I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 2018 Super Menus, the God of Beauty in Water!

Chen Hua looked at the rotten sword and rotten shield that glowed again in his arms.

"Lu Tianwang, let's go up." Chen Hua shouted.

"Okay." Lu Nishang also had the same intention.

Fierce Arrow Eagle bravely carried the three of them to the top of the building.

On the top of the building, I saw the backs of Bailiyuan and the six elves, who were confronting Wuji Taina.

Together with the three of them, King Leiguan, Hope and the witch came up.

At this time, no one said much, they all stared at Wuji Taina in the sky.

The huge Eternal Tai gave people a lot of pressure.

With a huge body of more than 100 meters, because of the distortion of space, Wu Ji Tai Na looks even bigger.

"There is no way to go extremely giant." Hope covered the extremely giant wristband on his hand.

"Because the power around this elf is too strong, and the space distortion is stronger, so within a certain range, other elves cannot perform gigantic transformation." The witch saw the reason.

Baili Yuan ignored the others, "Wonderful Frog Flower, Feiye Kuaidao!"

The elves of Bailiyuan can rely on not only Gigamax in battle.

Wuji Tai didn't feel afraid when he saw Bailiyuan and his elf, but dared to fight it, and directly attacked.

Die, bug!

Wujitai's huge size made Wujitai even stronger, but at the same time, because of its huge size, Wujitai couldn't use some power at will.

At least in this form, it is impossible to easily use skills such as poisonous tail and dragon tail. Wuji Taina's huge body and tail are hovering in the sky, making it difficult to move freely.

But Wuji Taina, who has powerful strength and defense, doesn't need those fancy moves at all, and doesn't even need to dodge attacks at all.

The attacks of the elves hit Wuji Taina's body, causing far less damage to Wuji Taina than before, and the wounds that appeared on Wuji Taina's body were also healed in a blink of an eye.

The power condensed on Wuji Taina's body, and then suddenly fired multiple purple beams from the head.

Promise beam!

Like a natural disaster, the Promise Beam enveloped a large area around, and tall buildings were annihilated directly.

Xanadu's eyes lit up, and he teleported away with Super Miaomiao in time.

In fact, Xanadu wanted to teleport to Bailiyuan's side and bring Bailiyuan with him, but the space where Bailiyuan and the others were located was in chaos, and even with Xanadu's strength, teleportation could not be inserted.

Now he can only choose to protect himself first, and it is impossible for such an attack to hurt Baili Yuan at will.

Xanadu still trusts the strength of other partners around Bailiyuan.

But others don't think so.

The people behind Bailiyuan's eyes widened, their pupils narrowed sharply, and their bodies subconsciously stepped back.

King Lei Guan immediately raised his hand, wanting to protect everyone around him.

But Menus moved faster, and the light of evolution directly lit up on her body.

Autonomous mega evolution!

Menus broke through the limitation of race without mega evolution, and started her own mega evolution, which is also her own unique mega evolution—the goddess of beauty in water!

The principle of mega evolution is to liberate the hidden power of elves, but even humans in the Pokémon world, although they have done a lot of research on mega evolution, no one can figure out the reason for mega evolution.

It is said that mega evolution is a unique discovery in the Carlos area, but clues to mega evolution have also been found in the Hoenn area.

One can only be sure that whether it is the Kalos area or the Hoenn area, the mega evolution appeared about three thousand years ago.

In other words, it is very likely that something happened at that time that caused the elves to start the mega evolution, and the corresponding keystone and mega stone appeared.

Since mega evolution is not a racial restriction of some elves, it means that any elf may start its own mega evolution.

Moreover, various morphological changes have the same effect as mega evolution, which seems to confirm this in disguise.

After Bailiyuan helped the elves master their own mega evolution, Bailiyuan and Caroline began to study how to let the elves stimulate their own potential and start the mega evolution that should not have occurred.

If the power of the Pokémon world can't do it, then use the power of other worlds, such as the Obelisk of Life!

The obelisk of life represents the power ladder of biological evolution!

With the help of a small amount of the power of the obelisk of life, some elves successfully started their own mega evolution, and also started their own specific mega evolution, such as Menus.

The so-called special mega evolution is named by Bailiyuan and Caroline, because Bailiyuan's elves are different from ordinary elves, and the form after mega evolution has also undergone some changes.

The light faded.

Menus' body is more slender, the scales on his body are more dazzling and charming, his eyes have become clear blue like the sea, and the red parts like eyebrows have become four, and the colors are gorgeous, making Menus look more charming, but One glance can make people addicted.

This is the goddess of beauty in the water. When you see her figure, you will forget all your troubles and negative emotions, and your mood will become as calm as water.

Super Menus·Water Beauty God, water+ice.

Her attributes have changed.

The potential of the ice system has been unearthed, and at the same time the power of Super Menus has also been improved. According to the data, the racial value of Menus has increased by one hundred, and this one hundred, three-fifths are added to the special On defense, two-fifths are added to HP.

Beautiful doesn't mean there is no danger.

There is no wave on the surface of the water, but there is a dark tide underneath.

Light wall + mysterious guardian + water flow ring!

Three skills in an instant.

The water swirls, and a layer of defense is put on the outside. At the same time, the light wall is erected to block the outermost, resisting the incoming infinite beam.

Boom boom boom——

After some bombardment, the pupils of all those who were looking at Baili Yuan's direction shrank sharply.

Because all the surrounding buildings were turned into ruins, after the smoke cleared, only the building where Bailiyuan and the others were standing was left standing there, while a layer of water defense guarded the top of the building.

This scene shocked everyone.

The water flowed slowly in the air, and the light wall and mysterious guard had been broken.

All the people and elves surrounded by the huge water ring felt that their physical strength was recovering.

"This skill..." Lu Nishang clenched her fists.

What is this skill?

How can the water flow ring be a range of skills?

While the others were shocked, their gazes also fell on Super Menus, some couldn't move their eyes away.

What a nice view.

This is what is on everyone's mind.

"It's a special form that I haven't seen before," Hope said.

"Is this the Dragon King? The spray of water is really high."

The water flow ring disappeared slowly, and Super Menus' body was filled with chills, and a dangerous breath appeared on Super Menus' body.

An ice-blue ray was shot at Wuji Taina.

Absolute zero!

This is not a trick that normal Menus can learn.

But for Menus, who holds the power of temperature, she still learned this skill through trying, and the effect is even more terrifying.

The scary thing is that Menus' absolute zero hit rate is 100%!


The ice blue ray hit Wuji Taina's body, and then passed through.

Then, under everyone's gaze, Wujitai's five heads after being transformed into a giant, directly cut off one claw like a hand, leaving only "four fingers".

Bailiyuan's elves finally caused huge damage to Wuji Taina again!

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