I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1940 Fighting Exchange Meeting

Professor Moses felt that Bailiyuan might be joking.

Before Bailiyuan said that he was a ghost trainer, the cursed doll he showed was indeed strong enough, but he only showed this ghost elf.

Later, Bailiyuan's double-axe fighting dragon and the powerful fast dragon, as well as the mega Tanabata blue bird he showed before, made people suspect that he was actually a dragon trainer.

Now Bailiyuan said that he is a fighter and a fighter trainer.

Is it because he didn't wake up or was he sleepy?

Professor Moses said that he didn't believe it, but he still didn't say it. This is literacy.


Professor Moses took a few of his students and Baili Yuan to attend the combat exchange meeting.

The reason why I bring students with me is naturally for teaching.

"Fighting elves are special. Many fighting elves have an ecosystem very close to humans. There are even many fighting elves who learn how humans fight and practice together with humans."

"Nowadays, many world-renowned fighting masters have fighting elves around them. Some are master-student relationships, and some are companion relationships. And there is a rather peculiar phenomenon, that is, humans who practice together with fighting elves are more likely to become stronger. There is even the possibility of growing up to fight against elves."

"What? Humans against elves? It's impossible." Shaina was a little surprised.

The ecology of fighting elves is not the direction of their research. If Professor Moses didn't say it today, they would never know these things.

After hearing about these things just now, Shaina and the others also felt that it was impossible.

Bailiyuan also looked at Professor Moses. He remembered the world of Pokémon. There are indeed many fighters who are strong enough to fight against elves with their bodies.

This is rarely the case for trainers of other attributes.

"It's just that it's possible. There hasn't been such a human yet." Professor Moses laughed, but then said seriously.

"But there are indeed many fighters who have broken the limits of human beings. Some scholars suspect that this is because these fighters have grown up with the fighting elves for many years, and have evolved under the influence of the special power in the fighting elves."

"At the same time, those elves who grew up with fighters have become more commanding, easier to learn trick skills, and their aptitude seems to have improved."

"This situation is more like a symbiotic relationship."

Elves make humans stronger, and humans make elves smarter.

"Is it the same for trainers with other attributes?" Shaina asked.

"This is a good question and a key one." Professor Moses laughed. "The answer is no. This special situation seems to only happen between fighting elves and fighters."

Then Professor Moses looked at Shaina and the others, "Although our research direction is not this, we must understand something, so that in future research, we will be more likely to break through the difficulties. After all, elf ecology, It’s still a nascent subject for us.”

Professor Moses meant to say these words to Bailiyuan.

It's mainly about the fact that fighters get stronger.

The meaning is to let Bailiyuan weigh himself. If he doesn't have that strength, don't say he is a fighter trainer. If there are fighters who come to him to practice, Bailiyuan will be beaten.

It is not an exaggeration for those fighters to say that they are humanoid elves.

However, when Professor Moses looked at Baili Yuan, he found that Baili Yuan's expression did not change.

"Didn't he understand what I meant?" Professor Moses was worried, and reminded again, "This time, there will be a part where the trainers will fight against each other. It's a real person fight."

Baili Yuan was taken aback for a moment, then nodded slightly.

He understands, real people PK, right?


The fighting exchange meeting is held in a gymnasium.

Nowadays, the gymnasium is not only a place for sports competitions, but also contracted some small elf events.

At this time, there are quite a few people in the fighting exchange meeting.

The protagonists of the exchange meeting are sitting on the bench in the center, naturally those fighters and their elves, the most eye-catching ones are those heavenly king-level fighter trainers from different countries and forces, most of them are also champions players.

There are also some non-trainer fighters sitting in the front row.

Sitting in the auditorium are those who came to observe, as well as many reporters.

There are also many people who like fighting elves, and this exchange meeting is also live broadcast.

The previous live broadcast of the championship match and the live broadcast of the exchange meeting all represent the enthusiasm of people in this world for elves.

"According to what I heard before, there are three main parts of this exchange meeting. The first part is a performance, where fighters demonstrate their skills. The second part is a battle, a battle between fighters. The third part is It’s free communication, you can discuss or fight with each other, and this link is also a link that the audience can participate in.”

Professor Moses explained the situation to several people.

Several people nodded slightly.

After the regular opening of the exchange match, it went directly to the main topic.

The first part of the show begins.

Competitors from different countries performed on stage.

Most of the players on stage were not Heavenly King trainers, but their disciples and disciples, and the performers were mainly the directors of each school.

Bailiyuan saw some fighting elves punching on the field. After watching for a while, he found that some elves performed popular taekwondo and karate, as well as some ancient Chinese martial arts.

It's not that these martial arts are not good, but the problem is that in Baili Yuan's understanding, the fighting elf genre is a fusion of techniques and elf specialties, so that elves can better display their strength and skills, and then become stronger.

This kind of templated routine will be very passive in actual combat, but it is just good-looking.

Unless the elves can master these routines and successfully integrate their skills into these routines.

Bailiyuan does not deny that there are masters of martial arts among those who study these things, but martial arts must be integrated with elf battles, this is called a genre.

There are also some people who show their expertise in elf cultivation.

Such as strength, speed and defense improvements.

Also very exciting.

There are also some trainers who have shown some means of fighting skill development.

For example, the eighteen kinds of application methods of Zhenqiquan.

Bailiyuan, who was watching, called him a good guy.

These Bailiyuan also don't know, seeing is learning, but... this is not a big improvement for Bailiyuan's elves, after all, the elves themselves have mastered a lot of changes and applications of moves.

Of course, the things performed in the first session are not considered high-end. After all, this session focuses on perception, and this is not the most important link. Everything must be done with strength in the second session.

The performance was not ordinary. The trainers and their elves did a lot of tricks. Although it didn't help Baili Yuan much, Baili Yuan continued to cheer.

Because it is human nature to join in the fun.

Soon, the second round of the match began, and the atmosphere in the gym suddenly became tense.

Those Heavenly King-level trainers who closed their eyes and meditated before also opened their eyes one after another.

It was charged for posting the episode before, in order to make up for the mistake, I planned to ask for leave today, but it was updated~

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