I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1935 Armor Battle Dragon! Quasi-God Comes!

Roaring loudly, he managed to catch the Flame Turtle Beast, stopping the Flame Turtle Beast's movements.

Because accompanied by a loud roar, a special suppressive force fell on the explosive flame turtle beast.

This is the suppression of blood!

Although in the Pokémon world, the suppression of bloodlines between elves is not common, and many people only know the suppression of ordinary elves by divine beasts, but it will be different if they use the power of other worlds.

Double Ax War Dragon is a pure dragon attribute.

Although the pure dragon attribute is not very advantageous in the battle, it also means that the double-axe fighting dragon is pure!

Although the Flaming Turtle Beast has the attribute of dragon, the attribute of dragon is the second attribute, and the first attribute is the attribute of fire.

In this situation, it is generally called "Yarong" in other worlds. If it hadn't been for the explosive flame turtle beast to reach the king level, he could only be called "Dragon Beast".

Now the dragon blood of the Double Ax War Dragon has been stimulated, and he still has the bones of a real dragon on his body, and he already has the posture of a real dragon.

The Double Ax War Dragon didn't show much before, but at this time the Double Ax War Dragon broke out and directly suppressed the Blazing Tortoise.

What is the suppression of the dragon by the real dragon?

That is, the strength is weak by three points out of thin air.

This is because the Double Ax War Dragon has not yet broken through the Heavenly King level. If the Double Axe War Dragon breaks through the Heavenly King level, it will not be as simple as being weak by three points.

Sensing the hesitation of the Blazing Turtle Beast, Dragon Warrior shouted, "Burning Flame Turtle Beast!"

Hearing the shouts of his own trainer, the Flaming Turtle Beast was encouraged and took up courage again.

This is the bond between trainers and elves.

It's just that, at this time, the Double Ax War Dragon has finished sleeping.

The sleeping dragon wakes up!

The Double Ax War Dragon slowly opened his eyes.

Dragon Warrior keenly noticed that the pupils in the red eyes of the Double Ax War Dragon had turned into vertical pupils.

"The aura of the two-axe battle dragon is different." Professor Moses also noticed something strange.

"Close-to-hand combat!" Baili Yuan shouted.

Dragon Warrior still chooses to fight head-to-head, "Mount Tai is overwhelming."

Double Ax War Dragon and Flame Turtle Beast fought together again.

Encouraged by the Dragon Warrior, the Blazing Flame Turtle Beast unexpectedly exploded with impressive power in a short period of time, especially the big-character explosion, which evaporated the surrounding water and produced a large amount of high-temperature steam.

The high temperature affected the Double Ax War Dragon, but the Blazing Tortoise felt a little more comfortable.

With the continuous collision between the double-axe war dragon and the explosive tortoise, the body of the explosive tortoise gradually lit up with red light.

Dragon Warrior took a deep breath.

His original tactics and calculations, because of the special nature of the Double Ax War Dragon, can already be said to have failed.

"In that case, let's give it a go!"

"Flame Turtle Beast, overheat! Show your strength!"

The Flaming Turtle Beast roared in the rain, the red light on its body shone, and with a whoosh, flames burned on his body.

The high temperature rose from the explosive flame turtle beast, and then the explosive flame turtle beast slammed into the double ax battle dragon.

The overheating in the broken shell state is amazing.

The surrounding rain was completely evaporated into water vapor.

The wet ground that the explosive flame tortoise stepped on dried up quickly, leaving scorched marks one by one.

The Double Ax War Dragon looked at the Explosive Flame Turtle Beast charging towards him, but did not choose to dodge.

The Double Ax War Dragon does have means to deal with the Blazing Tortoise more easily, but at this time the Double Ax War Dragon only wants to confront the Blazing Tortoise head-on.

"Double Ax Fighting Dragon, show off your true strength!" Baili Yuan also shouted.

This is respect for the opponent.

At the same time, the fighting spirit of the Double Ax War Dragon has also reached a critical point.

The Double Ax War Dragon roared to the sky, and the whole body lit up with light.

"This is..." Everyone's eyes widened.


Chen Hua and Qin Miao rushed to the battlefield. He heard that Bailiyuan was fighting, and then rushed over.

"I'm not late."

