I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 193 Let's Play

"Master Dean didn't hit us." An old man explained, "Although Dean Andy hit us, he wouldn't hit us so hard. Normally we wouldn't be injured."

"..." Baili Yuan.

Why does this explanation sound so sad?

Andy extinguished the cigarette in his hand.

"That's fine, I'll be more aggressive in the future."

"No, Mr. Dean!" Just now, Mr. Su burst into tears, if his legs hadn't been broken, he would have knelt down to Andy.

"Our injuries were sustained while fighting the enemy," another old man explained.

enemy? fighting?

You must know that the weakest of every elder in Yuncheng College has the strength of a high-level heraldry envoy, and so many elders were injured at once.

There are eight elders in Yuncheng College who are resident in the college, but there are definitely more than eight elders in Yuncheng College.

Bailiyuan didn't know exactly how many elders there were in Yuncheng College, but Bailiyuan had seen more than ten.

Look at the old Su who made up four tables of mahjong, there are some unfamiliar faces among them that Bailiyuan has never seen, but Bailiyuan is still not sure if this is all the old Su.

The background of Yuncheng College is beyond Bailiyuan's imagination.

What kind of enemy are the elders facing?

Could it be the elders of other colleges?

A group of old men and old ladies gathered to fight this holiday?

Bailiyuan scanned around the elders and found that there were a few familiar faces missing.

Baili Yuan's expression changed.

"Those elders..."

These elders have all suffered such injuries, could it be that those elders have already...

An old man sighed and shook his head.

"They haven't been discharged from the hospital yet."


Well, Baili Yuan felt that he was thinking too much.

But Bailiyuan also heaved a sigh of relief.

It's fine.

"Then your enemies..."

As soon as Bailiyuan opened his mouth, he was interrupted by Andy.

"It's dead, there's not even a scum left." Andy said, obviously not wanting Bailiyuan to continue entangled in this matter.

Baili Yuan twitched the corner of his mouth, but did not continue.

At this time, Andy got up and clapped his hands.

"Okay, let's go, everyone, I'll make arrangements for Xiao Yuan first."

The elders didn't say much, and after saying hello to Andy and Bailiyuan, they left one after another. The mahjong and mahjong table were also taken away by them, and they cleaned up the hygiene by the way. The dean's room was quickly restored to tidy , there is no difference between the dean's room and the mahjong parlor.

However, half of these elders left in wheelchairs.

After watching the elders leave, Bailiyuan has a black hair. How addictive is this? After all this, come to play mahjong?

And how did you get up in a wheelchair?

You must know that there is no elevator in the central tower, you can only go up the stairs, and there is no access for the disabled.

Out of curiosity, Bailiyuan looked around, and saw an elder who walked out of the dean's room and did not go to the stairs, but opened a floor-to-ceiling window outside the dean's room.

Can the French windows outside be opened?

Only after coming so many times did Bailiyuan know that Bailiyuan always thought that the French windows outside, which were like works of art, were sealed.

Just when Bailiyuan was surprised that the French windows outside could be opened, he saw the old man who opened the window... jumped down! go down! go!

That's right, friends, you read that right, the old man who opened the window just jumped down without any hesitation.

Immediately afterwards, the other elders jumped down like dumplings, and the last one to go down even took the floor-to-ceiling windows with him.


It is said that jumping down is much more convenient than going down the stairs.

Bailiyuan understands the truth, but...but...

But after a long time, Bailiyuan couldn't find a word to express his feelings.

Now Bailiyuan understood how the elders came up, and it was definitely Andy who opened the window for them, and then they flew up.

This group of old men and old ladies once again refreshed Baili Yuan's understanding of them.

In a blink of an eye, Andy and Bailiyuan were left in the dean's room.

Andy walked up to Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan looked up, but didn't see Andy's face, because it was blocked by two huge mountains.

Bailiyuan felt that it was necessary for him to give full play to the spirit of "Foolish Old Man Moves Mountains".

Just when Bailiyuan was about to make a move, Andy bent down slightly and held Bailiyuan's head with one hand.

dare not move dare not move...

"How does it feel to train your heart?" Andy asked.

"What mind training?" Baili Yuan asked subconsciously.

"Tsk." Andy took a step back and squatted down, so that Bailiyuan could see Andy's face.

However, at this time, Bailiyuan remembered that theorem again - when the mass reaches a certain level, the trajectory of light will be changed.

At this moment, Bailiyuan's sight was forcibly bent by some two heavy objects.

"Isn't the purpose of letting you go to the Secret Waterfall Realm be to train your mind? Have you gained anything?" Andy asked.

"Stop talking." Baili Yuan withdrew his gaze, Andy was not one of those little girls, if he continued to be so presumptuous, he might bend his body together.

However, Baili Yuan was a little depressed when it came to the Secret Waterfall.

"Don't talk about it, what kind of heart training, there is not even a shadow..."

Then Bailiyuan briefly talked about his experience in the past two months, and also talked about the Pokémon world, but he didn't disclose the T-X thing, because it's hard to explain.

Brother Xiaobai and Pingtou are easy to explain. They all say that they got it from the Pokémon World. Although Xiaobai is an intelligent robot, it is only a household type, and its intelligence is not high. It did not surprise Andy too much. Brother Pingtou and Andy are even more Not interested.

Pingtou brother, how can Pikachu be so good?

And Andy can see that Pingtou and Pokémon are fundamentally different, and can only be counted as ordinary creatures.

What Baili Yuanmei noticed was that Brother Pingtou has been very honest since he met Andy.

After listening to Baili Yuan's narration, Andy frowned.

"Didn't you feel the refinement?" Andy gave Baili Yuan a strange look, but didn't say much.

"so be it."

"What do you mean, that's it!" Baili Yuan shouted angrily, if he hadn't been able to go to the world of Pokémon, what would be the difference between these two months and being locked up for two months?

"By the way, you don't seem to be injured." Baili Yuan said.

"That's because I'm strong." Andy rolled his eyes, then stood up, "Ms. Mary hasn't come back yet, and Teacher Shedu is recuperating at home. You can follow me during this time."

"Following you?" Baili Yuan looked up at Andy, and there were still two mountains in his eyes.

"Well, you can stay with me for a while first. Come to the dean's office to find me after school this afternoon. I'll wait for you here."

"Then what am I going to do next?"

"What do you do? Let's play."


What do you mean go play? Do you really treat me like a child?

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