Chapter 1882 Sister, you sit on the bow of the boat

The magic ban in the Dimensional Envoy is to prohibit the Dimensional Envoy from using his own power.

Realizing that the situation was wrong, the players immediately chose to retreat, but how could the Yin-Yang Barracuda, who had been waiting for a long time, let the players leave.

It's all here, don't you sit in your stomach?

A group of yin-yang barracudas attacked the players while preventing them from returning.

The screams echoed on the surface of the river, and bright red blood floated in the river in the blink of an eye.

Some male contestants who were bitten immediately chose to protect their crotch. They can bite in other places, but absolutely not!

Of course, it is also due to what King Xuanwu said before. It is said that these yin and yang barracudas have a soft spot for that kind of thing.

The female contestants were bitten to the point of nakedness, but now who has the leisure to look at those, besides, these are meat-eating yin and yang barracudas, not SP fish, it is impossible to only bite the clothes and not the meat.

There are no benefits.

Fortunately, the players soon discovered that they were only banned from magic, but they could still summon dimensional pets to participate in the battle. At the same time, the props in their hands that did not require power to trigger could also play a role.

With the help of dimensional pets and props, many players successfully returned to the first half of the river.

But there are still some players who are bitten and have difficulty retreating.

At this time, the Four Kings finally made their move.

The four kings stretched out their hands to grab them from the air, and big handprints appeared out of nowhere, picked up the injured players and threw them back to the opposite bank. The four kings obviously used the same ability.

The following alliance medical team hurriedly began to treat the injured players.

King Xuanwu said: "It doesn't matter, you can try whatever you want. If you are injured, we will rescue you. As long as you can still get up, you are allowed to continue competing."

Even so, the players will definitely not try boldly.

Even if there are four kings to protect him, if he gets injured, it will inevitably affect the subsequent games.

The contestants know that if they want to cross the second half, they can only rely on their dimensional pets or props, and then they need to save their strength as much as possible.

"The first half is forbidden to space, and the second half is forbidden to magic. I just don't know if there are other restrictions." Zhang Qifeng frowned.

Looking at the river, Zhang Qifeng touched his chin, turned his head and asked, "Bailiyuan, can you build an ice boat with ice?"

Bailiyuan smiled, "It's just shaping, it's a small matter."

"Teacher, what do you mean, we will row the boat in the second half?" Jiang Chen asked.

Zhang Qifeng nodded: "The second half of the ban can only be passed by normal means. Although you can choose to take a dimensional pet that can move in the water, it requires a dimensional pet to have a strong defense, but there is no guarantee that the dimensional pet will definitely Can resist the group of yin-yang barracudas."

"As for the props...only those special props can help cross the river, we don't think about it for now, those props should be saved for later use as much as possible."

"But no amount of analysis is just talk on paper. Well, we can start to try the first half of the river. Only by experiencing it for ourselves can we gain something."

Under Zhang Qifeng's organization, Bailiyuan and the others began to try to cross the river.

What Zhang Qifeng meant was that in this test, try to avoid using dimensional pets and props, because these are the hole cards that can be reserved for future competitions, but if things can’t be done, as long as you can cross the river, it’s okay to expose some hole cards.

After all, the game is the most important thing.

Bailiyuan deployed Chakra into an ice escape blood successor, and then built an ice ship.

However, Bailiyuan did not use spiritual ice, because in the second half of the magic ban, other people could not use their strength to protect themselves, and would be frostbitten by the spiritual ice instead. Moreover, the biggest function of spiritual ice is to threaten the spirit body, not to strengthen the ice. degree.

Bailiyuan's increased power output can actually strengthen the hardness of the ice, but still the same sentence, in the second half of the magic ban, other people's bodies cannot bear that level of cold.

At this time, Bailiyuan deeply felt that it was not easy for a large person to carry a small person.

In fact, Bailiyuan and the others were not the only ones who chose to take the boat.

The team that used ice to pave the road before also built an ice boat, and in order to resist the attack of the yin and yang barracuda, they also thickened the ice boat several layers.

Then these people rowed their boats and entered the second half of the river.

The ice boat passed by really smoothly, although the yin and yang barracudas kept attacking the ice boat, they failed to pierce the ice boat.

"That team is going to pass!"

"Damn it, why doesn't our team have anyone with ice power?"

"Isn't the reward going to them?"

Zhang Qifeng also watched the ice boat, if the ice boat can cross the river, it means they can do it too.

Soon, the ice boat approached the opposite bank, and the players on the ice boat all showed smiles.

"Everyone work hard, we will be docking soon!"

"come on!"

"The first is ours!"

Just as the people on the ice boat finished pumping themselves up, the river broke open suddenly, and a huge yin-yang barracuda rushed out of the river and bit the people on the boat.

This yin-yang barracuda is about the size of a tiger shark, with a mouth full of fangs, which is extremely frightening.

The contestants were startled and hurriedly dodged.

Although the huge yin-yang barracuda failed to bite anyone, it crushed the ice boat in one bite, and then a group of smaller yin-yang barracudas seemed to be sharks that smelled fishy, ​​and rushed over one after another at an extremely fast speed.

"Go away!!!"

"Don't bite there!"


The players of this team screamed, but fortunately, the four kings made a timely move and threw the team back to the other side.

Brave, please start all over again.

The movements of the other players slowed down again.

"Didn't it mean that there are only Yin-Yang barracudas here?" a contestant asked.

"That's right." King Xuanwu replied, "No matter how big it is, it's still a yin-yang barracuda, just like a man is a teenager until he dies."


This is probably what all players think.

This time the river is fine, but the fish are the problem.

Zhang Qifeng hastily reminded Bailiyuan and the others, "When you get there, you must be careful of that huge yin-yang barracuda, there may be more than one of that kind of yin-yang barracuda."

Although the ice ship failed to dock successfully, it proved that this method is feasible.

Just be careful with that huge yin-yang barracuda and protect the ice boat.

After getting ready, Jiang Chen and the others were ready to go into the water.

But before boarding the boat, Zhang Qifeng handed over a tablet to Jiang Chen.

"The tablet contains information on other noteworthy players that I collected, and the password is six six. I can't follow you in the next game, Jiang Chen, the team will be handed over to you!"

Jiang Chen was taken aback for a moment, then took the tablet and nodded, "Don't worry, I will definitely protect the tablet and bring the champion back!"

Zhang Qifeng nodded.

Then Jiang Chen boarded the boat.

A long pole is condensed from Bailiyuan, and at a point on the bank, the ice boat will slide on the river.

"Set sail~"

In this situation, Bailiyuan couldn't help but want to sing a song.

"Sister, sit on the bow of the boat, brother is walking on the shore, lovingly, swinging the rope..."

Everyone else on the boat couldn't help pulling away from Bailiyuan, and Xin Yun who was standing at the bow felt even more embarrassed.

If it wasn't for Bailiyuan who was a punter, they might consider kicking Bailiyuan off the boat.

As for the game, be serious!

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