I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 187 Sexy Cousin, Online Development

"Some scholars have also released some information about Lalulas."

"Lalulas is also known as super loli. They are mood Pokémon. They can use their horns to perceive the emotions of Pokémon and humans, and Lalulas is one of the few Pokémon that can learn magic leaves."

"In terms of temperament, Lalulas is very timid. They will hide when they feel hostility, but they will become braver when they feel happy or optimistic emotions from others. If their trainer mood Happy, Lalu Lasi will also grow up happily. If their horns capture the warm feelings of people or Pokémon, Lalu Lasi's body will gradually warm up, because they usually don't like the negativity around them, Lalu Drawing generally stays away from humans."

"But compared to Lalulas, her evolved Kirulian and Xanadu are more popular. Some people also like to call them super girls and super queens, and there are trainers who marry Xanadu Things happen."

T-X explanation is over.

Bailiyuan has a black line all over her head.


Can humans and Pokémon really lay eggs?

However, I don't know Ultraman and Pokémon...

Baili Yuan shook his head hastily, this idea was too dangerous.

Shanaiduo looked at Bailiyuan amusedly. Although he didn't know what Bailiyuan was thinking, Bailiyuan's confused look was really cute.

Bailiyuan cast aside distracting thoughts and looked at Lalulas in Xanadu's arms. At this time, Lalulas looked a little scared, and was carefully lying in Xanadu's arms, looking at Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan touched his chin and looked at Xanadu.

"Xanadu, have you communicated with this child?"

"We've communicated." Xanadu's voice sounded from the bottom of Baili Yuan's heart.

"Then what's the situation with this child?" Baili Yuan asked curiously.

"I don't know about this child, but I seem to have heard someone say that she is going to be used as an experiment." Xanadu said with a serious face.

Do experiments?

Bailiyuan also frowned.

"What exactly is going on?" Baili Yuan asked.

"This child didn't know exactly what was going on. I just knew that someone restricted her teleportation ability and then captured her. But before she could be tested, the residence of those who captured her was attacked. She was taken out by one of them, as if she was going to be sent to Tokiwa City, and the rest is unknown."

experiment? Tokiwa City? Super power department?

Bailiyuan twitched the corner of his mouth, it couldn't really be related to Chaomeng.

"As soon as this child came out, she didn't feel the equipment that could limit her teleportation ability, and then immediately activated teleportation and left. I still persuaded her for a long time before persuading her to come back." Xanadu said.

"Okay, then this kid..."

Bailiyuan looked around, T-X was holding Nidoran in his arms, and Xanadu was holding Lalulas in his arms.

"Then you can take care of this child for a while."

Xanadu smiled and nodded.

The arrangement for Lalulas can only be discussed after Lalulas stabilizes.

"Okay, everything is almost packed, it's time to enter Hualan City and do what needs to be done."

Xanadu and Lalulas stayed in the wild, and neither Lalulas nor Xanadu was suitable for entering the city.

And Bailiyuan returned to Hualan City with T-X and went straight to the Pokémon Center.

Bailiyuan registered T-X as a trainer.

In addition to receiving Pokémon from a certain research institute to become a newcomer trainer, other people who want to become trainers need to apply to the Pokémon Center.

The application process is simple.

You only need to prove that you are over ten years old and that there is no problem with your identity. Of course, you have to pay a little money.

T-X's fake identity certificate passed the review easily, and T-X officially became a trainer. No, the one who became a trainer should be Baili Angela, Baili Yuan's cousin.

Now Bailiyuan is also trying to adapt to this identity.

Bailiyuan is not planning to take T-X back, but is planning to leave T-X in this world to continue collecting information related to Pokémon. When he comes to the Pokémon world by himself in the future, it will be much easier to get what he wants.

Compared with the identity of a child, T-X is an "adult". If you add a layer of identity as a trainer, things will be much easier, and Bailiyuan can only stay in the world of Pokémon for one week every month. Baili It is even more difficult for Yuan to make a name for himself in the Pokémon world.

Bailiyuan doesn't have much demand for T-X's power for the time being, so don't let T-X stay in the Pokémon world to develop, so that she can play her best role.

With the intelligence and strength of T-X, Bailiyuan is very relieved.

This is probably similar to T-X helping Bailiyuan hang up the development in the world of Pokémon.

For this reason, Bailiyuan also spent a lot of money for the smooth development of T-X.

In addition to applying for a trainer, Bailiyuan also purchased a full set of trainer equipment for T-X, including the official illustrated book.

The official illustrated book is connected to the Damu Research Institute, and the scanned Pokémon information will be sent back to the Damu Research Institute, but the difference from the illustrated book received from Dr. Damu is that it is not free.

Moreover, after becoming an official trainer, T-X can only carry six Pokémon, and the extra Pokémon will be sent back to the placement point.

However, because T-X is not a trainer certified by a certain research institute, it is impossible for her extra Pokémon to be sent back to the Oki Research Institute, and T-X needs to set the placement point by herself.

Generally speaking, trainers will set their placement point as their own home, or the address of the entrusted breeding house.

It is impossible to transfer to "home", so T-X's Pokémon can only be entrusted to a breeding house. Of course, it costs money. The charge is based on the number of Pokmon. Fortunately, the price is not too expensive.

The breeding house that Bailiyuan chose for T-X was the Hualan Breeding House in Hualan City. Most of the Pokémon trainers who set off from Hualan City would choose the Hualan Breeding House.

These arrangements almost emptied Bailiyuan's old bottom. In the end, Bailiyuan also handed over all his remaining usable money, as well as some medicines and props he had reserved to T-X. Unfortunately, the one million There was no money to be found in it.

In the future, T-X will need money to cultivate elves, and it will cost a lot of money for the breeding house. It is all money. Bailiyuan deeply understands that Pokémon trainer is a very expensive profession, but whether he can make money depends on T-X It was his own, and just in case, Bailiyuan also left the gold on his body to T-X for backup.

It took a whole day to get these things.

After everything was done, Bailiyuan and T-X did not go out of the city this time, but could finally settle down in the Pokémon Center.

For the rest of the time, Bailiyuan didn't plan to continue going out, but stayed in Hualan City with T-X, and discussed the next development plan with T-X. Next, T-X will go out to develop alone, although Bailiyuan is relatively Don't worry, but you can't develop blindly.

Time passed slowly like this...

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