Chapter 2022 Professor Moses' Surprise

In a great battle, the damage rate of Fog City exceeded 50%, and there were countless casualties.

Only a place of ruins and countless sorrows were left behind.

The championship game was therefore terminated and ended prematurely.

This disaster came suddenly, not only the Elizabeth Kingdom, but also most of the European regions close to the Elizabeth Kingdom were affected, but it was not as tragic as the situation in the Fog City.

For this incident, someone from the high-level Elizabeth Kingdom must stand up and take responsibility, because Bailiyuan had reminded the high-level Elizabeth Kingdom that something was going to happen, but this reminder was denied.

There are also people who want to use the power of capital to manipulate politics and get away.

But Hope and the Witch directly used violence with the queen's approval, and quickly suppressed those who wanted to come out to make trouble at this time.

The senior executives of the old empire finally understood that in the face of power, any strategy has its limit.

The world needs a new order and system.

Although the behavior of Hope and the witch will be criticized, but their strength is strong enough, other people can stay away and scold at most. Hope and the witch don't care about this kind of people who don't have the courage to speak face to face. And with the help of Hope and the witch, the queen's rights have gradually expanded, and she is no longer a pure mascot.

Now that the Elizabeth Kingdom needs to be restored, anyone who wants to play tricks will receive official thunderous tricks, even if it is a prince.

The prince wanted to fight, but he didn't have enough strength.

With the recovery, the queen did not choose to restore the monarchy, but followed the example of the Pokémon world and planned to form the Pokémon Alliance, which was recognized by other affected countries and helped by many international organizations.

And behind all of this, there are naturally strong people like Bailiyuan and the help of other powerful countries.

A big battle not only destroyed the city, but also destroyed human's long-standing cognition of Pokémon and their own arrogance.

Pokémon are just stronger tools?


Pokémon have the power to destroy the world, and they are more threatening than human weapons!

More people began to pay attention to the power of Pokémon, thinking about the future of humans and Pokémon, and wanted to find a way for humans and Pokémon to live in harmony in the future.

There are also people who value the power of Pokémon and want to use the power of Pokmon to achieve their goals.

In the end, a very small number of people advocated the Pokémon threat theory and proposed the extinction of Pokémon on the earth, but almost no one in this group paid attention to it.

In a big war, Europe is about to die, how could it be possible to start a war with Pokémon again.

What's more, those beasts that have shown great power are still there. Now looking for trouble with Pokémon, do you feel that life is long and want to take a shortcut?

In this war, Iron Mewtwo and Caroline's plans were not used, and they had achieved what they wanted to achieve before, but the battlefield was Europe.

As for the criminal evidence of the Lighthouse Country and the information about madness collected by Caroline, Caroline did not spread it, but was brought to the strongest trainer of the Lighthouse Country by Baili Yuan, one of the eight masters Yes, Dragon Master Alice.

Caroline's calculation is to put a nail between Alice and the Lighthouse Country.

Alice looked at the content on the information, and after confirming that it was true, she smashed her water glass angrily.

The strong do not necessarily love Pokémon, but if you don't love Pokémon, it is difficult to reach the pinnacle of this world.

Alice is also a person who loves Pokémon, and as a girl, she thinks things directly.

Although Alice had heard about the Pokémon experiment for a long time, she didn't expect it to be so excessive, and the root of the madness in the world of crisis was actually related to the lighthouse country.

Not only did Alice not cover up the scandal for her own country, but she also sent this information to the other eight masters.

It's like the nail Bailiyuan didn't go in, but was held by Alice in her hand to stab the lighthouse country.

Bailiyuan was shocked.

And Alice's explanation is that the Beacon Country has a history of human experimentation a long time ago, and the government has long since lost its credibility. These materials will not be affected in any way.

Alice loves her country, but she doesn't love her country's leaders. She represents the younger generation.

When the need for justice arises, Alice expresses his willingness to hold high the banner of freedom.

This is probably the reason why Camille from the Country of Roots and Iris and Yun Lan from the Country of Hua can become best friends with her.

Although the other eight masters were also surprised by Alice's behavior, they could understand it.

After all, the Beacon Country is a country where the states discuss independence on a daily basis. Some states do not initiate an independence vote every year, as if they are all weak.

The Great Lighthouse Country has its own national conditions here.

The future world will start to reshuffle because of Pokémon, and no country will be immune.

However, the Pokémon experiment also attracted the attention of Master Eight.

If people and Pokmon want to embark on the road of peaceful coexistence, they must solve the problem of Pokmon experiments. At least after encountering the Pokmon experiments, human beings must make a statement.

Well, when they were discussing this matter, Iron Mewtwo, King Leiguan, Cangxiang and Zamarante were watching from the side.

Then... the country represented by the Eighth Masters began to attack the Lighthouse Country.

The head of the leader of the lighthouse country is buzzing.

Why did the situation of becoming an enemy of the whole world appear overnight?

Because of the war in the dark night, the status of the eight masters in their own country has also risen sharply. They only mentioned this matter, but they did not expect to have such an effect.

After the dark night, Baili Yuan and the Eighth Masters were busy for almost half a month before the world settled down.

During this time, Bailiyuan and the Eighth Masters faintly formed a group, and Hope, the witch, and Lu Nishang were also qualified to participate, and they also gained more rights because of this.

Don't be afraid of grouping, but those who are afraid of grouping are strong.

Still the top powerhouse in this world.

The purpose of their grouping is not only for their own benefit, but for the future of humans and elves.

With the recognition of other masters, Bailiyuan was awarded the title of the first champion, which shocked the world.

No one expected that there would be so many twists and turns in this championship match, and even if the championship match ended halfway, the final king was still selected, and this king was a young trainer without national affiliation.

After Bailiyuan got the title of king, his name was printed on the historical milestone of this world.

On the same day, Professor Moses took Shaina and others and a group of old scholars to find Bailiyuan.

"Professor, you are..." Baili Yuan was a little surprised.

"Didn't I say before that I will give you a surprise when you enter the top ten, but now, the surprise is here." Professor Moses smiled, and then picked up his crutch (because he hurt his foot in the dark night, on crutches).


Professor Moses broke his cane.

"I will swear allegiance to you!"

The other scholars also shouted.

Bailiyuan: "???"

Explain, explain, this is your fucking surprise?

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