Chapter 2020 Malay!

Promise beam!

Promise beam! !

Promise beam! ! !

Regardless of consumption, Wuji Tai continued to release the Wuji beam, bombarding everything below, tall buildings collapsed, the ground shattered, and the entire fog was about to be wiped away...

Fortunately, the other trainers and elves around took action in time, protected the edge, and controlled the explosion range of the infinite beam.

Xanadu commanded the elves of Bailiyuan to deal with other elves who were extremely violent, and at the same time blocked the aftermath of the Wuji beam explosion. The pressure was no less than that of Bailiyuan and the others.

"Xiaoyuan, come on." Xanadu secretly said in his heart.

On the tall buildings, facing the terrifying bombardment of the Promise Beam, the elves led by Zangmarant used wide-area defense.

The other elves took advantage of the gap, attacking Wuji Taina interspersed between attacks.

However, Wujitai flew a little high, and Bailiyuan who was attacking from below had a disadvantage.

"Trouble." Steel Chaomeng's body lit up with the light of evolution.

Mega evolution!

Steel Mewtwo X!

"Steel strike!"

The beam of light formed by the steel power hit a beam of Wuji Taina and bombarded Wuji Taina's body, causing Wuji Taina's body to tremble, and finally interrupted Wuji Taina's madness.

"The current Wuji Taina is stronger than before." Cang's voice sounded in the minds of everyone and the elves.

At the same time, this also represents another meaning in a disguised form, that is, Cang Xiang and Zangmarante seem to be invincible today.

In the past, Wuji Taina was raging in the Galar region, and only the power of Cang Xiang and Zangmarante could defeat Wuji Taina. How could it not work in this world?

Has Wujitai super evolved?

"It's not that Wuji Taina has become stronger, but that this world has become weaker." Lei Guanwang gave the answer.

There are not so many powerful or special beings in this world to maintain the power of the world, which makes Wujitai, the power that can easily seize this world, become stronger, and Wujitai has started to desperately, and his strength has become even stronger.

In the world of Pokémon, Wu Ji Tai Na has also tried his best, but he has never been so powerful.

Promise beams can burst.

Even if there are more beasts and eight masters on their side, there is no good way for a while.

Although Master Eight and the others didn't know what happened, they just followed the rhythm and attacked together.

Steel Chaomeng has already taken off to fight Wuji Taina, and the elves on the ground use long-range attacks one after another, and powerful elves generally have anti-air means.

Cang Xiang and Zangmarant also rushed to the sky and activated their skills.

Cang Xiang - Beast Slash!

Zangmarante - Giant Beast Bullet!

The ghost power in the ghost horse under King Leiguan combined with the power of King Leiguan, turning into countless small spirit bodies, and then flew towards Wuji Taina.

Broken star!

"The last madness?" Baili Yuan scratched his butt.

Steel Chaomeng actually said that I can't do it, and I have to find a chance to give Wuji Tai that shot.

The final madness of Wujitai is indeed troublesome, but facing a group of powerful elves besieging, Wujitai's ending is already doomed.

And Bailiyuan spent more energy on expanding the scope of the battlefield to prevent Wuji from being eliminated.

The battle lasted for more than ten minutes.

Except for the tall building where Bailiyuan and the others were standing, not only were the surrounding areas turned into ruins, but countless deep pits were also dug out.

As for the reason why the high-rise where Bailiyuan and the others were located was spared, it was because Bailiyuan had the elves reinforce the high-rise, and a large number of thick vines wrapped around the high-rise, stabilizing the high-rise.

The main elves of the eight masters have consumed a lot of energy, and they themselves are mentally exhausted, but all of them still have excited expressions on their faces.

The battle with Wujitai made them see the road ahead.

Going back this time, they have the confidence to become stronger and raise their elves by a few levels.

Hope let out a sigh of relief, and the witch also smiled.

The queen sent them a message before, telling them to stay away from the fog city and not to participate in the battle, but now it seems that they are actually right.