As soon as Chen Hua and Qin Miao arrived, they saw the scene where the Flaming Turtle Beast crashed into the Double Ax War Dragon, and the body of the Double Ax War Dragon was shining brightly.

"Is that the light of evolution?" Qin Miao asked in shock.

Can the Double Ax War Dragon evolve?

She reads a lot, don't fool her.

But Chen Hua didn't answer, but just widened his eyes.

At this time, in the panel of the Double Ax War Dragon scanned by Chen Hua, the status of [Armor War Dragon] has been activated!


The Flaming Turtle Beast collided with the Double Ax War Dragon, and a violent explosion sounded.

Due to the explosion of the collision force, the entire venue produced countless cracks, and a large amount of gravel flew around, shooting around.

Bailiyuan and Long Warrior didn't dodge, they stood in place, watching the situation in the arena.

The rainy weather in the sky also seemed to be shattered by the force of the collision, and the sky returned to clear.

It was already night.

Huaguang first came on.

Everyone held their breath and looked at the location of the collision, where a large amount of water vapor shrouded it, making it difficult for people to see the situation inside.


Finally, a roar broke the silence and came out of the water vapor.

However, Dragon Warrior's expression changed suddenly, that was not the voice of the Blazing Tortoise Beast!

With a whistling sound, the gust of wind swept across, and a figure was blown out of water vapor and fell to the ground. It was the Flaming Turtle Beast.

The water vapor in the field was dispersed by the force, and everyone finally saw the figure standing in the water vapor, who was also the winner of the collision just now.

"what is that?!"

There was an exclamation all around.

The figure standing in the water vapor at this time is strange.

The figure standing in the field is covered in silver armor, and the spikes on his body are more obvious.

Overall, it still looks like a double-axe battle dragon.

It's just that the ax-like fangs of the Double Ax War Dragon became bigger and brighter red.

At the same time, the slender arms of the Double Ax War Dragon seem to be covered with silver gauntlets, which look more powerful. Besides the gauntlets, there are two sharp blades like its sharp teeth.

The claws get bigger and look more dangerous.

Danger, power, and strength, these are the perceptions everyone has about the Double Ax War Dragon at this time.

There is no doubt that it is a double-axe war dragon, but... how could a double-axe war dragon become like this?

Countless people stood up and watched the Double Ax Battle Dragon.

Professor Moses also craned his neck and widened his eyes.

"Mega evolution? Special form? Experimental mutation?...What the hell is that?!"

"Is that the armored dragon?" Chen Hua's eyes flickered.

Even the dragon fighters of the dragon kings have never seen such a double-axe fighting dragon.

"What kind of monster is he?" Dragon Warrior asked subconsciously.

Everyone looked at Bailiyuan, probably only Bailiyuan could give them the answer.

Blazing Tortoise tried hard to get up.

"Give him the last blow!" Baili Yuan said.

In the blink of an eye, the Double Ax War Dragon rushed to the front of the Explosive Flame Turtle Beast, and grabbed it out with one claw.

Dragon Claw!


The Blazing Tortoise was sent flying again, completely losing its ability to fight.

Dragon Warrior clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, and retracted the flaming tortoise.

Having been defeated by two elves in a row by the Double Ax War Dragon, the dragon warrior has realized that the Double Ax War Dragon is not as simple as having strong physical strength.

That's not an ordinary two-axe battle dragon at all!

Dragon Warrior suddenly realized that there is a special kind of elf on the island of Hawaii called the overlord elf.

The Dual Ax War Dragon in front of him may also be the Overlord Dual Ax War Dragon... No, it is the Dual Ax War Dragon King!


The Dragon Warrior suddenly shouted and stared at the Double Ax War Dragon.

By shouting, Dragon Warrior overcame his shocked heart and aroused his fighting spirit again.

"Do you still want a string of three? I am different from my previous opponents."

At this moment, Dragon Warrior suddenly had an idea of ​​wanting to fight Baili Yuan and Shuangaxe Zhanlong with all their strength.

But unfortunately, the last elf of Dragon Warrior is not his strongest elf, but it is also the second most powerful elf, and this elf is specially prepared for the cursed doll.

"Come out, three evil dragons!"

Three evil dragons, ferocious Pokémon, dual attributes of evil + dragon, level 92.


Quasi-God Comes!

Let's start with two chapters today, today is a busy day

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