I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 2047 More than a year of growth, the arrival of the Demon King Sect Priest

"You can't always rely on Daju, I can do it too!"

Earlier today, Della thought so, she also did the same, and then she, Lafite and others rushed into the poisonous dragon's lair.

More than a year has passed in the mage world.

Bailiyuan has also been to the mage world more than a dozen times. Apart from occasionally coming to play with Della and learn the magic of the moon, Bailiyuan mainly spends the rest of the time doing one thing with Della, which is to fight The Demon Lord Sect of the mage world.

Remember the last time the demon king on the edge of the cliff taught gluttony sacrifices?

The Demon King Sect in the mage world seems to be planning something. Angelina, the princess of the empire, began to secretly investigate the Demon King Sect at the request of her imperial brother.

After defeating the Gluttony Sacrifice last time, Bailiyuan's ninja soldiers searched and recovered a lot of good things.

Among the piles of antiques, paintings, jewelry, gold coins, and enchanted weapons are some special documents.

From those documents, Angelina discovered some incredible information, but because it was an imperial secret, Della and the others didn't ask too much. Bailiyuan also didn't know the contents of the documents, but Bailiyuan heard about it later. , The Demon King Sect was branded as a cult by the empire, and then began to be wanted across the country.

Later, when Della and Lafite were carrying out adventurer operations, they accidentally encountered the Demon King Cult. It turned out that the Demon King Cult somehow discovered that Della and Lafite were related to the death of the Gluttony Priest, and brought people to take revenge .

The Demon King's Sect came to seek revenge, and it was the Wrath Priest and two teams of Demon King's Sect followers.

The result of these people was naturally defeated by the elf projection summoned by Bailiyuan, and another piece of authority was harvested, which was handed over to Olinson to guard together with the authority piece from the last gluttony.

As an angel, Olinson is more qualified to take care of the two pieces of authority, and can guarantee that he will not be bewitched or affected by the power of the pieces of authority.

It's just because of this, that Della and Lafite and the Demon King's Cult got into a fight.

In order to deal with the Cult of the Demon King, Della and Rafi joined the team organized by Angelina to specifically target the Cult of the Demon King. The team members also included Georgia, who was born as a commoner, and Flavo, who was born as a nobleman.

Because Georgia and Fravor were also targeted by the Demon King Cult.

When the Greedy Priest led people to besiege Georgia, Della and Rafi arrived in time, and with the help of Baili Yuan, they solved the Greedy Priest.

The one who besieged Fulavo was the lazy priest. Fortunately, Angelina sensed something was wrong and provided timely support. With the help of Angelina's familiar, Melkart, she was injured and escaped.

Then the five of them united together.

They started to join forces to take action against the Demon King's Sect, defeated several Demon King's Sect's plots, and traced the traces of the lazy priest, besieged and killed the lazy priest, of course, it was Baili Yuan who made the move.

In this way, four of the seven priests of the Devil Sect died, and Olinson also had fragments of authority in the bodies of four priests.

The five little girls also gained a lot in the confrontation with the Demon King Sect. Their strength has been continuously improved in the battle. Although the strength in their bodies is not as strong as that of a powerful mage, their combat experience is far superior to that of ordinary little mages. With the same level of mages, they can fight three!

Because of a year's growth, although the five girls have not yet graduated from the mage academy, they already have the strength of a formal mage.

Fighting and suffering are the nourishment for the rapid growth of human beings.

Because of their strength, all five of them asked for leave from the academy, so they could leave the scope of the academy and officially start activities on the mainland as adventurers to hone themselves.

For geniuses, there will always be preferential treatment. No matter how difficult it is for a few people to grow up in a leisurely college life, it is not suitable for a few girls to stay in the mage tower to do research.

During this year, if there are any other major events, it is probably only the matter in the forest outside the Mage Academy. It is said that the dean and vice-president of the Mage Academy went deep into the forest, and then a catastrophe broke out. It was a three-day battle.

In the end, the two deans returned injured, and the forest returned to normal.

No one outside knew what happened in the forest, but Angelina once revealed that it had something to do with the power of God, and it was not suitable for them to delve into it, otherwise they would be in danger.

At this time, several girls are in the poisonous dragon cave in a certain mountain range in the western part of the empire.

The poisonous dragon, although it is called a dragon, is not a real dragon, but a sub-dragon with a poisonous attribute. Really iron boy.

The poisonous dragon looks like a snake, has four eyes, and the four eyes grow in a row. It is relatively huge, has terrible poison, difficult and dangerous.

It just happened to be the training target for Della and the others.

The water horses of Olinsen and Fravor stood in the front row, attracting the attention of Dulong.

Della, Rafi, Angelina, Georgia, and Fravor spread out and used magic.

Owl Xiaoyu followed Georgia, making Georgia's vitality the strongest in the team.

Melkar pays attention to the battlefield, and if it encounters danger, it will save people.

The lineup of five mages has obvious advantages, but also has obvious disadvantages. Fortunately, after continuous training, the five can cooperate well and form a set of fighting methods that belong to them.

If you observe carefully, you will find that the release of the five people is rhythmic, and they release spells in turn, and the spells include control, weakening, output, etc., and are not single.

This ensures the continuity of the attack, and at the same time, the cooperation of different spells can also cause more powerful effects.

The construction of this set of tactics was imitated by Angelina based on the fighting style of the Imperial Mages. It is quite easy to use and suitable for several people.

As for Bailiyuan, Della didn't want to summon Bailiyuan in battle if it wasn't necessary, and the other girls also understood, because Bailiyuan's summoning magic was beyond the standard.

They are out for experience, not for travel.

The five cooperated tacitly, even if it was a poisonous dragon, facing several people would only result in hatred.

As the poisonous dragon fell and lost its vitality, although the girls were out of breath, they all smiled. You must know that the poisonous dragon is a troublesome existence for some experienced adventurer teams, but they were defeated by the five of them. Encircled and suppressed, although this is also due to the help of their familiars, it still makes them feel proud.

Lafite sat down on the ground, "I'm so tired."

"Heh, mage, you are too weak!" Olinson commented, feeling that it is urgent for his mage to increase the intensity of physical exercise.

Fravor patted the water horse approvingly, then kept on guard, as is her family tradition

Georgia breathed a sigh of relief, then excitedly took out the dismemberment props, and walked towards the dead dragon's body, "The poisonous dragon, it's very valuable, the venom can also be used to make special alchemy potions, it's a hair..."

Defeating this poisonous dragon can double Georgia's family fortune and make it even richer. Georgia is naturally the happiest.

But at this moment, Flavor shouted, "Who?!"

Following Flavo's warning, the others got up one after another, picked up their staffs, and kept vigilant.

clap clap...

Applause sounded from outside the cave.

"The cooperation is really tacit, and it's really exciting to watch."

A lazy, yet coquettish voice sounded from outside.

A graceful figure walked in from the outside, followed by a group of Demon King Cult followers.

"The Devil Sect?!"

The five of them immediately became more vigilant.

A person who can lead the teaching of the Demon King and wears unique clothes...

"Are you a priest of the Devil Sect?"

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