Chapter 2029 Tang Hao: Face Hurts

At Tang Hao's kind invitation, Bailiyuan still planned to go to Douluo Dalu to have a look, and take Nicole for a tour by the way.

For this reason, Tang Hao is willing to pay a 100,000-year-old soul bone as a selling fee, so that Bailiyuan can come to Douluo Continent once.

The soul bone is naturally the soul bone left after Ah Yin sacrificed.

Although Tang Hao has other soul bones on his body, he also has an urge to take them off as a reward for Baili Yuan, but these soul bones are the inherited soul bones of the Haotian School, and Tang Hao feels that he is not qualified Use these spirit bones as a reward.

"As long as you can help me revive Ah Yin, Tang Hao's life will be yours." This is Tang Hao's second promise, and it is also the biggest reward Tang Hao can give.

However, thinking of Bailiyuan's strength, Tang Hao didn't know how a "little character" like himself could help Bailiyuan.

Tang Hao was right, Bailiyuan really didn't have any idea about Tang Hao's reward, he was just "benevolent and generous", the most important thing was that he wanted to take his daughter on a trip to the Douluo Continent.

Bailiyuan didn't bring too many people with him when he came to Douluo Continent this time.

There was only Nicole, and a few elves who were not over level 80.

In fact, Bailiyuan also wanted to bring other people here, but Bai Chuan Junzi said that her practice had reached a critical period, and she was about to condense the golden core, so it was not suitable to go out, so Domika, the murderer of the gods, followed Bai Chuan Junko.

Xue Li took the big milk pot back home temporarily, saying that she was going to inherit the artifact inherited from her ancestors. Xue Li came from a big family, and the family background is also very deep. Regarding the matter of Xue Li following Baili Yuan, her family did not stop her , but very supportive, because following Bailiyuan has two big backers, Bailiyuan and Andy, only a fool would stop it.

Shazi needed to return to Yuncheng College to deal with some matters, so she showed a rare resentment.

Lucia doesn't want to move, she doesn't have much interest in adventure.

Saliste has no objection, Nicole is not here, and she just happens to be on vacation.

But when Bailiyuan was about to leave, Frog also packed his bags and boarded Bailiyuan's boat.

"Well, let's go together then."


Among the mountains, Tang Hao's mood was a little excited and complicated.

He knew that he was still impulsive, and he believed other people so easily, and even agreed to let Bailiyuan come to their world.

That is a seventh-level existence. If the strength is really that strong, the world he lives in has no strength to resist.

But what if? Ah Yin may have a chance to be resurrected soon...

Therefore, Tang Hao's mood is complicated.

In fact, Tang Hao's trust is not only due to the kindness shown by Bailiyuan, but also because of the secret burger.

You know, feeding Pokémon will increase intimacy, and this effect has been constant in Bailiyuan's cooking. Even humans, eating Bailiyuan's food will increase intimacy.

Coupled with the authenticity of the chat group, Tang Hao made his own choice.

The passage opened, and Bailiyuan led Nicole and Frog Son, and appeared in front of Tang Hao.

Smuggling someone?

How can you talk about smuggling about the administrator?

Although Bailiyuan seems to be an ordinary group member, some people have quietly become the administrators of the PY of the group owners.

Looking at the two children and a frog in front of him, Tang Hao was silent, and then his eyes fell on Nicole who was obviously bigger.

"Hey, what do you think my daughter is doing?" Bailiyuan stood in front of Nicole.

"Huh?" Tang Hao blinked.

The seventh-level boss is actually a child?

And have daughters?

Frog Son glanced at a few people, ignored them, packed his bags and went out for a trip.

Bailiyuan didn't stop Frog Son either, but he had already made preparations to stay in Douluo Dalu for a while.

"I'm sorry, I just didn't expect...Senior came in this way."

It was a bit difficult to say the word senior.

Is this unexpected?

This is absolutely unexpected.

The seventh-level powerhouse in the group turned out to be a child.

