I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1873 The Curse Is Useless

Bailiyuan stood where he was, with a sweep of his mental power, he roughly understood what happened.

Qin Shan and the others don't seem to be from the auction house, because Bailiyuan also discovered that there are many corpses piled up behind the auction house, and those are the real staff of the auction house.

Bailiyuan hadn't noticed anything unusual before, so he didn't realize that the auction house had already been occupied by doves and magpies.

The corpses in the hall and outside of the auction house were caused by Qin Shan and the others when they first did it, and they were all guests who came today.

The moment he saw Baili Yuan and heard Baili Yuan's words, Qin Shan's expression paused for a moment, and then he smiled, "Guest, there is no need, this is an internal matter of our auction house."

"No, my favorite thing, Bailiyuan, is to be helpful." Bailiyuan shook his head and said.

"In that case, the guests should come and help us."

Qin Shan's expression was the same.

"It is our honor to have a strong person like a guest help us."

"Oh, you know me?" Baili Yuan asked.

"Naturally, the guest is a well-known young talent in the Suzhou area."

Bailiyuan's current appearance is the one he used when he participated in the competition. Qin Shan naturally recognized Bailiyuan. As a player who shined in the regional competition, Bailiyuan was also the object of their attention.

At this time, Bailiyuan had already come to Qin Shan's side, as if he had no defense, he got close to Qin Shan and the others, and then stretched out his hand.

"Come on, let me carry it for you."

A person with a box in his hand didn't react at all, and the box in his hand fell into Baili Yuan's hands.

[Hermes' Theft LV4].

It's not over yet.

"You are too tired, let me help you, it's okay, I can take some more."

One by one, Bailiyuan got three boxes in his hands in a blink of an eye. The boxes were not small, and they were full of precious items related to the Dimension Envoy.

When the people behind Qin Shan reacted, their faces turned green.

Qin Shan's eyes narrowed, the corners of his mouth moved slightly, and a ray of pitch-black power wound towards Baili Yuan.

At the same time, other people made a sudden move, attacking and killing key parts of Baili Yuan's body.

Baili Yuan smiled slightly, without any dodge.

But when the attack landed on Baili Yuan's body, Baili Yuan's figure disappeared in the ripples like a moon falling in the water, and what their attacks hit was not Baili Yuan's entity at all.

Baili Yuan's figure appeared at the place where he was standing at first.

"Zhishui, thank you." Baili Yuan smiled, and then threw the boxes into the home space one by one.

"Share the Lord's worries." Uchiha Shisui responded.

It was Uchiha Shisui who used illusion just now.

Qin Shan and the others were surprised, and suddenly discovered that there were more than three boxes thrown into the home space by Bailiyuan at this time.

Qin Shan hurriedly turned his head and found that there was no box in his own hand.

Just now Bailiyuan stole everything!

Bailiyuan was also very happy. If it weren't for the dimension that made the world almost have no space for storage equipment, Qin Shan and the others wouldn't be able to just carry the box back and forth, and naturally it wouldn't be possible for Bailiyuan to get it so easily.

When Bailiyuan walked away all the boxes, the others didn't react at all.

This is a technique, just like a magician, as long as the audience pays attention to one thing, they will ignore Bailiyuan's actions on the other side.

"Go!" Qin Shan said directly.

Originally, Qin Shan planned to play with Bailiyuan, but Bailiyuan turned out to be more troublesome than he imagined.

"He must be dealt with quickly, and the people from the alliance are coming soon."

Qin Shan had already heard the sound of sirens in the distance, and they still had at most two minutes.

Facing the attacker, this time Bailiyuan made a move.

But facing such a group of enemies, they can't pose any threat to Bailiyuan, even if they summon dimensional pets to join the battle.

Combining physical skills with fighting strength, Bailiyuan easily subdued these people. The process was not intense at all, but rather simple.

So now Qin Shan can't appreciate Baili Yuan's battle.

After finishing everyone, Bailiyuan looked at Qin Shan who had not acted.

Qin Shan laughed.

"Your strength is really extraordinary. You should be the best among A-level dimensional envoys. But young people, sometimes, are dangerous, and you can't solve them with fists and kicks."

Bailiyuan looked at Qin Shan and blinked. Qin Shan was smiling, as if he was convinced of Bailiyuan.

The two stared at each other for ten seconds.

Then nothing happened.

Qin Shan's expression finally changed.

"Impossible, why haven't you been corrupted by the curse?"


"Oh, maybe it's because I'm handsome." Baili Yuan said casually.

In fact, the real reason is that there is a moon today.

[Moon of Purification and Hunting]: Immune to evil abilities under the moonlight, increase overall strength, double damage to evil and impure things, and double combat ability in the night.

Like [Hermes' Stealing], this is the skill that Bailiyuan got when he brushed the mountain for the first time.

In fact, even if there is no moonlight today and Bailiyuan doesn't have this skill, Qin Shan's curse can't have any effect on Bailiyuan.

The sacred power in Baili Yuan's body is not for show.

There is indeed a curse that can affect Bailiyuan, but sorry, it is definitely not Qin Shan's curse, because Qin Shan is too good.

Qin Shan finally realized that something was wrong. He immediately summoned his dimensional pets. They were two strange dimensional pets with A-level strength, and they were shrouded in evil and cursed power.

One looks like a mummy and the other looks like a zombie.

"Curse the mummy, deadly zombie, stop him!"

Qin Shan took the path of curse, and he mastered evil power. This kind of power may not be strong in a frontal battle, but the power of curse is very threatening, even for ordinary S-level dimensional envoys, it is possible affected.

But unfortunately, the curse is useless to Baili Yuan.

Cursed mummies and deadly zombies may be the best in terms of curse power, but in frontal battles, like Qin Shan, their strength is weak.

However, Qin Shan's purpose is not to let them defeat Bailiyuan, but to delay Bailiyuan.

Because now it's time to run.

Qin Shan felt that even if he could defeat Bailiyuan, the people from the alliance would arrive soon, and he would not be able to run away even if he wanted to.

Qin Shan's decisiveness did not exceed Baili Yuan's expectations.

The two A-level dimensional pets cast a curse on Baili Yuan, but they didn't cause any waves on Baili Yuan at all.

The sirens were getting closer, but Jiang Chen was the first to arrive.

Jiang Chen has already dealt with the enemies surrounding him.

"I caught two alive... Big Brother Xiaoyuan, where is your side?" Jiang Chen asked.

"One ran away." Baili Yuan said.

"Run away?" Jiang Chen was taken aback.

Could it be that the enemy has some special means?

As for the strength of the enemy, Jiang Chen didn't even think about it, if there really was an enemy stronger than Baili Yuan, he would have washed his neck clean and was waiting to be beaten.

"Young man, put a long line and catch big fish." Baili Yuan pressed Jiang Chen's shoulder, and then the figures of the two disappeared in place.

Only the cursed mummy and the deadly zombie stood in place, lost their target, and didn't know what to do for a while, they looked like two fools.

The people from the alliance finally arrived.

"Put your hands up!"

"Don't move!"

But the cursed mummy and the deadly zombies are just dimensional pets with no IQ, they don't know what cooperation is at all.

The battle broke out again, but soon, the cursed mummy and the deadly zombies were suppressed by the powerful of the alliance.

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