Chapter 1929 Do you think this shadow attack looks like a subterranean attack?

The cursed doll is naturally not an ordinary ghost elf.

The cursed doll has also practiced the power of the undead along with Baili Yuan, has been cultivated by the ghost house, and has absorbed the power of many undead monarchs.

And with the strength of the cursed doll, she is enough to directly become the emperor of the undead in the plane of the undead!

Levels 80 to 95 belong to the category of Heavenly Kings, but Heavenly Kings spans two levels of strength—Diamond and Colorful.

The elves above level 90 have entered the seven-color level, and the undead emperor of the undead plane is this level.

The undead emperor naturally suppresses ghosts and undead who are below the strength of the undead emperor.

"Come on, I won't do my best." Baili Yuan said directly to the witch.

"Arrogance!" The witch snorted coldly. Although she knew that her Sun Coral might not be the opponent of the cursed doll, she couldn't just admit defeat directly.

"Woman's fire!"

The sun coral condensed pale flames, smashed at the cursed doll, and hit directly.

"I was hit." Shaina exclaimed.

"It's not that simple," said Professor Moses.

When the will-o'-the-wisp spread over the cursed doll's body, the witch frowned.

Something is wrong.

But this trick is just a test.

The cursed doll bears the burning of the will-o'-the-wisp, but looks at the sun coral with a smile through the flames.

A strange power spread out from the cursed doll's body, entangled towards the sun coral, but no one noticed this weird power.

Only the witch seemed to be aware of it, and Sun Coral retreated uneasily.

Suddenly Sun Coral let out a scream and froze in place.

"Is this... the characteristic of the cursed body?"

The characteristic of the cursed body. When attacked, sometimes it will curse the opponent and produce the effect of immobilization.

"Why did you trigger the cursed body feature so easily? And the effect of this cursed body is too strong." The witch can only attribute it to her bad luck, but now that she is fixed, it is difficult for Sun Coral to do it immediately. act.

"Surprise attack by the latent spirit!" Baili Yuan said.

The cursed doll finally moved, she gradually sank into the ground, and then disappeared.

"Be careful, it's a sneak attack!" the witch said, Bailiyuan didn't seize the opportunity to attack directly, but used the trick of a sneak attack, which made the witch a little puzzled.

It takes a certain amount of time to launch the stealth surprise attack, and it is not the best method that can be chosen just now, but it has not yet seized the opportunity.

At this time, a black shadow appeared behind Sun Coral, gradually solidified, and raised its claws.

"Behind!" cried the witch.

Sun Coral did not choose to dodge, but suddenly turned around and screamed, making a trembling cry.


Surprise surprises make opponents more likely to cringe.

But what is surprising is that the sound waves produced by the frightening trick failed to affect Sombra, instead, Sun Coral was slapped on the face by Sombra, and the one who was hit staggered.

Is that a fake body?

No, it's a shadow!

"It's a shadow attack!" The witch was startled.

Professor Moses and the others saw this scene and called him a good guy.

Look at this subterranean attack, it uses the same as the shadow clone!

Why is Shadow Sneak Attack changed to Stealth Sneak Attack?

No one had time to think, because the real cursed doll showed up.

The cursed doll suddenly rushed out from under the sun coral, and lifted the sun coral away with one claw.

Bailiyuan smiled.

This ability to sneak into the shadows and attack is still trained by Geng Gui, and it also uses part of the effect of the sneak attack.

Deliberately launching the Shadow Sneak Attack late is to disguise the Shadow Sneak Attack as a Subterranean Sneak Attack.

What is the use?

It can be used to cheat skills and sneak attacks.

However, the cursed doll's attack on the sun coral did not seem to cause much damage.

There are no surprises for the witch.

"Tsk, although the opponent succeeded, Sun Coral's own defense is not low, and it also has evolutionary stones. Even if the strength of the cursed doll exceeds Sun Coral, it is impossible to easily defeat Sun Coral."

The evolution stone is a special item, it can only be carried by elves who have not yet evolved, and at the same time, it can improve the elves' dual defenses.

But what made the witch unhappy was that the characteristics of the sun coral hadn't been triggered just now.

The trait of Sun Coral is also Cursed Body.

"It would be even better if the cursed doll could also feel the characteristics of the cursed body." The witch thought.

After being knocked into the air, Sun Coral quickly stabilized her body, stared at the cursed doll seriously, and was ready to continue fighting.

"Sun coral, shadow ball!"

Being overshadowed by Baili Yuan, the witch felt very uncomfortable.

"Shadow dodge!"

This time the cursed doll used a serious shadow clone.

The cursed doll suddenly split into three, the shadow ball hit the cursed doll's body, but only pierced a shadow, and the cursed doll's body appeared on the other side.

The witch knew that it would not be so easy to succeed, but then it was time to show her real skills.

However, at this moment, Sun Coral's body suddenly trembled, and a touch of purple emerged from Sun Coral's body.

"Poisoned?" The witch looked shocked. When did it happen?

The witch instantly thought of the claw that the cursed doll hit from below.

At that time, the cursing doll was not flat A, but highly poisonous!

"It's not so simple to make you wishful, Sun Coral, absorb power!"

Baili Yuan smiled slightly, "Interrupt her, use throw."

Then the cursed doll suddenly took out a strange evolutionary stone and smashed it at Sun Coral.

Evolution strange stone?

The witch was taken aback.

Why do cursed dolls have evolution stones?

"Wait, shouldn't it be..."

"That's right, the one on your Sun Coral is now the cursed talisman that curses the doll."



The evolution stone hit Sun Coral's forehead, not only interrupting Sun Coral's use of skills, but also making Sun Coral scream.

Then the cursed doll's eyes lit up, and the cursed talisman returned to the cursed doll.


You can use super powers to exchange the possessions of the two parties while the opponent is unprepared. This is how the cursed doll got the evolutionary stone before.

The combination of tricks and throwing not only caused the cursed doll to cause damage to the sun coral, but also did not lose its own curse charm, but instead caused the sun coral to lose the evolutionary stone it carried.

By the way, hitting someone with an evolution stone is more painful than hitting someone with a curse talisman.

Right now, Sun Coral still has the effect of poisoning, constantly wearing down the physical strength of Sun Coral.

The cursed doll was still intact, and the previous will-o'-the-wisps did not have much impact on the cursed doll.

The fight can end here.

"I... admit defeat." The witch was straightforward, without any sloppiness, "I just collect money to do things, and I'm not working for others. It's okay to lose a game."

The referee declared the game over and Bailiyuan won.

Bailiyuan's points also increased to 20.

"Is this the end?" Shaina and the others were a little surprised.

It's not drastic at all.

What about extreme giantization?

What about super evolution?

This is the battle of the king class?

In an instant, several people suddenly had the illusion that I can do it.

Professor Moses could only tell his students that they were thinking too much, and their elves might not even be able to withstand the shadow sneak attack, but then he also sighed a little.

Before Bailiyuan said that he was a ghost trainer, Professor Moses and the others still didn't believe it, but suddenly Bailiyuan took out such a strong ghost elf.

Honestly, it's like someone saying, "I've got a showdown, I'm actually a billionaire."

Sun Coral ran back to the witch with its strange evolutionary stone in its mouth, begging to be stroked.

The witch did not appease Sun Coral directly, but fed Sun Coral a bottle of antidote first, otherwise Sun Coral would be admitted to the hospital later.

"You agreed to let me go?" the witch said angrily.

"I'm useless even with a powerful move." Baili Yuan said helplessly.


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