I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1927 Actually, I am also a ghost trainer

After playing outside all day, at night, Bailiyuan, Professor Moses and the others went back to the hotel.

However, as soon as Bailiyuan returned to the room, he frowned.

"Someone has been in my room."

Although everything looked the same as when he left in the morning, Baili Yuan sensed the remaining aura of the stranger.

"It's not the cleaning of the hotel, it's someone from Elizabeth's government." Baili Yuan had a guess.

Someone wanted to find something in Bailiyuan's room, but there were no other items in Bailiyuan's room except for some daily necessities.

Because the important stuff is in the home space.

"Do you want me to do something?" Caroline said, as long as Caroline is willing, she can now cut off the internet and power in the entire Fog City, causing huge economic losses to the entire Elizabeth State.

But Bailiyuan did not agree.

"It doesn't matter. I will compete with the trainers from Elizabeth Kingdom during the competition."


a day later.

The championship game is finally held!

Color cannons bloom in the city.

All the contestants gathered in the Wudu National Arena to participate in the opening ceremony, and many spectators came.

Those world-renowned trainers stood at the front, such as Lu Nishang, Chen Hua and Qin Miao also stood closer because of Lu Nishang, and gave them a shot.

Bailiyuan was arranged to stand with other passers-by contestants, and he was not even given a single shot.

"It's a pity that I have such a handsome face." Bailiyuan couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

The Queen and Prime Minister of the State of Elizabeth came to the scene one after another, and sat with representatives from various countries to watch the opening ceremony.

The opening ceremony was not too long.

In this way, in a grand ceremony, the month-long championship officially began.

The atmosphere in the entire foggy city suddenly became tense because of the fighting spirit of the players.

Each player is issued a battle instrument.

Enter your own identity information to start, and you can replace your name with a code name and a title.

The battle device can be used to match opponents, watch games, check rankings, receive notifications, etc.

Each player has obtained the corresponding points, and then based on the points, a temporary ranking is made, and those with the same points are sorted by the first letter of the name.

Because Bailiyuan was not well-known, he was still recommended by the research institute, so he only rated Bailiyuan with 10 points. This score directly ranked Bailiyuan to the general level.

So Bailiyuan's battle instrument displayed red and white balls.

The general grade is marked with a red and white ball.

The logo of the super class is the super ball.

The hallmark of the premium class is the premium ball.

The final master mark is the master ball.

There are two modes of battle in the championship game - free battle and level battle.

In free battle, you can challenge yourself or randomly match opponents of the same level.

The level match is an opponent of the same level arranged by the competition official. If you don't accept or don't show up, you will lose directly.

Different levels of battle rules are not the same.

General-level battles are the simplest one-on-one, ordinary venues, and level battles every twelve hours.

Super-level battles are three-on-three, four venues are randomly selected, and level battles are held every 24 hours.

The advanced-level battles are six-on-six, and the four venues are also randomized, but there are additional random conditions for singles and doubles, and the level battles are held every 72 hours.

The last is the master level, the rules are basically the same as the advanced level, but the battle can be carried out in the Wudu National Arena, which is the largest and most luxurious arena in the Wudu City, and it also represents identity and glory. The level of battle is one hundred and sixty-eight every hour.

"The rules of this competition are okay, but they are different from some competition rules in the Pokémon world." Caroline said suddenly.

"Oh? What's the difference?" Baili Yuan was a little puzzled.

"I didn't mention the forbidden Legendary Pokémon and Mythical Pokémon."

"Understood, I'm going to catch Arceus now."


At this moment, Bailiyuan's battle instrument shook, showing that Bailiyuan had been matched with an opponent, and it was a level match.

The battle page showed Baili Yuan's opponent, a woman with long hair covering her face so she couldn't see her face clearly, but she looked gloomy.

[Level opponent: Witch; points: 10; please come to Wudu No. 5 battle venue within half an hour. 】

"Xiao Yuan boy, have you matched your opponent?" Professor Moses and the others came from afar. He saw Baili Yuan playing with the fighting equipment, so he guessed that Baili Yuan had matched his opponent.

"Ah, yes, a woman named Witch." Baili Yuan raised the battle instrument in his hand.

Seeing the information on the battle instrument, Professor Moses' face changed slightly.

"Xiaoyuan boy, her name is not Witch, Witch is just her code name."

"I just said how could someone call that name." Bailiyuan was stunned.

Witch means witch.

"But young man Xiaoyuan, don't be careless. I know a little about this person. I met him when I was doing research in Elizabeth Kingdom." Professor Moses said.

"The witch is the trainer of the Elizabeth Kingdom. She is a relatively famous trainer in the Elizabeth Kingdom. She is good at elves with ghost attributes, and she is the king of ghost attributes. You know, elves with ghost attributes are more troublesome. How could she be assigned to this place?" Ordinary level? According to her fame and strength, she should be at least super level, which is a bit strange."

"Oh? Is that so?" Baili Yuan suddenly smiled, and then scratched his head, "Ah, I forgot to mention, in fact, I am also a ghost trainer."


Professor Moses, Shaina and the others looked at Bailiyuan in shock.

"Don't make trouble, Xiaoyuan, you haven't used ghost spirits at all." Shaina said with a smile, "You should go to the competition venue quickly, and don't be judged as a loser for overtime."

Bailiyuan spread his hands, he is not only a trainer of the ghost department, he is also the master of the ghost department gymnasium, and in the past six months, Juzi has always wanted Bailiyuan to succeed her as the king of the ghost department.

But because Bailiyuan didn't have time, he could only give Juzi some vitality supplements to renew her life and let her work for another ten years.


Soon, Bailiyuan came to venue 5.

For this competition, the Elizabeth Kingdom officials arranged many battle venues in the city.

At the same time, the venues arranged for the battle will not be too far away from the players on both sides.

After Bailiyuan arrived at venue five, the witch came late.

The witch was dressed in a black robe, which couldn't cover her fiery figure.

It's just that the witch's long hair covered her face, she couldn't see clearly, her footsteps were slow and silent, like a ghost, which made people daunting.

In many people's minds, ghost trainers look like this.

Eerie, scary, not easy to touch.

On the contrary, no one like Bailiyuan would believe that he was a ghost trainer.

Just looking at the witch made the students of Shaina feel uncomfortable, and they subconsciously wanted to stay away from each other.

Only Professor Moses remained calm.

But Bailiyuan took the initiative to come to the witch's side and smiled.

"Miss, can we have dinner together later?"

With your figure, I bet you are a beauty!

The witch raised her head slowly and looked at Baili Yuan, revealing a hideous and terrifying face covered in blood.

"Ghost!" Shaina and the others in the distance screamed directly.

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