Chapter 2050 Battle Between Summoners

"No way!"

"So strong!"

Several little girls exclaimed.

Perhaps it was because Bailiyuan always used all kinds of magic methods and summoning abilities, they never thought that Bailiyuan's close combat would be so fierce.

Although Olinson was weak now, seeing how fierce Bailiyuan was, he was so excited that he almost stood up.

"Although my mental strength and will have come to this body, I'm definitely not weak." Baili Yuan twisted her buttocks.

This body was able to exert such a strong force. On the one hand, Baili Yuan concentrated his mental power on the body and then exploded. On the other hand, it triggered the effect of fighting.

At the same time, there are also reasons why Bailiyuan has become stronger.

All the power of Bailiyuan's body is more cohesive, which also improves Bailiyuan's strength in all aspects.

After being stunned for a moment, the followers of Demon King Sect screamed and went to rescue their own priests, trying to detain the priestess from the rock wall, but failed for a while.

Too tight.

However, the priestess did not lose her ability to fight so easily, she was just dizzy due to trauma to her head, and when she regained consciousness, she crawled out of the rock wall by herself.

"Looking for death!" It's just that the priestess didn't rush to Bailiyuan directly, but looked at Bailiyuan vigilantly, trying to see through Bailiyuan's true identity.

This is definitely not an ordinary orange cat!

Because of the previous loss, the priestess became cautious.

However, Bailiyuan tilted his head, he really wanted to ask the priestess, I'm waiting for Della and the others to break through, what are you waiting for?

Taking advantage of the time when the priestess was knocked down and the followers of the Demon King Cult panicked, Angelina organized a team again and rushed towards the entrance of the cave. This time, she easily broke through the forbidden magic circle and broke through.

The priestess didn't pay much attention to it.

The short fight just now made the priestess realize that if Bailiyuan was not resolved, she would not be able to attack Della and the others, but if she could successfully resolve Bailiyuan, the rest would also be at her mercy.

"The seal is lifted!"

Like the gluttony priest, the priestess has opened the second stage.

The priestess became even taller, her charming face changed completely, and she looked a bit like a man. At the same time, a special staff appeared in the priestess' hand.

The forbidden magic circle has been broken, and the priestess can use magic.

Unexpectedly, although the priestess looks like a powerful assassin, her real method is magic!

To be precise, it is hell magic.

This is the power that the authority she holds brings her.

"Hell Summoning!"

An evil red magic circle rises from the ground, and demons from hell crawl out of the magic circle, looking greedily around.

"Hell Summoning!!!" There was an exclamation from the direction of the cave entrance, and Georgia looked back to see the scene where the priestess summoned the demon.

Georgia, who likes to read, has heard of Hell Summoning. "I have read in books that Hell Summoning is an extremely difficult magic to master. It is said that it can summon the devil of hell!"

Of course, it was extremely difficult to summon the Demon King, and the priestess obviously couldn't do it, otherwise she would not be a priest of the Demon King Cult, but the Demon King Cult belonged to her.

But the hell summoning technique mastered by the priestess is still not simple, because the hell creatures summoned are often more terrifying.

"She can't summon more hell creatures." Georgia shouted to remind.

"Big orange, be careful." Della also hurriedly shouted.

The few people did not choose to run out of the cave directly, but blocked the entrance of the cave, not only to worry about Bailiyuan, but also to block the escape route of the Demon King Cult followers.

Although it was difficult for Malcat to break through the encirclement before, it is very easy for him to block the door now. This is a turn of events.

Bailiyuan looked at a group of strange hell creatures in front of him.

Hell creature Bailiyuan has really seen it before, succubus and erinia are representative hell creatures, but apart from these two kinds of hell creatures, Bailiyuan has not seen many other hell creatures, because in Heraldry makes the world, and most hell creatures don't seem to be very popular.

Because if undead creatures are naturally hostile to the living, then most hell creatures are naturally chaotic races, most of which are evil and chaotic.

The first thought of an ordinary hell creature opening his eyes is-what is this? Where is this? Die to grandpa!

Even Bailiyuan's Lihua and Guardian's Erinia are chaotic neutral and chaotic good.

In fact, when the priestess started summoning, Bailiyuan had already tried to interrupt the priestess' magic, but failed.

"This is not like using ordinary magic, but with the help of a more advanced power. Is it the authority and power that all priests of the Demon King Sect have?"

Seeing that the interruption was unsuccessful, Bailiyuan also started the summoning.

Come out, Huddle!

The first thing to rush out of the hell summoning magic circle was a group of jumping, yellow hell creatures with wings and tails.

"That's a little monster." Georgia dug out a book about hell magic from her storage items. "It's a humble and fragile creature in hell, but there are a lot of them. It attacks with claws."

Following Georgia's explanation, several other girls also started to attack the little monsters, because all the little monsters that rushed out rushed to the direction of the hole.

Sure enough, the girls soon discovered that this kind of little monster was particularly easy to kill, cutting melons and vegetables with one knife.

Hedel was even more addicted to killing.

It's not easy, I finally arranged a game of abuse for it.

It's just that Hedel didn't notice that among the group of yellow little monsters, there were a few larger red figures. These figures looked very similar to the little monsters, but other little monsters would subconsciously stay away from these red figures. .

Finally, these red figures attacked Hedell, mixed among a group of little monsters, and attacked Hedell at a faster and fiercer speed. Hedel didn't check for a while, was hit several times directly, and let out a painful cry .

Della and the others also noticed this little red monster.

"This is not a little monster. It's the growth of a little monster. It's called a monster. Don't be attacked by them. They can absorb the power of the enemy." Georgia checked the books and found information about this creature.

Hedell also noticed the existence of the monster, and fought back angrily. Although the monster was a grown body of a small monster, its strength was also not strong, it just had the troublesome ability to absorb the enemy's power.

It's just that not all the priestesses have been summoning are cannon fodder.

Other new hell creatures have appeared.

A devil boy who looks like a child, Gog who can throw flames, a hellhound like a vicious dog, a ghost like a pig walking upright, a dull but strong horned demon,...

Bailiyuan's side also lit up more rays of light from the summoning array, and Hedell no longer fought alone.

The fire elf Yadyan, the ice elf Binas, the dark elf Semitek, the light elf Revos, the black knight Sandor, and the high-ranking four-element elf,...

A battle between the summoners broke out in the cave, and the corpse of the poisonous dragon that fell before had been blasted into minced meat in the scuffle.

The followers of the Demon King's Sect had long hid behind the priestess, not daring to show their heads for fear of being accidentally injured.

The few people guarding the entrance of the cave blocked the entrance of the cave while watching the battle in the cave with their eyes shining.

It was the first time they had seen the battle between the summoners, but it was such a large-scale battle, which made the girls feel excited.

"Daju, you must be careful." Della thought worriedly.

The priestess stared at the chaotic battlefield, her eyes gradually became gloomy, because although the number of summoned beasts summoned by Bailiyuan was small, the quality was not low, facing her demon army, she actually had an advantage.

"We must get rid of that cat!"

It's just that in the chaotic battlefield, it's hard to see the small figure of the orange cat.

But he was concentrating on the priestess on the battlefield, without noticing that in the darkness above his head, there was a pair of vertical pupils watching her faintly.

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