I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1838 Three Plum Blossoms

Juggling: superpower-type changing skills, you can exchange your own and your opponent's possessions.

The imprint fragment is the authority fragment.

The gluttony priest is only using the power of the authority fragment, but has not fused the authority fragment. Therefore, in fact, this authority fragment can be regarded as the possession of the gluttony priest.

The skill of tricks is quite interesting. It seems simple, but it is not simple. Not only can it be used to exchange possessions, but if it is practiced well, it can also be exchanged for other things.

Some crooked trainers have the elves hone their juggling skills, which they then use to steal.

The super-powerful Miaomiao in the projection state does not have any possessions, but this skill can take effect even if one party has a possession.

There are also some trainers who follow dirty routines to let their elves bring some more dangerous possessions, and then use tricks to exchange them with the opponent, and equip the opponent with a negative item, which is to improve themselves in disguise.

Of course, this skill is not that invincible, and some special items cannot be replaced under special circumstances.

However, special items and special conditions do not include authority fragments and gluttony sacrifices at this time.

After the Gluttony Priest lost his power fragment, he was stunned, and then his aura quickly slipped, and his strength fell back to the diamond level again.

Even if the appearance of the gluttonous sacrifice remains unchanged, his strength is still preserved, but he is no longer as terrifying as before.

"No!!!!" The gluttonous priest yelled, heart-piercingly.

Although he dislikes the fragments of authority that made him like this, it doesn't mean that he is willing to lose the fragments of authority.

In the official game, the possessions are exchanged using tricks, and the possessions must be returned to the opponent after the game is over, but in the wild, there is no such rule.

So... the authority fragments will not be returned~

Super Miaomiao threw the power fragments to Bailiyuan, and then rushed to the gluttony priest again, with superpowers surging again.

As for the authority fragments thrown over, Baili Yuan looked curiously.

"Sure enough, it is authority, and the fragments are not small. Unfortunately, it is not a serious authority, otherwise the value would be even higher."

But Bailiyuan still swallowed the fragments of authority in one gulp.

Although the power of this piece of authority is ominous, it is also of great value. Even if you don't go in, you can still rub it.

This body is produced by the projection of consciousness. For the time being, this fragment of authority can be suppressed in this body. I don't know if this fragment of authority can return to the world of the coat of arms with him, but even if he can't go back, wait. If he disappears, this piece of authority will still fall out, and then Della and the others will have to deal with it.

Although Della and the others are still students, there are people behind them. The Mage Academy and the Empire will take care of this fragment of authority.

"Daju, did you eat that thing?" Della ran to Bailiyuan and asked in surprise, "Won't it ruin your stomach?"

Before Baili Yuan could answer, Olinson stood up, "Hmph, the thought of a mortal is nothing more than a fragment of authority. Isn't that a small thing to Mr. Michael? Are you right, Mr. Michael."


The old rice blew.

But this piece of authority does not affect Baili Yuan.

"A fragment of authority? What is that?" Lafite was a little curious, and it was the first time for the others to hear the term "fragment of authority".

Olinson naturally explained, and then... used it to highlight how awesome "Lord Michael" is.

And Bailiyuan was picked up by Daila, and Bailiyuan didn't resist, and continued to look at the super-powerful Miaomiao who was making bloody sacrifices.

Now everyone is able to chat in the mood because Super Miaomiao is too strong.

In fact, Bailiyuan doesn't know what evil the Demon King Sect has done, but the vicious appearance of the gluttonous priest is very frightening, so he can only choose to kill him. Of course, if possible, it is better to catch him alive good.

"I remember saying before that there are six more people like him in the Demon King Sect?" Baili Yuan's cat's eyes lit up, and he felt as if he had discovered a way to make money.

Fragments of authority, whether they are used by oneself or left in this world to exchange for things, are extremely valuable.

However, when he saw the fragment of authority, Baili Yuan also knew that he had probably come into contact with the tip of the iceberg of the world's secrets.

"If the powerful in this world can easily touch the fragments of God's authority, then we have to pay attention to this world. Could the twisted existence in the forest be related to God's authority?"

And the existence of fragments of authority naturally means that there is a god in this world!

Or it can be said that there used to be a god.

The fragments of authority on the Gluttony Priest before seemed to be broken naturally, not given to him by God.


Super Miaomiao embeds the gluttony priest on the stone wall again, still in the same place.

This is called Plum Blossom Three Lanes.

However, this time the gluttonous sacrifice priest no longer climbed up as aggressively as before.


The gluttonous priest spat out a big mouthful of blood, which was blue in color and had a strong sulfur-like smell.

The gluttonous priest widened his eyes, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something, and then... he died.

Super Miaomiao looked at the Gluttony Priest expressionlessly, and was not surprised.