Lu Nishang's Fierce Arrow Eagle also got out of fear and became brave again, and Lu Nishang felt that she would also be able to enter the Eight Masters in the next championship match.

On the contrary, Qin Miao and Chen Hua, two incompetent people, did not gain so much, but their elves also gained a lot of experience. After seeing the big scene, their elves' mood will also be improved.

But at this moment, they were still watching Baili Yuan who was still commanding the elves to participate in the battle, and Baili Yuan's elves. Baili Yuan and his elves cooperated tacitly with Steel Chaomeng, and the Wuji Taina gradually retreated.

"It's really powerful." Someone exclaimed.

"It's still a child, why is it so long?"

"It seems that you can't accept it. I don't object to him becoming the king."

"Those elves are too unreasonable. By the way, are those elves really just elves?"

This question is not only wanted to be asked by Master Eight and others, but also by several divine beasts.

Only Steel Chaomeng knows the details of Bailiyuan.

Although Lei Guanwang noticed that Bailiyuan was not easy, he didn't expect Bailiyuan to be able to do this.

As for Cang Xiang and Zangmarante, they didn't know what to say.

When the rabbi introduced it during the flash, he just said that he could help. Bailiyuan and his elves were so capable, which made them a little embarrassed.

Because now Cang Xiang and Zangmarante also consumed a lot of power, but Bailiyuan and his elves could still continue to fight.

Did you say they are the main force?

Finally, Wuji Taina's remaining blood was gone. At this time, Wuji Taina's body suddenly lit up, and a huge purple shield was spread around his body, directly isolating other attacks from the elves.

That is a space distortion formed with extreme power!

Taking advantage of this effort, Wuji Taina began to continuously absorb more power and prepare for stronger attacks.

"No, we can't let it continue to absorb power. It may only have the power of the last blow, but if it absorbs enough power, we may not be able to resist it." Steel Chaomeng said seriously.

Everyone and elves were surprised.

"Use magic to deal with magic." Baili Yuan said suddenly.

"What?" The others and the elves didn't understand.

"That's the power of extreme giantization. Only the same power can break through that layer of defense." Baili Yuan said.

"How can you be sure?" Alice stood up and asked.

"Trust me, there is nothing wrong."

As a person who also possesses the power of space, although Bailiyuan can't directly break through Wuji Taina's defense with violence, he can find a way to break it.

The others still didn't understand, but they could only believe in Baili Yuan now.

"Extremely giant elves and extremely giant moves?" Chen Hua guessed.

Baili Yuan shook his head, "That kind of power is not pure enough, it's better to be the power of the Wishing Star."

"Wishing star?!"

Hope frowned, "I'll contact someone to send a wishing star right now."

"It's too late." King Lei Guan looked up at the sky.

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome." Baili Yuan smiled, "Coincidentally, I happen to have a wishing star on me. Speaking of which, this is the compensation paid to me by Elizabeth Kingdom last time."

Then everyone saw Bailiyuan pull out a wishing star from his backpack.

Although Caroline is also studying the wishing star, the wishing star has not been consumed.

"Then how to use the power of the wishing star?" Alexander said in a deep voice.

"Neither you nor the elves can use it. I need to operate it myself. I have done similar operations before, and I have experience."


This is naturally the first time for Bailiyuan, but if he wants to use the power of the wishing star to break Wuji Taina's defense, he needs the space power that Bailiyuan has mastered.

"I'll take you up." Steel Chaomeng said.

"No, if you get close, it may cause Wuji Taina to explode and launch an attack in advance. You need to prepare for the attack nearby. I, a human being who does not seem to be a threat, will go up in person. The moment I break the defense, You have to make a direct move and attack Wuji Taina."

Before anyone could object, Bailiyuan came to Cang Xiang's side, opened its mouth amidst Cang Xiang's bewildered expression, pulled out the long sword in Cang Xiang's mouth, and held it high.


With a neighing sound, the snowstorm horse came galloping from afar.

Seeing this scene, King Leiguan and Lingyouma felt a little complicated.

King Leiguan: That's my horse!

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