Is this the giant?

But Tang Hao felt that this appearance was more likely to be the incarnation of Baili Yuan, his body should be an adult, after all he already had a daughter.

Nicole followed Bailiyuan obediently, but looked at Tang Hao's appearance, a little disgusted, which made Tang Hao a little embarrassed.

He has really been too decadent these years.

Bailiyuan didn't look polite at all, just took out the nasal plug and blocked his and Nicole's noses.

Tang Hao: "..."

For a moment, Tang Hao actually had the urge to break open the ground and jump down.

"Okay, let me go see your wife."

These words sounded a bit strange, but Tang Hao didn't hesitate, but nodded silently, and then led the way.

After they came to a waterfall in the mountain, they saw A Yin planted in the secret stone chamber behind the waterfall, which was Tang Hao's wife.

There is no decoration in the stone room, it is empty, but just below the stone hole above, there is a small soil bag, on the soil bag, a slender blue silver grass is fluttering in the wind. The blue silver grass looks longer than ordinary grass blades, and the most peculiar thing is the golden fine lines on the grass blades.

Tang Hao raised his hand, his expression suddenly became surprisingly gentle, and he stroked the blue silver grass leaves with light golden lines extremely gently.

"Ayin, I'm here to see you."

The blades of grass swayed gently, but there was no response.

This made Tang Hao's heart ache slightly, and then he turned his head to look at Bailiyuan, knelt down with a plop, and lowered his head, "Senior, please save my wife. No matter what request you have, I will try my best to meet it."

Seeing Tang Hao's behavior, Baili Yuan scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Don't worry, it's just planting grass, it's not a troublesome thing, and I don't need any reward."

"No, Tang Hao has a grudge to avenge, and a favor to repay a favor, how dare he not repay a favor?"

"Then I want a big sister with the strength of the title Douluo."

"...Tang Hao will be a cow and a horse in his next life, and he will definitely repay the kindness of his predecessors."

The slap came so suddenly.

Bailiyuan's request Tang Hao can't do it, no, wait, the big sister doesn't have one, but the beauty has one, and she has a grudge against Tang Hao!

But Tang Hao didn't say much, instead he stood up, stepped aside, and let Baili Yuan do something.

"Nicole, turn your back." Baili Yuan said.


Tang Hao was a little puzzled, but he didn't ask any further questions. Instead, he looked at everything in front of him without blinking, looking forward to his wife's resurrection.

I saw Bailiyuan brewing for a while, and then before reaching the Blue Silver Grass, he reached out to grab the belt and was about to take off his pants.

Tang Hao was shocked, and stopped in front of Bailiyuan in a flash, "Senior, what are you going to do?"

"Fertilize the grass." Baili Yuan said naturally.

Before Tang Hao could continue to ask, Bailiyuan explained directly, "I hold the Life Godhead, and I store a powerful life force in my body. The liquid discharged from my body is the essence, and it is very mild at the same time, very suitable for plants to absorb. Other grasses You are not qualified to feel my watering. Come here several times a day, within a year, your wife should be able to transform again, and even if I leave this world, I can still send you something. This is the simplest directly."

"Senior, please change the method." Tang Hao bowed directly.

"Ah, in this case, other methods will be a little troublesome."

"I'm willing to wait."

"Since the sufferer said so, then do so."

Tang Hao: Suffering, suffering master?

Baili Yuan raised his hand and revealed the core of the Godhead of Life, "My core strength is a little strong. I just condensed it. I don't have a high degree of control over the core. I can only send power to your wife once a month, and then I need It took your wife quite a while to absorb these powers, which will greatly prolong your wife's recovery time."

"The specific time..."

"It will take about two or three years. If you are lucky, your wife may undergo a positive mutation and her bloodline will be optimized. But in that case, your wife's awakening time will be longer."

After all, this is the power of the godhead.

"Senior, please use the second method, I can afford to wait."

Bailiyuan must not be allowed to fertilize Ah Yin today!

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