiyuan also smiled, "Then I want to congratulate you in advance, do you need my help? I can go with you too."

"You should have a good rest. Besides, as the guard here, you can't always leave. Don't worry, the Golden Core Thunder Tribulation is not that difficult. Besides, I major in Thunder Law. This time we go out not only to overcome the tribulation, I also plan to experience some experience to adapt to the ability of Jindan stage."

"Experience?" Baili Yuan touched his chin, "You can come back when the time comes, I know a good experience world that can take you there."

"Oh?" Junko Bai Chuan's eyes lit up, "Then I'll be looking forward to it."

After seeing off Junko Shirakawa and Pikachu, Bailiyuan came outside the research institute.

Lucia and Jessica drank black tea and read books, doing nothing.

Shisui Uchiha and Shaliste are watching the duel between Nicole and Mai.

Xiao Wu naturally lost to Nicole, but they could still gain something from fighting each other.

Today is still anti-strike training.

The daily life in the laboratory is still very boring, but this kind of boring is not the hard-won peace.

"I just don't know how long this peace can last."

After returning to the research institute, Bailiyuan also contacted Tang Hao and asked about the situation of Greedy Clone.

Tang Hao handed over the Greedy Clone to Qian Renxue's hands, so naturally he couldn't ignore it at all. He would also secretly watch Qian Renxue and the Greedy Clone, probably squatting in the tree canopy.

Usually Tang Hao observes Tang San in this way.

Tang Hao lv4: "Senior, your avatar followed Qian Renxue today, and Qian Renxue didn't let your avatar leave her range of perception at will."

Xiaoyuan lv7: "This is the right choice."

Tang Hao lv4: "Senior, I also asked Qian Renxue to help you find out about the inheritance of the gods. In addition to the things she knew about the inheritance of the angel gods, she said that she would go to the library of the Tiandou Royal Academy to browse Afterwards, I will go to the Tiandou imperial family's library to browse ancient books."

Xiaoyuan lv7: "Then it will be hard work for you."

Tang Hao lv4: "Serve the seniors."

After communicating with Tang Hao, Bailiyuan fell into thinking, and then he suddenly had an idea on how to improve Della and the others' strength.

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