I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1937 Z move showdown

"Wind, Wind Dragon King?" Chen Hua was a little dumbfounded.

This is not a Pokémon!

Kuailong floated in the field, as if the wind was dragging his body.

Its figure of more than three meters is far higher than that of ordinary fast dragons, and the wings behind it are also larger than ordinary fast dragons, and it has a layer of brilliance attached to it.

Standing there, the tentacles on Kuailong's head seemed to move with the wind.


A cool breeze appeared in the field, bringing a little bit of coolness.

For a long time, there has been a saying in the Pokémon research community that the elves have a second attribute after evolution, or the attribute changes, and the reason is to adapt to the environment so that they can live better.

Of course, some people think that this is because the elves have tapped out their hidden potential.

But it is undeniable that the first attribute of elves is often the attribute power that elves are best at.

The ultimate achievement of an elf is often related to its final form.

The elves called quasi-gods often refer to their final evolutionary state.

Although Kuailong has a second attribute, in fact his bloodline level is still a real dragon.

Although dragons in the Pokémon world don't pay much attention to bloodline levels, they can actually be simply divided if they incorporate the concept of bloodline levels in other worlds.

Regardless of strength and special power, except for those man-made elves with dragon attributes, among the remaining elves——

Generally, elves with a single dragon attribute, or elves with dragon attribute as the first attribute, most of them are of the blood of true dragons, and a small part belong to sub-dragons.

For example, the ordinary biting land shark is Yalong.

The second attribute is the elves of the dragon attribute, most of which are sub-dragons and dragon beasts.

Those spirits that do not have dragon attributes but can use more dragon-attribute moves belong to the dragon species.

But if the consideration of strength and power is added, the bloodline level of some elves will be improved.

For example, the previous Flame Turtle Beast originally belonged to the level of Dragon Beast, but its strength was upgraded to the level of Heavenly King, and it developed its own dragon attribute, and was also promoted to Yalong.

At this time, the three evil dragons not only developed their own dragon attributes, but also fused the dragon attributes with the evil attributes, promoted them to true dragons, and became unique evil dragons.

On top of this, some special true dragons can be promoted to Dragon King.

For example, the fast dragon at this time has not only become a wind dragon, but also a wind dragon king.

Not to mention mythical beasts like Dialga and Palkia. Although the dragon attribute is the second attribute, who would think that they are not real dragons?

It is not an exaggeration to say that they are dragons.

It's just that the Pokémon world doesn't have such a calling habit.

The elves with dragon attributes continue to improve their strength, and can develop their own bloodline power and improve the bloodline level.

This can also be regarded as the characteristic of the elves in the Pokémon world. It is not so easy for dragons in other worlds to improve their blood.

But there is another special point about the blood of dragons, that is, the high-level blood will suppress the low-level blood.

The dragon king suppresses the real dragon, the real dragon suppresses the sub-dragon, and the sub-dragon suppresses the dragon beast.

On the contrary, those dragon species that do not have dragon attributes will not be affected by too much blood suppression, which is also a characteristic of the Pokémon world.


At this time, in the venue, the three evil dragons felt the pressure brought by Kuailong.

The three evil dragons can combine the evil attribute and the dragon attribute to become a special evil dragon, which not only represents its own talent, but also the training of its trainers.

After all, there are many heavenly king-level elves who are still at the bloodline level of dragon beasts.

But in the face of Kuailong, the three evil dragons are still not enough.

Dragon Warrior felt bitter.

After finally defeating a perverted double-axe war dragon, why did such a fast dragon appear again?

Although they haven't fought against each other yet, how could the Dragon Warrior, who is a dragon attribute trainer, fail to see the extraordinaryness of Kuailong.

At the same time, Dragon Warrior, as a dragon attribute trainer, also felt a sense of frustration.

Losing in the attribute that he is best at is too shocking.

Although the three evil dragons are not the strongest elves of Dragon Warrior, this battle is only 3V3, and neither side uses any special tactics.

But my family knows my own affairs.

Dragon Warrior can also see the gap between the two sides.

"But as the dragon king, how could I admit defeat?" Dragon Warrior had a bracelet on his wrist, and then he took out a crystal and pressed it on the bracelet.

"That's the Z bracelet?" Baili Yuan immediately understood what Dragon Warrior was thinking.

"Bailiyuan, let's decide the outcome with one move!" Long Warrior shouted.

"Haha, yes." Baili Yuan laughed, then took out a Z pure crystal and pressed it on his bracelet.

When Dragon Warrior saw that Bailiyuan also had a Z bracelet and Z pure crystal, his expression changed slightly.

How could this kind of control be in Bailiyuan's hands?

The Z bracelet and Z pure crystal happen to be important props controlled by the lighthouse country.

Dragon Warrior took a deep look at Baili Yuan, and then made a move to activate the Z pure crystal.

Evil Z vs Flying Z!

What Long Warrior didn't know was that Bailiyuan not only had Z pure crystals, but he also had a full set.

These are all made by Shuiwutong and Chiyansong to honor Bailiyuan, and they personally went to help Bailiyuan obtain the Z pure crystal, which is full of sincerity.

Although the patron saints of the four islands made them suffer a lot, they finally gave them the Z pure crystal.

It seems that the patron saints of the four islands know their purpose of collecting Z pure crystals.

The sudden Z-movement showdown excited many viewers.

Extreme giantization, Z moves and super evolution are all quite interesting things.

"The black hole devours everything!"

"Extremely fast dive and crash!"

The collision of tricks drowns everything around.

I do not know how long it has been.

The referee finally blew his whistle.

"The three evil dragons lost their ability to fight, and the fast dragon won. In this battle, the winner is Bailiyuan!"

Kuailong flew in the air, looking down at the ground.

The Dragon Warrior stood beside the three evil dragons who had lost their ability to fight, and looked up at the fast dragon with shock in their eyes.

"Xiaoyuan won!" Shaina cheered.

Professor Moses smiled.

The audience around and online cheered.

But whoever won in the end, this battle made them feel that they were not at a loss.

Chen Hua took a deep breath, "Is this the strong one?"

At this time, the battle field has been completely destroyed, not only the stones have been pulverized, but a deep hole has been blasted out of the ground.

Qin Miao also looked excited beside Chen Hua.

Lu Nishang arrived at some unknown time, standing beside Chen Hua and Qin Miao, looking at Bailiyuan, her beautiful eyes sparkled.

It's not that she has fallen in love with Baili Yuan.

"Using a dragon-attribute elf to defeat the dragon-type heavenly king, and defeating the opponent in the field that the opponent is good at, this Bailiyuan, starting today, more people will follow him."

"Will there be any trouble?" Chen Hua asked with concern.

Lu Nishang looked at the Elizabeth Clock Tower, which was lit up in the distance.

"Either fall, or become a new star."

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