However, the death of the gluttonous priest was not because of the severity of her attack, but because the power in the gluttonous priest's body began to lose control after losing the power fragments. The power obtained through the authority before became a poison for life.

Even if they do nothing, the gluttony priest will inevitably die from being corroded by power in the end.

"It's really a strange power." After understanding the situation, Baili Yuan sighed in his heart.

"He's finally dead this time." Lafite sighed.

Just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief, there was another explosion.

"What's going on?" Everyone was surprised again.

Are there still enemies?

Then, everyone saw that the cliff on the stone wall began to shatter.

Shibi finally didn't intend to bear such a blow anymore, no more love, let's destroy it.

Then the stone wall and the cliff above it collapsed.

Of course, there are villas on the cliff.

Everyone watched countless gravels and villas fall into the sea together, causing huge waves.

"It's really... spectacular." Flavo sighed.

Georgia had a different opinion, "Well, we don't need to pay for it."


"Don't worry, if there is any compensation, I will bear it alone." Angelina stood up, and then suddenly bowed to Bailiyuan and Chao Neng Miaomiao, "Thank you for your help this time. "

Bailiyuan and Chao Neng Miaomiao didn't respond, but Della felt a little embarrassed because she was hugging Bailiyuan, and it seemed that Angelina was bowing to her.

Besides, Della and Angelina were rivals in the past, Della felt a little uncomfortable seeing Angelina like this, she hurriedly changed the subject, "By the way, Daju, the five dolls you summoned What about the beast?"

As if responding to Della, five figures came running from afar, with some seawater and seaweed on their bodies. It seems that they fell into the sea together with the villa, but they were just lucky to survive.

After the five ninja soldiers returned, they also showed Baili Yuan what they had gained this time.

Five ninja soldiers pulled out this harvest from the shadows.

A small pile of antiques and oil paintings.

A small pile of jewels, gold coins.

Several enchanted weapons.

some special files.

Then the last ninja soldier took out two big fish that were alive and kicking.

Forcibly made up five kinds of things.

"A lot of valuable things." Georgia's eyes lit up immediately, and Xiaoyu covered her face with her wings, feeling a little ashamed.

Master, what you summoned is an owl representing wisdom, not a crow representing a miser!

Although the other girls were considered rich, they were all surprised when they saw so many precious things and enchanted weapons for the first time.

Only Angelina is better, "These things should be the wealth obtained by the Demon King's Cult to fool believers or through other means. The Demon King's Cult collects money very quickly. Now it is Della's spoils, and it is Della's personal wealth." wealth."

Della waved her hand hastily, "It's Daju's trophy, I didn't do anything."

Angelina didn't bother about it either, she paid attention to those special documents.

After flipping through it briefly, Angelina's expression changed, and she hurriedly asked, "Can I take these documents with me?"

"Is there any problem with these documents?" Flavor noticed that Angelina's expression was wrong.

Angelina didn't answer directly, but said, "Imperial secret!"


Well, no one asked any more. Of course, Bailiyuan didn't stop Angelina from taking the things away. Although he was somewhat interested in the secrets of the empire, his interest was mediocre.

And after getting the documents, Angelina didn't care to say anything more to the others, and hurriedly left in Mel Carter.

Georgia and Fravor stayed on.

The jewelry oil painting was temporarily put into her storage ring by Della.

Olinsen caught two big fish, and the big fish wanted to struggle, but Olinsen hit the ground twice, knocking the two fish unconscious, "I will eat these two fish tonight ..."

As he said that, Olinson planned to start a fire and cook on the spot, but when Olinson was about to get some branches to start the fire, several trees attacked him.

"Who? Surprised my young little angel!" Olinson yelled.

Then I saw more than a dozen trees in the woods on both sides come alive.

"It's a dryad!" Daila and Lafite exclaimed, and they hurriedly picked up their staffs again.

I've been looking for these dryads for a day, but I didn't expect them to run so far away.

Naturally, the dryad knew that Bailiyuan and the others were in danger, and they didn't dare to act before. Who knew that Olinsen came to them and broke a branch, so they couldn't hide anymore. Now they can only choose to appear, and then...run away!

A group of dryads ran into the distance.

Della and Lafite hurriedly led Bailiyuan and Olinson to chase after them. Olinson still held two big fish in his hands, and Super Miaomiao followed behind them.

See chaos.

Flavor smiled, "It's another peaceful day, let's go, let's help."

Georgia nodded and followed Flavo with Xiaoyu.


In the sky where no one noticed, two figures were hiding him.

It is the dean and the vice dean.

"It seems that the situation has been resolved, but... Is the Demon King's religion? There are also traces of gods in the forest, and those who get along with gods will have no good things. Things are getting more and more troublesome, and the empire has begun to become turbulent." Long sighed.

"That cat is not simple, it's worth paying attention to." The vice president looked at the crowd who were chasing the dryad into the distance.

"Let's go back too."

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