Chapter 1951 Airflow Control

"Fire... Flame Bird!"

The three divine birds were actually in Baili Yuan's hands.

The SIS chief hugged his head in pain, he felt like he was going to write a letter of resignation.

It was their department's task to capture the Three Divine Birds. The failure to capture them last time was considered a negligence. Now that the Three Divine Birds were captured by Baili Yuan, how could he not take the blame and resign?

"Things shouldn't get any worse." The officer could only sigh in this way.

"Sir, this is not the case." The agent walked in again.

"Are you here to comfort me?"

"No, I want to say that there are worse things." The agent moved away, and a group of people stood behind him, "The higher-ups suspect that there are traitors in our department, and leaked information about the Three God Birds to Bailiyuan. Now we They are all under investigation."

"... Get out!"

"Um, sorry, sir, I can't do it." The agent raised his handcuffed hands.

Now I want to leave but I can't.


The battle in the arena continues.

However, the soarer is in trouble.

The flame bird is different from the lightning bird.

Lightning Bird's attack is straight forward, with few changes and strong power.

Although the flame bird's attack power is not as strong as the lightning bird, it is more difficult to deal with.

Difficulty is a characteristic of most evil spirits.

With one provocation, Vulture Na stepped forward.

It was another move of anger, and Vulture Na was attacked and fell into a state of cowering.

The evil aura was like a flame, covering the surroundings, constantly draining Vulture Na's physical strength.

Soon, Vulture Na felt a great sense of fatigue.

This is not a skill, but a special ability of the flame bird.

"Hold on, Vulture!" shouted the Soarer.

However, the Soarer's Rejuvenation Roar failed to activate, and Vulture Na fell from the sky, losing the ability to fight.

The hailstorm is over.

The black and red flame bird is flying in the air, making people feel evil, worthy of the title of evil Pokémon.

Soarer reluctantly retracted Vulture Na.

At this time, on the big screen, the two pokeballs under the head of the soarer had lost their light, while only one pokeball on Bailiyuan's side had lost its light.

After losing two games first, the Soarers fell into a disadvantage.

The fierce battle is still going on.

Although the soarer defeated two elves in a row, but the soarer is a well-known flying king after all, she did not lose so easily.

Next, Soarer sent Bi Diao and Arrow Eagle to the field, and forcibly defeated the Flame Bird.

There is nothing special about it. Facing the special ability of the flame bird that can consume physical strength, we can only force it head-on and try to defeat the flame bird quickly. Otherwise, the longer the delay, the worse it will be for the spirit of the soarer.

The flame bird is off, and the lightning bird is on stage again.

Or hit the world with a thunderclap.

The Arrow Eagle did not show any weakness, accelerated with the wind, was burning with flames, and collided head-on with the Lightning Bird.

Flash charge!

This is no ordinary Flame Charge.

In the downwind state, the speed of the Fierce Arrow Eagle itself is very fast, and at the same time, the Fierce Arrow Eagle is still surrounded by strong winds.

The wind borrows the strength of the fire, and the fire assists the wind.

This fully demonstrates the Soarer's level of airflow control.

Strengthen the speed with the airflow, transform the attack with the speed, and finally win the victory.

As long as the soarer's elves are given enough time to exert their strength, she will make her elves show great strength.

The Blazing Arrow Eagle seemed to turn into a meteorite passing through the atmosphere, crashing into the Lightning Bird.

Lightning Bird naturally didn't hesitate, and went head-on.


After an explosion, Bailiyuan put away the Lightning Bird who was unable to fight.

The Blazing Arrow was still flying in the air. Although the collision caused by Flame Charge also caused the Blazing Arrow to suffer some injuries, the Blazing Arrow won in the end.

At this time, the Arrow Eagle was soaring proudly in the sky.

The three divine beasts of Bailiyuan lost one after another. Although the battle was fierce, many people realized it.

Beasts are not invincible.

People's initial awe of the beasts has begun to fade, and they even want to say - that's it?

What beast?

Didn't they let ordinary elves fight?


Only some discerning people can see the real situation.

The special feature of the beasts lies in some of their own special abilities, and the level of the three beasts of Bailiyuan is obviously lower than that of the soarer's elves. If they are of the same level, soarer will have to pay a greater price to defeat the three beasts .

What's's just the Three God Birds.

The intelligence received by various countries shows that there are still many existences in this world that humans cannot resist.

Even a champion trainer would be eclipsed in front of those divine beasts.

Soarer stared at Bailiyuan.

"If you are capable, take out another divine beast!"

Not to mention, Bailiyuan really exists.


"Today is not the time for those elves to appear." Baili Yuan threw out the next elf ball.

"It's you, Kuailong!"

The fast dragon appeared in the field.

The breeze revolved around the wind dragon.

Like the fast dragon, there is also a dragon + flying attribute configuration and the Tanabata blue bird.

Although the Tanabata Blue Bird also has a strong development of the power of the flying attribute, the growth direction of the Tanabata Blue Bird is the road of the combination of the dragon and the fairy after the mega evolution.

In the future, he may become a Fairy Dragon, but he won't become a Wind Dragon again.

This flying battle is not suitable for Tanabata Jade Bird to play.

Bailiyuan rubbed Morubek on his shoulder, and when Kuailong played, Bailiyuan inexplicably felt relieved.

Because Sanshenniao is too talented and doesn't have a tacit understanding with Bailiyuan, it is a bit difficult to direct.

Bailiyuan can only gain the favor of the three gods in a short period of time at most. Through commanding, the three gods can perform well. If they want to turn against the wind and show miracles, unless Bailiyuan plays outside the court.

It's better to be your own elves, as long as you say a word, the elves will know what to do next.

"It's the Kuailong from last time!" Shaina recognized the Kuailong, the Kuailong who defeated the three evil dragons last time.

Professor Moses patted his chest and heaved a sigh of relief.

He was very worried that Bailiyuan would take out another beast, his heart couldn't bear it.

"Fortunately, the previous performance of the Three Divine Birds was not eye-catching, so it shouldn't cause too much trouble... But with such a little bit of accumulation, sooner or later something will happen."

On the field, the Arrow Eagle has already played against Kuailong.

The Blazing Arrow Eagle used a move called Flame Strike.

Although Blazing Arrow Hawk still wanted to use Flame Charge to give Kuailong a ruthless move, but at this time Blazing Arrow Eagle's physical strength was not enough to support him to use Flame Charge, so he could only use the charged flame attack second.

The charged flame attack will not cause any damage to the Blazing Arrow Eagle, but will increase the speed of the Blazing Arrow Eagle, making the Blazing Arrow Eagle faster.

At the same time, there is also the blessing of airflow application, which makes the power of this trick perform well.

"Wing attack!"

Kuailong is also a one-stroke flying skill, wing attack.

The power and momentum are not as strong as the charged flame attack.

Kuailong rushed towards the Arrow Eagle, its not-so-big wings cutting through the air.

Just when the two sides were about to collide, Kuailong's body suddenly spun unnaturally. At the same time, his wings were like the horns of antelopes, piercing the airflow around the Arrow Eagle, breaking the flames on its body, and finally slashed at Lie Arrow Eagle's neck.


hit the nail on the head!

The Arrowhawk fell from the sky, losing the ability to fight.

The soarer looked at this scene and opened his eyes wide, "That fast dragon... actually broke my airflow control!"

The fast dragon floats in the air.

Bailiyuan smiled slightly.

Airflow control, it seems that no one can do the same.

The more familiar you are with airflow control, the easier it is to find flaws in airflow control.

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