Chapter 1816: Fukui Desilicon came down to the challenge, and asked me to play heads-up tomorrow

Fushii Desi hid again.

Although the AIB has stepped up its investigation, it has had little success.

The AIB suspected that someone was helping Fushii Desi, and therefore, they did not find any clues about Fushii Desi.

The earth is also in some turmoil during this time.

The Star of Litru reappears, this time in the body of a deep-sea monster, Guvira.

Fushii Deji also made a rare appearance again, trying to snatch the power of Litru Star.

But it was stopped by Geed and Cyro.

Xiao Lu also activated an Ultra Capsule again, and it turned out to be Ultraman's Ultra Capsule.

Baili Yuan didn't intervene, he stood by and wanted to guard Fu Jing De Si, but Fu Jing De Si still ran away.

Because Bailiyuan was stopped by a powerful existence.

This proves that someone is indeed helping Fu Jing Chu Si, and they are very powerful. Baili Yuan didn't see the real face of the other party, but the other party just intercepted Bai Li Yuan, creating a chance for Fu Jing Chu Si to escape.

During the brief contact, Bailiyuan could only feel the dark power of the other party was very strong, but did not know other information about the other party.

Baili Yuan's heart was a little heavy.

Let’s not talk about the existence of helping Fushii Idesi behind the scenes. Judging from Fushii Idesi’s combat performance this time, Fushii Idesi has grown tremendously, and he has managed to suppress Geed and Sailo in a short period of time. In the end, it was because of one against two and lack of strength that it was defeated.

This is not because Fukui Idesi's strength level has improved, but Fushii Idesi's combat experience has greatly improved.

At the same time, Bailiyuan also saw that Fushii Idesi should have specifically analyzed the battle data of Geed and Sailo, and made a target. This should be the reason why Fushii Deji was able to compete with Geed and Sailo.

This time it was only because Fukui Deshi's strength was a little weaker that he lost, so what about next time?

As long as the power gap is filled, Fushii Idesi is likely to completely suppress Geed and Sai Luo, and Bailiyuan suspects that Fushii Idesi has also analyzed his battle data, and it will also be able to suppress him by then.

The particularity of Fushii Deji's Strum organ made it possible for Fushii Deji to fill the gap in strength.

In order to deal with the possible crisis caused by Fushii Idesi, one must either quickly increase his strength and continue to suppress his strength in the future, or show Fushii Idesi a new form that he has never seen before, and the new form must also be strong enough.

"It's troublesome." Baili Yuan shook his head, and then practiced Xiao Lu fiercely.


Time passed for a while.

Then, on this day, