I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1925 Wrong splicing, special fossil elves

Last night, I made an appointment with Professor Moses to go to the museum to see the exhibition, and a group of people set off early in the morning.

Professor Moses noticed that Bailiyuan had an extra giant wristband on his wrist today, and couldn't help being a little curious.

Shaina also curiously asked Bailiyuan about the giant wristband.

Bailiyuan replied casually that he picked it up.

But everyone who understands understands, without Bailiyuan saying more, Professor Moses can guess how Bailiyuan's extremely huge wristband came about.

At least it will never be sent by someone else.

Soon the group arrived at the museum, and there were people coming and going outside the museum. The exhibition was very lively, and many scholars and doctors were present.

And in front of the museum, there is still a publicity-[Legendary traces of elves! 】

"The legendary elves? Something related to them?" Baili Yuan was a little surprised.

"Young man Xiaoyuan was surprised. That's right. It is said that this exhibition will display items related to mythical beasts, so it has attracted many people, and many scholars have come here to discuss things about mythical beasts." Professor Moses said with a smile, Then his face became serious.

"Young man Xiaoyuan, if you pay attention to the news, you will find that in the past six months, some special elves have appeared in Hua Country, Lighthouse Country and other countries. According to the information we have obtained, we can confirm that these elves are legends. The elves and phantom elves in the book are divine beasts and phantom beasts."

"Some countries have had contact with these elves, and then discovered that these elves have special abilities far beyond ordinary elves. If they are left unattended, they will inevitably threaten the living environment of human beings. In the past six months, around these elves around the world, things have happened. A lot has happened."

Professor Moses sighed a little.

For this world, the elves are outsiders. The elves have brought many opportunities to this world, but also brought many dangers. Where will humans and elves go in the future is something that everyone cares about and will discuss.

"Okay, let's go in. If Xiao Yuan is curious, he can come and listen to the seminar later." Professor Moses patted Baili Yuan on the shoulder.

Bailiyuan looked at Professor Moses and the others, then followed them into the museum.

There are people coming and going in the museum, but it is not noisy. Many people are visiting the items displayed in the museum.

Most of the people who come here today are people with status.

After entering the museum, Professor Moses changed his kindness towards Bailiyuan, but turned to Shaina and the others and said seriously: "Traces are also part of the elves' ecology. You don't need to study this aspect, but you have to understand it. Go back today , everyone remembers to hand in a paper.”

Shaina and others: "..."

Although they looked bitter, they were used to it.

Bailiyuan gave them a funny look, and then walked around with Professor Moses.

Almost all the items on display in the museum are related to elves. This is an exhibition about elves.

The exhibited items are all elf items with the characteristics of the Galar region, which gave Bailiyuan a better understanding of the situation in the Galar region.

At the same time, Bailiyuan is still thinking, is the focus of this exhibition also a clue to the mythical beasts in the Galar region?

At this time, Bailiyuan saw something that interested him.

Bailiyuan saw the fossils dug by Rumble Rock and Tyrannosaurus rex.

However, there are four fossils put together, and there are four pictures of elves next to them.

The four elves were named Thunderbird Dragon, Thunderbird Sea Beast, Gillfish Dragon, and Gillfish Sea Beast.

"This is... a fossil elf?" Baili Yuan was a little surprised.

Could it be that these fossil elves were resurrected with these four fossils?

Below the photos of the four elves, the corresponding fossils of these elves are also marked.

Surprisingly, each elf corresponds to two fossils.

Seeing that Baili Yuan was curious, Professor Moses approached and explained to Bai Liyuan, "This is a fossil elf found in Elizabeth Kingdom. You should know something about fossil elves."

Bailiyuan nodded.

He knows about fossil elves, but he doesn't know about fossil elves in the Galar region.

Seeing that Bailiyuan understood, Professor Moses didn't say much, and explained directly, "Generally speaking, to revive a fossil elf, one part fossil is enough, but Elizabeth has discovered four kinds that can be used The resurrected fossil fragments are fossil birds, fossil dragons, fossil fish, and fossil sea beasts."

"And this special fossil needs to be combined in pairs to resurrect different elves, which are the four in the photo."

"These revived fossil elves are also different from ordinary fossil elves, and do not have rock properties. In addition, it is puzzling to find wild fossil elves in the wild in Elizabeth Kingdom."

Bailiyuan compared the pictures, looked at the two fossils he got yesterday, made a reference, and found that they could be used to combine to revive the thunderbird dragon.

In the home space, Caroline also combined the two fossils and put them into the instrument for resurrecting the fossil spirit.

This time, the instrument was successfully activated, and it only took a while to revive the elves.

Baili Yuan looked at the four fossil elves in the picture, they were all distinctive, not only because they didn't have rock properties, but also because they looked uncoordinated.

Perhaps it is because these elves are resurrected with different combinations of fossils.

"The resurrection of the fossil elves here in Elizabeth looks like a wrong splicing of fossils. If it was in the past, it could be said to be academic fraud, but I didn't expect that the elves could be resurrected. Now scholars in other regions are also studying it. Can other fossils be spliced ​​together to resurrect, if it can be successful, it will be interesting, haha."

Professor Moses' explanation also opened up new ideas for Bailiyuan.

But the new idea was quickly extinguished by Bailiyuan.

Because even if he researched a new fossil elf, it would not be very meaningful, and it would not be of much help to Bailiyuan himself.

Unless the researched elf can turn into a beautiful big sister.

But unfortunately, the spliced ​​fossil elves are all genderless.

Continue to wander around, and finally, Bailiyuan followed Professor Moses to the center of gravity of the exhibition.

That is the so-called "traces of the beast".

At this time, many people have gathered here.

There are two items on display.

There are two rusty and somewhat damaged items, which look like a sword and a shield.

There are also four black-clothed bodyguards near these two items, preventing people from approaching at will.

This feeling is like saying that you can only look at its sweetness, but not taste its saltiness.

Bailiyuan looked at the sword and shield, and didn't see anything special about it, but nothing that could be related to divine beasts would be simple.

Next to the two items is an instruction board.

These two items were found in the forest in the west of the foggy city, and they appeared in an advent monument. According to the information obtained by Elizabeth, it can be determined that these two items are related to two legendary elves.

"It's really bold, you dare to exhibit everything." Bailiyuan sighed.

"The key point is that nothing can be researched, so it's better to exhibit it. Maybe someone knows the purpose of these two things, so they can unlock the secret of the beast. As long as the things are still in the hands of Elizabeth, there will be no problem. According to Hua Kingdom In other words, this is called fishing law enforcement." Professor Moses said.

"I see."

Then Professor Moses continued to explain to Bailiyuan, not only the objects, but also the people. There are many noteworthy people in the museum today, including well-known elf scholars and powerful trainers.

Some of the scholars here also knew Professor Moses. After a while, Professor Moses was taken away by his friends to chat. Professor Moses could only express his apology to Baili Yuan.

Bailiyuan didn't go with them, but continued to look at the two items.

Just when Bailiyuan was going to visit other areas, someone suddenly stopped Bailiyuan.

"Xiao Yuan, it really is you."

Bailiyuan turned around and found Chen Hua standing behind him.

Lu Nishang and Qin Miao were also beside him.

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