Chapter 1853 The aftermath of the war, the upcoming two great powers

Although it can still be played, it is not necessary.

[Innocence] After the time-space anchor of evil was taken away by the jealous avatar, he chose to evacuate.

The leader looked at Bailiyuan and Andy who flew over.

"We'll see you again soon."

Seeing [Innocence] withdraw, neither the Demon King Sect nor the Herald Envoy pursued them.

Baili Yuan simply nodded to Andy, then put away the monsters and left with the Demon King Sect.

Syphia is responsible for leading the Demon King Cult back to the beach city.

When the demon king came, he was aggressive, but when he returned, everyone's faces were filled with smiles.

In fact, some believers think that under the leadership of the Demon King, they can take the opportunity to take down Yuncheng.

But obviously few people responded to such a proposal.

It's even more unlikely that Syfia and Marefake would agree.

This time, the Battle Devil Sect has already established its reputation, and the next step is to develop steadily.

If the organization grows too fast and the strength of the middle management cannot keep up, huge problems may arise.

Although the current Devil Sect has the same reputation as [Innocence], but in terms of overall strength, it is not as good as [Innocence].

And Bailiyuan naturally left the Demon King Sect with a few clones and returned to Yuncheng.

Uchiha Shisui also returned to Bailiyuan, bringing the five pillars he had collected.

"Sorry, my lord, I couldn't keep the other party."

"It doesn't matter, sooner or later we will confront them again."

After the big battle, it's time to deal with the aftermath of the battle.

The coat of arms makes one side have the advantage in the battle and is still in a state of eating melons in the later stage, but there are still casualties.

After all, this is a war, and there are so many strong people participating in the war, it is unrealistic that there will be no casualties in the war.

However, there were not many deaths and injuries on the side of the heraldry, and the number of deaths was very small, most of them were injured. On the contrary, the casualties on the side of the stowaways were huge, and most of them died at the hands of monsters taught by the Demon King.

If the head count is counted, Mare Falke and Thunder Killer will definitely win the MVP.

It can be said that this time the heraldry made one side win a big victory, the Demon King Cult was also the winner, and [Innocence] seemed to be the loser, but the only ones who suffered huge losses were the various forces of the smugglers.

The large field outside Yuncheng has been beaten and changed the terrain. When Yuncheng welcomed back the residents, it also began to correct the battlefield outside the city.

It is mainly to clean up the corpses and fill in the terrain. It is not required to restore the previous appearance, at least to ensure that there will be no danger.

【Innocence】Although they ran fast, they didn't leave nothing behind.

When Bailiyuan saw Shazi returning to Yuncheng Academy with the boy and Mandrill in each hand, Bailiyuan couldn't help being a little surprised.

"How did you catch them?"

Shirley followed closely, "Of course it was with the help of me and Brilliant Gold."

Although the strength of the young man and Mandrill is not weak, it is difficult for them to resist in the face of three unusual large heraldic envoys.

Moreover, the three of them were chasing the two of them specifically, and the others had no chance to rescue them.

The strong and leaders of the colorful level are all being watched.

Without support, the two could only be caught.

The disposal of the two of them was naturally left to Yuncheng College.

Afterwards, Yuncheng College and Akamoy will naturally interrogate and judge the two of them.


After the war many things happened.

The main thing is to have a meeting.

Of course, it’s not the kind of leadership meeting, but a group of bigwigs sitting together, making a post-war summary, and then discussing future arrangements. This meeting may affect the entire Azpedan, and even the entire human race. s future.

Because the leaders have already stated that they are here for the entire human race.

Yuncheng was just the first target they chose.

The meeting was scheduled for a month later, and it was a big one.

The reason why it took such a long time to prepare was because not only Akamoy's powerful people participated in this meeting.

Akamoy is only one of the three top cities in Azpedan, the country of red earth, and Yuncheng is a first-tier city under Akamoy.

Participating in this meeting included representatives of two other cities as famous as Akamoy, the city of knowledge - the economic city and the political city.

At the same time, there are two other human nations - Kamosimo, the country of loess, and Logust, the country of black soil.

Bailiyuan's knowledge of Kamosimo, the land of loess, and Logust, the land of black earth, is relatively limited. He only learned about these two countries through information and communications after he became the dean of Yuncheng College. The situation in the two countries is basically similar to that of Azpedan, but there are some differences in some cultural traditions.

Heraldry enables the world to have a network, and the network narrows the distance between countries.

But the coat of arms makes the world a vast area, and there are many dangerous magic vehicles on the road, and it is difficult to simply shorten the distance between several countries.

Even Bailiyuan had never been to those two countries.

In fact, the main reason is that Bailiyuan has his own responsibilities, and it is impossible to ignore everything and go to other countries. Even if he is a mascot, Bailiyuan has to show his face at Yuncheng College occasionally.

This time is a good opportunity for Bailiyuan to get to know those two countries.

In addition, on the mainland, some small human countries will also send representatives to participate.

For example, Emily Ka, the brilliant girl who graduated from Yuncheng College, is a princess from a small human country, and her princess name is true.

However, in human countries, only some small countries still retain the monarchy, and there are titles such as princes and princesses.

And such small countries are generally attached to the three major countries.

After all, thighs still need to be thick.

Bailiyuan also heard that some other races close to the human territory would also send representatives, such as the elves.

Because other races are also very worried about the human race.

The main reason is to worry that the human race will change to a new boss, and then beat them up.

Don't be too afraid, but if you can avoid war, you still have to avoid it.

There are some ancient races, and there are still some classics that record the ferocity of the human race before the appearance of the heraldry profession.

Now, whether it is the human race or other races, they are used to the current peaceful situation, and no one wants to fall into chaos.

Before the meeting, Yuncheng and Akamoy also held some small meetings, mainly to discuss the future deployment.

The powerhouses of Akamoy also felt quite uncomfortable.

Because of [Innocence], although the number of strong people is not too large, it has to be guarded against, and this organization is always holding on to several cities in Akamoy.

Who did you provoke?

Bailiyuan also held a meeting for a few days, and also saw some Akamoy strongmen smashing the table in anger.

If Bailiyuan hadn't mastered Mutun, they might have had an awkward meeting sitting on chairs, with nowhere to put their hands.

But also because of this, more than a dozen broken tables were carried out of the meeting room that day.

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