Chapter 2012 Extremely Rampage

At this time, all countries in the world received the news, and the satellites of all countries were aimed at the sky above Elizabeth, but the images sent back by the satellites only showed a rapidly expanding black hole in the sky of Elizabeth, as if it was about to engulf the entire Elizabeth.

Not only the Fog City, but also the entire Elizabeth Kingdom has undergone extreme gigantic phenomena.

Cities, villages, and the wild, whether there are elves with trainers or wild elves, there are elves everywhere who are invaded by special forces, and then turn on extreme giants, fall into a rage, and attack everything around them frantically.

The more people and elves there are, the more chaotic it will be.

Especially Wudu.

At this time, there are not only many elves in the fog city, but they are also very strong.

However, because there are many powerful trainers and elves in the fog city, there are also some people who can resist the attack of extremely giant elves.

The government and the police have lost control of the city at this time, and the police can only do their best to rescue ordinary people and elves nearby and provide them with shelter.

Those extremely giant elves who run away need to be dealt with by trainers.

"Is this the dark night?" Chen Hua looked at the dark sky with a serious face.

Qin Miao directed the elves to deal with the chaos around them.

"Chen Hua, it's bad, my elves can't be gigantic." Qin Miao said anxiously.

"The surrounding space is distorted on a large scale. Except for those elves that have been dynamized, the number of elves that we can dynamize is limited." Chen Hua analyzed that the trainer's elves cannot be dynamized, which will undoubtedly make the trainer They are at a disadvantage.

"Then what shall we do?"

Chen Hua took a deep breath, his gaze became firm, "Let's go to the museum and find the sword and shield. Perhaps only those two things can prevent the destruction from happening."

"If you need help, I can help." A figure sounded behind the two.

Chen Hua and Qin Miao hurriedly turned around, and then showed joyful expressions.

"Road King."

"Sister Lu."

Lu Nishang smiled, and then picked up the poke ball, "Sorry, I was entangled in some things before, but now, we should act, Chen Hua, you lead the way, and leave the rest to me."

"En!" Chen Hua nodded, "Let's go quickly, Xiao Yuan will help us too."


After putting down the phone, Hope focused on action.

Hope, the witch, and other trainers from the Elizabeth Kingdom are also busy. They have a clear division of labor, some of them are going to snipe the giant elves, and some are going to rescue the masses.

"Is this the crisis Bailiyuan was talking about?" The witch thought in her heart, "I didn't expect it to be such a big deal, and Bailiyuan didn't make it clear..."

"Okay, let's act quickly, this time is the crisis of the Elizabeth Kingdom, if it can't be resolved..." Hope didn't continue.

If the solution is not good, the country will be destroyed.

The witch stared at Hope, "The queen sent me a secret letter before, saying that if you can't save Elizabeth, let me persuade you to leave, whether you join other countries or follow Bailiyuan, in short, you can't stay in Elizabeth. country."

Hope looked at the witch with a strange expression, "That old woman is messing around again, do you think it's possible?"

"I don't think it's possible." The witch's face with long hair also showed a smile, "The queen is very selfish, she attaches great importance to her granddaughter, but unfortunately she is not a trainer, and she doesn't understand trainers."

"Well, I don't hate this kind of selfishness. I know she doesn't want me to stay in this old country, but don't say it, I have the ambition to replace it."

"His Royal Highness..."

"Let him die."

Although the prince is Hope's biological father, Hope doesn't look down on that useless man who has no friendship, no ability, and great ambition.

Without the queen, perhaps she, Hope, would have died long ago.

"Hahaha...then when he dies, how about giving me his soul, and then I will support you as queen."

"This business is okay, but you try to keep it secret."

There was a battle ahead, and the two moved forward quickly while chatting.

"It's a dragon warrior. That's a stick-tailed scaled dragon. It's so strong. Is it his trump card? He defeated the giant elf so easily... Oh, my God, the stick-tailed scaled dragon was eroded by power and went berserk!" gone."

Hope and the witch looked at each other, both speechless.

The dragon warrior was chased by his extremely huge staff tail scale armored dragon and ran wildly.

"Unlucky, unlucky, unlucky..."

Hope and the Witch knew it was time for them.

"Dragon Baruto, Dragon's Dive!"

"Geng Ghost, Shadow Ball!"


Other trainers also made moves one after another, and some trainers ignored others and directly took out their hole cards.

For example, the soarer commanded the freezing bird to freeze a giant elf.

Among these trainers, the most eye-catching ones are the eight master-level powerhouses, each of whom has shown great strength.

Among them, Baili Yuan was included!

The super-giant long-haired troll jumped up, spinning and kicking at the long-haired troll.

This is a drill kick, not a move, but the use of the super giant long-haired troll's own power.

Gigamax hairy trolls have powerful legs, can burrow holes in the ground, and leap high.

"Big wood, long-haired troll, wave of evil!" Baili Yuan shouted.


The Hairy Troll uses Violent Wave.

The ultra-giant long-haired troll that fell from the sky was blown away by the wave of evil used by the normal-sized long-haired troll. The scene was very spectacular and shocked the surrounding trainers.

So scary!

"Is this the strength of the eight masters?" someone murmured.

It's not over yet, the long-haired troll rushed to the super giant long-haired troll, and directly used the arm hammer.

After a fight, the super giant long-haired troll lost the ability to fight and exited the super gigantic state.

"The matter is not over yet, I still have to stop other extremely giant elves." Baili Yuan said.

No one around the hotel dared to stop them, and they all said that Bailiyuan could do whatever he wanted.

"I want to follow Mr. Bailiyuan to stop the giant elves and protect the city." A trainer said.

Some other trainers responded one after another.

The manager suddenly felt bad, you all left, what should the hotel do?

He hurriedly stood up, "Well, the hotel... Cough cough, everyone can send the rescued people to the hotel, the hotel can be used as a shelter, and some trainers will be left to protect the people in the hotel."

"Haha, thank you, manager, you are such a good man, the Lord will bless you." Someone praised.

The manager nodded with a smile on his face.

It is unrealistic for these trainers to protect the hotel, but if the hotel is used as a shelter, these trainers can be tied to the hotel to ensure the safety of the hotel.

"Don't worry, boss, I will definitely protect the hotel!"

When the boss comes back and sees the intact hotel, he will definitely give himself a promotion and a raise.

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