Chapter 1880 Yaochi Fairy Mountain

"Four kings, it's four kings!"

"White Tiger King, ah, my idol, I want to become a powerful woman like White Tiger King."

"I didn't expect that I would be lucky enough to see the Four Kings coming together!"

The contestants exclaimed, and a group of people from Suheng College also showed excited expressions.

Xin Yun is also a fan of the White Tiger King. She regards a strong woman like the White Tiger King as an idol, and her face that is usually casual and smiling is also flushed.

King Suzaku was born in Suheng College, and everyone in Suheng College also has a natural feeling of closeness to the four kings.

Baili Yuan touched his nose without leaving a trace.

He looked at the White Tiger King not simply because the White Tiger King was a beautiful woman, but because of his previous contact with the White Tiger King, which made Bai Liyuan fall in love with the White Tiger King.

Because the White Tiger King has a special aura, which is not possessed by the other three kings. If it weren't for Baili Yuan's keen perception, it would be difficult for him to capture this special aura.

This special breath is somewhat similar to Zeus on Mount Olympus.

What is certain is that the different-dimensional domain of this world is changing. Some dimensional creatures have begun to possess wisdom and break their own limits. Even in the different-dimensional domain in Kunlun Mountains, the dimensional creatures have real flesh and blood.

This is the result of the fusion of laws.

If a situation like that of Candle Dragon is the result, then the situation of Zeus is a beginning.

And that stage can be called "breakthrough", which is a dimensional creature that breaks through the routine.

On the body of the White Tiger King, there is an aura of an extraordinary dimensional creature similar to Zeus.

But the White Tiger King is not a dimensional creature, so her changes are very interesting.

Jiang Chen also investigated the White Tiger King, and he also noticed something, but there was no substantive evidence, so there was no way to determine the specific situation of the White Tiger King.

Just now, Baili Yuan wanted to investigate the situation of the White Tiger King, so he opened the pupil of God, penetrated other people, and stared at the White Tiger King.

It's just that I used too much force, and I saw through an extra layer of clothes.

Keke, I really didn't mean it.

Fortunately, Bailiyuan didn't ignore the business because his eyes were full of indescribable things. He clearly sensed that the situation of the White Tiger King seemed to have intensified.

The special situation on her body intensified, but she didn't seem to have any problems, she was still a pure human being, and her strength had improved compared to the last meeting.

"Dimensional creatures began to break the rules because of the fusion of laws. Could it be that the White Tiger King also produced special changes because of the fusion of laws?" Baili Yuan had some guesses.

The White Tiger King naturally also noticed that someone was watching her. Although many people's eyes were on her now, that special gaze made her especially uncomfortable.

But fortunately, that gaze disappeared soon.

"Who is spying on me?" The White Tiger King looked through the crowd, but found nothing, and did not find anyone who looked noteworthy.

The next thing is to get down to business, and the White Tiger King didn't care about it for the time being, but he raised his vigilance in his heart.

The arrival of the four kings is naturally not for a formality.

"For this finals, there are four of us. At the same time, we will also serve as referees and pay attention to the game!" Qinglong King stood up and said, his strength is the strongest among the four kings.

The audience was in an uproar.

To let the four kings preside over the finals and serve as referees at the same time is a big deal of the league.

Regarding the arrangement of the alliance, others have no right to have any opinions, but the players seemed to be encouraged one by one, and decided to perform well. If the four kings are attracted to them and give some pointers, if it is not good, they will take off directly.

After a brief explanation and mobilization for the finals, the opening ceremony of the finals took place.

The participating regions were introduced, and the torch symbolizing the fire of civilization was lit.

"Next, the finals will officially begin!" the Azure Dragon King announced.

"All players, enter the competition venue!"

The four kings stood up, and then led all the players into the different dimension of Kunlun Mountain.

Many players didn't realize it, and found themselves in a different dimension.

Faced with the singing birds and fragrant flowers and the fairyland on earth, the contestants couldn't help being a little intoxicated.

There are also many contestants who have noticed the difference in the different dimension of Kunlun Mountain, and they all showed surprise.

Although Jiang Chen had heard Baili Yuan said it earlier, he still had a look of surprise when he entered the Kunlun Different Dimension Realm in person.

For the performance of the players, the Four Kings were not surprised.

"You all cheer up, this extra-dimensional domain is different from other different-dimensional domains. In it, there are real legendary creatures, not dimensional creatures!" Suzaku King reminded.

Suzaku King's reminder changed the faces of many players.

To be reminded by the four kings in this way means that this place is extraordinary. These things have exceeded their cognition, and they can't help but raise their vigilance.

In the huge Kunlun Mountains extra-dimensional domain, there is a cavernous sky, the space is far beyond the size seen from the outside, and it is not difficult to accommodate thousands of people.

Don't look at the fact that Bailiyuan rushed to the edge of Kunlun Mountain in a few steps, but in fact, there is a huge forest of ancient trees between the range of Kunlun Mountain, and there are some powerful auras hidden in it.

If in the future, the material world and the other-dimensional realm merge, then the size of the entire world may expand.

Following the contestants, the reporters carrying cameras also followed, and the video could be relayed in this different dimension.

"Everyone, follow up!" King Xuanwu shouted.

The Four Kings did not lead the players directly to the Kunlun Mountains in the distance, but led everyone in another direction.

Through a large forest.

The road seemed to have been cleared in advance, and there was no danger.

And this walk takes hours.

Just as many contestants were guessing whether this was another test of their patience and perseverance, they finally walked out of the forest.

The willows are dark and the flowers are bright.

The scenery ahead is finally no longer a monotonous forest, but a long river. On the opposite side of the long river is Kunlun Mountain.

This is not the highest peak of Kunlun Mountain that Bailiyuan went to that day, but a peak on the mountain range.

However, this mountain is also somewhat special.

Although it is not as magnificent as the highest peak, it is full of fairy spirit and beautiful, and the power here seems to radiate to the entire Kunlun Mountains.

Standing on the other side of the river, looking at the mountain peak, you can vaguely see a jade step appearing at the foot of the mountain.

King Xuanwu stood up.

"The former convenience is a special place in this different dimension. It is called the Yaochi Fairy Mountain. The first event in the finals is to cross this long river and reach the foot of the Yaochi Fairy Mountain!"

"Now each of you has ten minutes to rest. After ten minutes, you have one hour to cross the river. If you fail to cross the river after one hour, you will be eliminated! If more than five people in a team fail to Cross the river, and the whole team will be eliminated!"

"The team leader can point out the members of his team on the river bank. After this item, the team leader will not be able to continue to follow the team members forward."

After hearing King Xuanwu's words, a group of players looked at each other in blank dismay.

This is not like a confrontation between players, more like a selection.

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