I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 21 Arrogant Zhengtai, the battle begins (second update)

Bailiyuan sat alone in the battle preparation room, making the final preparations for the battle. In the battle preparation room, no one other than the battle players was allowed to enter.

In fact, Bailiyuan didn't have anything to prepare for, it was just a change of clothes suitable for fighting.

That's right, today Andy brought Baili Yuan to Fengcheng to fight, no, it should be said that he came to make trouble.

Because the three academies in the other three cities earlier accepted a "genius" who has the potential of a double coat of arms and is recognized by the outside world, the three academies have already made a complete publicity, which made the three academies famous. Not only that, but also hacked Yuncheng Heraldry Academy.

After all, suppressing others is the most direct way to show yourself.

But now, the School of Heraldry has obtained Bailiyuan, and with the potential and strength shown by Bailiyuan, they feel that the time for revenge has come!

So, a month ago, the Yuncheng Heraldry Academy investigated the specific information of the three potential children of the three other academies with double heraldry, and issued a challenge letter to the three academies, preparing for a touring challenge. game!

The attitude of Yuncheng Heraldry Academy is very clear, and the purpose is also very simple, it is Yangmou, wanting to step on the other three heraldic academies to take the top position!

In the face of Yangmou, it is impossible to refuse. Therefore, after receiving the challenge letter from Yuncheng Heraldry Academy, the other three heraldic academies attached great importance to it. After some discussions, they set a specific time, that is, Today, then, the three heraldic academies also began to prepare.

This is also the reason why Logan is unhappy with Andy.

And Yuncheng Heraldry Academy's small calculations are also crackling. It doesn't need Bailiyuan to win all three battles. As long as it can win at least one game and suppress one academy, Yuncheng Heraldry Academy will achieve its goal.

After listening to Andy's narration, Bailiyuan felt nothing wrong with the arrangement of Yuncheng Heraldry Academy. The four academies are not far apart, and the places of origin of students overlap, so they cannot enter the city of Akamoy, the big brother. To rob students, you can only rob students in the opponent's city, and the way to rob is to prove that your college is stronger!

Wen Wu is the first, Wu Wu is the second, the School of Heraldry is more biased towards Wu, with Akamoy, it can't be the first, but it must not be the last!

This is how all heraldic schools survive.

After Bailiyuan joined the Yuncheng Heraldry Academy, the Yuncheng Heraldry Academy gave him very good treatment. Bailiyuan knew that he was already linked to the Heraldry Academy, and it was impossible to betray him. It was necessary to stand up for the academy.

However, today's large-scale scene was beyond Baili Yuan's surprise. If it was a private competition, it would be better to say that once such a big scene is lost, the impact on the loser will definitely be great, not to mention that the opponent is still a child.

Therefore, Bailiyuan felt that in order to take into account the interests of the Yuncheng Heraldry Academy and the hearts of the three children, he had better let them lose the game neatly.

And today, let's start with the children of the Windy City.

Baili Yuan smiled, and then... the smile gradually lost its virtue.

"Please enter the battle!"

A notification sound came from outside, Baili Yuan jumped off the chair and walked towards the passage.

"It's our turn, Pikachu."

"Pickup, pickup~"

Through the long passage, Bailiyuan walked into the arena.

"The one who enters the arena is Bailiyuan from Yuncheng Heraldry Academy. The first awakened heraldry profession is Summoner. Everyone welcomes with applause!"

There was warm applause in the arena, and Bailiyuan nodded to the surroundings. When Bailiyuan looked at the opposite side, he found that the other party seemed to have already stood on the field early.

It's a young lady wearing a mage's robe with a serious face, but looking at his erratic eyes, I can feel that he is surrounded by so many people, and he should be a little excited.

Children, they just like to express themselves.

On the right hand of Xiao Zhengtai, he held a staff that was a little taller than himself, and on his left hand, apart from the thumb, the remaining four fingers were wearing four rings.

The coat of arms on the back of the hand is a coat of arms patterned on a staff, and Baili Yuan recognized that it was the sign of a mage, and it was not that kind of branch profession.

Andy and Logan, as the deans of the two colleges, sat on the main seats and watched the game below.

"That kid from your academy..." Andy's expression changed.

"Haha, I would also like to thank you School of Heraldry. Without pressure, there is no motivation. Xiaojie is very strong. I heard that someone wants to challenge him. After a month of retreat and practice, he successfully broke through. Are you surprised? Are you surprised? " Logan said with some embarrassment.

"Tch, congratulations." Andy said unhappily, but a trace of seriousness flashed in his eyes. The breakthrough of the children of Wind City Heraldry Academy is not good news for Bailiyuan and Andy.

At this time, Bailiyuan also discovered that the opponent's strength was different from what Andy told him.

Andy told himself that the strength of the child in Windy City should be at the end of the novice heraldry, but now in his perception, that child definitely has the strength of a junior heraldry!

The levels of heraldry are divided into apprentice heraldry, junior heraldry, intermediate heraldry, senior heraldry, and great heraldry. They are divided into early, middle, and final stages.

Bailiyuan is now at the mid-level of the novice heraldry. Of course, this only refers to the strength in his body, the level of human physical strength. Bailiyuan himself estimates that it should be at the end of the junior heraldry. Just brute force.

However, although the opponent has the strength of a junior heraldry envoy, it doesn't mean that he can't beat him. The strength of his own elves is not weak!

After testing, the level 20 of the elves corresponds to a level of a heraldry, that is to say, most of the elves under him actually have the strength of a junior heraldry!

However, Bailiyuan knew that the real trouble was not the level of strength, but the ability of the heraldry to awaken from the elementary level! I hope that the other party's ability to awaken is not so troublesome.

"Hello." Baili Yuan nodded to Xiao Zhengtai who was opposite.

Xiao Zhengtai didn't understand Baili Yuan's words, but just nodded coolly.

"What's your name?" Bailiyuan asked.

"Hmph, weak people don't deserve to know my name." Xiao Zhengtai continued to speak coolly.

Hey, I'm so angry, Bailiyuan felt that the person on the opposite side was too inflated.

So Bailiyuan decided to leave an impressive memory for the young lady opposite.

There is no more unnecessary nonsense, and the battle begins directly.

"Battle ready!" the referee shouted.

Both Bailiyuan and the other party stood in their positions.

When preparing for battle, summoners and mages can make preliminary preparations.

Bailiyuan summoned his own elves. After selection, Bailiyuan summoned the flashing flame chicken, flashing nine tails, giant pincer mantis, flashing Menus, mosquito-repellent frog and Pikachu on his body.

The rest of the elves had not been cultivated for a long time, their levels were not high, and they could not form a certain combat effectiveness, so Bailiyuan did not summon them.

Facing mages, Flash Menus, who is good at special defense, is enough to protect himself.

Shining Menus surrounded Bailiyuan, and other elves stood beside Bailiyuan.

Zhengtai on the other side also added a shield to himself.

Bailiyuan watched.

"Earth shield, water shield, wind shield, fire shield, four-layer shield? What the hell? Is this turtle shell so hard? This expression of fear of death is not at all the same as your arrogant expression just now ah!"

At this time, the preparation time was over and the referee put down his hand.

"The battle begins!"

"Come on, everyone, Menus, first fire the Italian cannon to refresh the enemy!"

A thick beam of destructive death was instantly condensed by Menus, and quickly shot towards the little Zhengtai on the opposite side.


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