Chapter 1859 Signal from the other side of the channel

The H bomb is certainly not the kind of bomb that can make people become H.

The H-bomb is a missile that mainly uses the energy released by the nuclear fusion reaction of hydrogen isotopes to carry out destruction and destruction. It is a powerful weapon of mass destruction.

Not only did Bailiyuan recognize it, he even had it in his research institute.

Among the things that Bailiyuan and Caroline collected from various worlds were very similar to the H-bombs, but the reason why I said it was in the past is because those H-bombs are now disposed of by Caroline, because there are A more powerful and versatile weapon - Star Core.

Besides, the H bombs are not environmentally friendly after they are used up, so try not to use them if you can.

In fact, the world of heraldry also has weapons similar to H bombs, because the world of heraldry also has a not weak technology tree. Some heraldic professions are naturally helpful to the development of technology. In addition, some races are also quite good at it. science and technology.

However, in the world of heraldry, the H bomb is not so important.

Because the H bomb is a missile after all, unless the enemy stands still and does not intercept it, or hits some fixed targets, it is still somewhat difficult for the H bomb to hit the target, not to mention, for the real strong, the threat of the H bomb, Actually not that big.

What shot out from the big chrysanthemum was an activated H bomb.

Not only did Bailiyuan sense the threat, but the faces of the others also changed drastically.

For the powerful Great Emblem Envoy, the H-bomb is still quite threatening. At such a short distance, it is too late to run.

But there are not only people with the strength of the great coat of arms present.

Two figures suddenly appeared, and they shot directly, their power wrapped the H bullet in an instant.

Bailiyuan also made a move at the same time.

The two figures who made the attack were exactly the two strong men with the same seven-color strength as Baili Yuan had noticed before.

When the three of them intercepted the H bomb, they still had the energy to say hello to each other.

Baili Yuan nodded to the two strong men. The two strong men were taken aback when they saw the unfamiliar Baili Yuan, and then nodded in response.

Two strong men, one of them is a strong human race, who should be from Artoridan, who looks like a middle-aged man, elegant and easy-going.

The other strong man looked like a demon, with red skin and cracks, and it seemed that magma was flowing under the cracks. To be precise, he belonged to the Balrog family.

The Balrog clan is indeed a kind of demon, a very powerful race, and also as dangerous as demons.

However, the fact that this powerful member of the Flame Demon Clan can appear here and take action to resolve the crisis means that the other party is not an enemy.

The three of Bailiyuan shot at the same time, and saw three space-blocking moves, which directly blocked the H bomb on the third floor.

The three of them realized that the other party was using the same type of moves as themselves, and they all paused.

They showed awkward yet elegant smiles.

That's bad luck.

In fact, not to mention Bailiyuan, the other people who will come here are more or less people who understand or master the power of space.


The H-bomb exploded.

But because of the three-layer space blockade, the explosion of the H-bomb did not cause any fluctuations, and even the three-layer blockade firmly locked the radiation and residue after the H-bomb exploded.

The strong human race then made a move.

"Throw everything away and give it back to them!"

The strong human race intends to directly throw the blocked H-bomb residue back to the big chrysanthemum.

As for whether things can go back the same way, the possibility is still very high.

The successful arrival of this H bomb means that the channel should be stable soon.

But the strong Balrog suddenly raised his hand and stopped the strong human race, "Give them a chance, don't be so irritable."

The strong human race looked at the strong Balrog, and finally nodded.

"For your face."


Soon a professional team arrived to dispose of the blocked residues and transport them away.

At this moment, Bailiyuan, the strong human race and the strong Balrog had already stood together and chatted with each other.

The strong man of the human race is called Li Sui, who is easy-going and easy-going, and looks very elegant and easy-going, but when he speaks, he is not elegant.

Li Sui is indeed from Atoridan, and he is the first-level guardian of the human race. This time, he just came here to sit in charge to ensure that there will be no problems in the passage and cause more serious accidents.

After simple communication, combined with Li Sui's previous behavior, Bailiyuan learned that Li Sui was rather irritable.

The Balrog strongman is called Dannett. He is the strongman of the Balrog clan living in the nearby volcanic belt, and he is also the guardian of the Balrog clan. He is good at space power, so he came here to help.

According to Dennett, although most of the Balrogs are dangerous and have bad personalities, this is not the case for the Balrogs who are close to human gathering places. Instead, they often interact with humans. For example, Dennett gives people A very simple and honest feeling.

Li Sui and Dennett also know each other, and because they are both good at space power, they are also familiar with each other.

But Bailiyuan's identity surprised Li Sui and Danet again and again.

The most important thing is to be surprised by Baili Yuan's age.

Although the combined ages of Li Sui and Dennett are not a fraction of Bailiyuan's actual age, in the eyes of others, Bailiyuan is just a ten-year-old child.

Although Bailiyuan seems to have only spent about five years in the world of heraldry, Bailiyuan knows that his own strength has been obtained after twenty or thirty years of practice in other worlds. He started cheating, and his cheating has been upgraded many times, and now his cheating has completed super evolution.

Compared with Andy, it is still incomparable.


The arrival of the H-bomb through the other side of the passage not only represented that the passage was about to stabilize, but also brought some information about the opposite world.

The opposite world is likely to be a technological world.

Even if it is not the world of technology, the world on the other side should be quite dependent on technology.

Atoridan's experts are analyzing the residue left after the previous H-bomb exploded, and want to determine some material conditions in the opposite world and infer the situation.

All on alert.

But there were no more attacks after that.

Perhaps those attacks failed to pass through the passage, or the world on the other side of the passage did not launch another attack.

While everyone was waiting patiently, Caroline suddenly spoke up.

"Xiao Yuan, there is a situation."

"Huh?" Baili Yuan cheered up immediately, "Is there a visitor from the opposite world? But I didn't feel the spatial fluctuation."

"No, I caught an electromagnetic signal near the passage, and the world on the other side seems to be contacting us."

Sure enough, other forces also caught the electromagnetic signal one after another, only a few seconds behind Caroline.

Then professionals from various forces gathered together and began to decipher the intended message in the signal.

Caroline directly connected to the signal and started the communication.

The system that has always been salted fish also jumped out at this time to help Bailiyuan with language translation.

"Zizi... this is... Huangxing, the world opposite... Zizi... what is it..."

The signal was intermittent, but it allowed people to understand what the other party wanted to express. It was probably a simple self-introduction and wanted to ask about the specific situation of Baili Yuan.

"There are many kinds of signals, but they mainly express such meanings." Caroline said.

Bailiyuan was thoughtful, "Caroline, can you reply to my letter?"

"Okay, the other party's signal password has been cracked, what do you want to reply?"

"Well... Let me think about it. If you have it, you can reply like this..."

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