I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 197 System's Vitality Approach

"There was once a diamond egg placed in front of me..."

Rubbing his nose, Bailiyuan felt that he should work harder, maybe he could get this diamond egg.

But not now, we need to wait, wait for Andy's victory, the monster that was beaten half to death by Andy can't still be a threat to him, right?

However, taking advantage of this time, Bailiyuan also sorted out the equipment that he might need later.

Must be prepared!

If in the past, Bailiyuan didn't plan to call out all the elves to fight in groups, that would be unrealistic, leaving Xanadu to use teleportation to help himself is enough.

A heart shield that can increase defense should be worn. Bailiyuan has not tested whether the heart shield has an upper limit, but it can increase defense, and Bailiyuan must wear it.

Weapons such as the lightsaber and the joy of fire seem to have little effect on this monster. According to the battle, Bailiyuan can feel that the defense of this monster is very terrifying. So far, the defense of the monster has not been broken. He didn't get hurt at all, but Andy didn't have no choice. Instead, he bombarded the monster with strength, causing its relatively soft body to suffer a lot of damage.

But the monster was very fierce and injured, and it became even crazier to attack Andy.

The three silver eggs Bailiyuan I got last time were cracked open, one of them produced Brother Pingtou, and the remaining two also produced pretty good things, and there are some connections, but there are also some Small flaws.

"Teddy bear Tibbers: the teddy bear of the Dark Lady, the power of the Dark Lady's hellfire is sealed in his body, it is usually just an ordinary teddy bear doll, but once it is stimulated and sealed in his body Power, Tibbers will appear with a flame of anger, he will continuously cause magic damage to the enemies around him, his life value, armor, magic resistance and attack power will be different with the strength of the aroused power, pay attention to : Tibbers without Anne seems not to be easily obedient, please be cautious, or find a way to get an Annie."

"Future Soldier - Ezreal (Skin): Welcome to the Future Soldier Armory. Here you can pick up some of the most cutting-edge technology products in the known universe. From thermal reaction-driven jet packs, to melting core pulse flame particles Cannon, you will find all the configurations you need to arm Ezreal who is about to set foot on the land of justice. You can try to drive some core components in the future soldier armory here. As a future soldier, Izer Ezreal is a fugitive who can pass away at any time, a time jumper and an extraordinary explorer. Ezreal travels back and forth in multiple time and space to find interesting technologies. His behavior has caused many time and space paradoxes and is being Wanted by the Dystopia Memorial Organization. Note: Please have this hero first."

Both items are from "League of Legends", and they are not weak, but when using Tibbers, Anne needs to be present. Zreal's skin is also very powerful, the most important thing is that it can jump in time and space, but it needs the hero Ezreal, and it is easy to solve, just knock Ezreal out of the egg...


If you want to knock out such a powerful and not weak living person, you need at least a platinum egg!

However, the system also said that special character cards can also be opened in the easter eggs, and golden easter eggs can be knocked out.

But... who knows which hammer will get it out?

Completely random, no chance at all!

If you want to knock it out, even if you have a bright face, it will make you feel uncertain!

In other words, these two pieces of equipment, Bailiyuan, are completely unusable.

However, the road is not completely blocked, there is another way to be sure to get what Bailiyuan wants, and that is - system upgrade!

After the system is upgraded, some functions will be updated. One of the functions is called "downgrade designation". Things that can appear after the level.

As for how to upgrade the system...

Using love to generate electricity, ah, no, it requires the user to sacrifice a colorful egg!

That's right, comrades, you read that right, the shameless opening of the system is a colorful easter egg!

Have you ever seen Bailiyuan, a colorful egg? The answer is that I have seen it, and I have seen it a lot. When I was in the turbulent void, there were no easter eggs below the platinum level...

But I can't get it!

That would be fatal!

So far, Bailiyuan has not seen colorful eggs in the world of heraldry, let alone offering sacrifices, and even if it does appear, it is still a question of whether Bailiyuan can get it, thinking that it may appear with colorful eggs Bailiyuan felt a little tremor in his calves.

According to the system, his predecessor only upgraded it three times before abandoning it.

It's no wonder that the predecessor of the system kicked the system away after he became famous, it's just too shameless!

The upgrade of the easter egg system can only be done one step at a time.

Looking at the battlefield in the distance, Bailiyuan preferred to use the Gwent card, because the monster had gone mad at this time, and it looked completely out of its wits. Bailiyuan felt that it could be bullied.

However, this is not easy to operate, exposing the Gwent card, and Bailiyuan is even more difficult to explain.

If you can catch the monster and play cards slowly... Well, Andy has already made up his mind to kill the monster, Bailiyuan can't stop her, and there is no reasonable reason to stop Andy.

Although Bailiyuan calls Andy "Mom", Andy is not Bailiyuan's real mother after all, and it is impossible for Bailiyuan to let Andy follow him.

Can't play cards with monsters, the diamond egg Bailiyuan on the monsters can still work hard, and Bailiyuan doesn't want to miss it.

The monster looked very much like a tyrannosaurus rex, and after Andy and the monster had been fighting for a long time in the distance, Bailiyuan also roughly estimated the strength of the monster.

First of all, the monster's defense is very strong, which is the main reason why the monster can persist until now. Secondly, the monster is completely melee and does not show long-range attack methods. This is the main reason why the monster was hanged by Andy.

And the diamond egg is in the middle of the monster's forehead.

Bailiyuan narrowed his eyes.

At this point the monster has fallen into decline.

"Xanaiduo, get ready, teleport to the center of the monster's forehead later." Baili Yuan instructed.

Xanadu nodded and began to gather superpowers.

Although the monster is powerful, it is also huge in size, while Baili Yuan is small in stature. Facing the monster, he is like a bug, and can perform some operations without even attracting the monster's attention.

However, although Xanadu can teleport to bring Bailiyuan there, he cannot immediately teleport for the second time, and Bailiyuan will need to evacuate afterwards.

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