I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1944 With a human body, comparable to an elf

A white figure was sent flying by Baili Yuan.

This surprised the Dragon Warrior beside Bailiyuan, he only realized something was wrong just now, but Bailiyuan had already beaten the attacker out?

The attacker was a slender mantis-like elf with a white body, like a noble lady.

"UB02: Beautiful? Flora?" Dragon Warrior never expected to see the second Ultra Beast.

If there is any Ultra Beast, the Lighthouse Kingdom is the first to bear the brunt.

The Ultra Beasts caused commotion in the Lighthouse Country at the very beginning, causing a lot of casualties.

Then the Lighthouse Country began to capture and study the Ultra Beasts, and found that most of the Ultra Beasts are dangerous to humans and other elves.

And if there is any country in the world that can subdue the Ultra Beast, the first thing that comes to mind is definitely the Lighthouse Country.

At this moment, Dragon Warrior even suspected that it was their Lighthouse Kingdom who were targeting Bailiyuan.

But...he didn't receive the notification.

Besides, how stupid would they choose to attack Baili Yuan openly at this time?

But no matter what, now he is standing with Baili Yuan.

Since he has not received the notification, he will do things according to his own preferences.

If he came out to make trouble at his dinner party, that would be to slap him in the face of the dragon king!

"Three evil dragons, waves of evil!"

The three evil dragons opened their mouths to move the wave of evil, knocking away the Frome mantis who had not stabilized its body.

"Another elf I haven't seen before." Shaina exclaimed from the side.

The previous Explosive Muscle Mosquito and Frome Mantis are extremely rare ultra beasts, and at the same time, intelligence is blocked, so it is difficult for ordinary people to recognize these two kinds of elves.

At this time, everyone also understood.

This was an assassination aimed specifically at Baili Yuan.

What exactly did Bailiyuan do, and why did it attract assassination?

Is what Baili Yuan has shown so far really worth such a fanfare of assassination?

Bailiyuan also wanted to ask these two questions.

He could understand that someone was indeed monitoring and targeting him before, and those temptations and monitoring were within a reasonable range.

But suddenly two elves were sent to assassinate him, which crossed the line.

If this incident gets out and the champion players are assassinated, the impact will be extremely bad.

Although this championship was held in the Elizabethan country, it was actually held jointly by all countries, and the lives of the players were threatened. This was provoking the nerves of various countries.

At least during the game, such a thing cannot appear on the bright side.

The dressed bear riding on the Blast Muscle Mosquito raised its head and looked at Frome Beetle.

Dragon Warrior also intends to let the three dragons continue to attack.

However, Bailiyuan raised his hand and stopped in front of the three evil dragons.

"I come!"

Before Dragon Warrior and the others could react, Baili Yuan rushed towards the Frome Mantis and kicked the Frome Manta before it had time to react.

Frome beetle twisted its body violently in the air, then landed on the ground, staring at Bailiyuan angrily.

Bailiyuan chuckled and threw away his coat, revealing his smooth muscles.

At this time, the figure of the Frome mantis disappeared in a flash.

It moved at high speed again.

"Xiaoyuan boy, be careful!" Professor Moses shouted.

Bailiyuan stood in the rain, his eyes quickly scanned his surroundings, and at the same time he constantly adjusted his body position.

In his eyes, the figure of the Frome mantis was reflected, watching every movement of the Frome manta.

Frome beetles run fast in the rain, smashing the raindrops and crossing the rain curtain.

"Here we come!" Baili Yuan thought inwardly, then raised his knees abruptly.


Knees collided with knees, shattering the surrounding rain.

"Block it!" Dragon Warrior's pupils shrank sharply.

And if he was not mistaken, the Fromei mantis used the flying knee kick, right?

Humans actually blocked the skills of elves?

"His knee... all right?"

Bailiyuan answered Dragon Warrior's doubts with practical actions.

The Frome Mantis continued to attack, and Baili Yuan also fought against it.

Double kick!

Three consecutive kicks!

Kick it down!

The Frome mantis crazily attacked with its legs, but Baili Yuan also counterattacked with its legs. The two legs collided in the rain, and the sound of the impact made people feel their backs go numb.

The rain gradually became heavier, but no one chose to leave to take shelter from the rain, because they were seeing a miracle at this time!

Finally, Bailiyuan caught the Frome Mantis's flaw and kicked the Frome Mantis into the air, causing the Frome Mantis to crash into the wall by the roadside, screaming.

"is that a lie!"

This is the thought in everyone's mind at this time.

Can humans really fight elves in hand-to-hand combat?


Bailiyuan exhaled a breath of white air, which condensed in the low temperature.

Then Bailiyuan's body resounded, and he slowly stood on one foot, with his hands forward and backward, ready to defend and attack at any time.

In the end, Baili Yuan hooked the Frome Mantis.

With an angry roar, Frome Mantis rushed towards Bailiyuan again.

This time the Frome beetle directly activated the skill.


Baili Yuan stared at her with both hands.

Leo cut his legs!

With a kick, it turned into a sharp blade and kicked the Frome beetle flying.

Being in power is not forgiving, Bailiyuan moved his feet quickly, crushing the accumulated water on the ground, and quickly approached the Frome beetle.

"Cosmic Secret Technique, Leo Boxing!"

Bang bang bang!

After Bailiyuan took the initiative to make a move, Frome Mantis was directly suppressed by Bailiyuan, completely falling into Bailiyuan's rhythm.

With an angry growl, the Frome beetle grabbed the trash can beside her and threw it at Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan's eyes narrowed.

"Leo's Secret Biography, Flow Cutting Technique!"

One hand becomes a knife, and Juhe cuts it out.


Everyone seemed to see a white light, and the trash can was smashed into pieces by Baili Yuan's hand.

Following Bailiyuan, he walked through the broken trash can and stuck to Frome Mantis.

"It's over, Leo Fist!"


With one punch, the surrounding rain was shattered and exploded, and the air exploded.

Baili Yuan's punch landed on Frome Mantis.

This time, the Frome beetle was not sent flying.

Because all the power exploded on the body of Frome Mantis, Frome Mantis let out a scream and fell limply to the ground.

Baili Yuan kept his hand. The truly terrifying thing about Leo Fist is its penetrating nature. If Baili Yuan strikes with all his strength, Fromeilong's slender waist will not be able to withstand Baili Yuan's blow at all.

And in the previous battle, Baili Yuan only controlled his power within the human category.

Well, the human category of the Pokémon world.

Bailiyuan defeated the Frome beetle and stood in the rain.

No one cheered around, because they were already shocked by the power that Baili Yuan had just shown.

Is that really something humans can do?

The eyes of Dragon Warrior and Professor Moses flickered.

Dragon Warrior thought of what Baili Yuan said earlier.

"Can't the hammer elf have the nerve to call himself a fighter? The threshold for a fighter...is too high." Dragon Warrior smiled wryly. At the same time, he also realized that Bailiyuan not only had powerful elves, but also himself His strength is also enough to make him ignore many threats.

For Bailiyuan's evaluation, it needs to be raised a few levels.

As for Professor Moses, he was thinking about the significance of the power that Baili Yuan displayed today.

No matter what, from now on, Bailiyuan will become a milestone in human history - the first fighter to defeat a level 70 elf in a head-to-head confrontation!

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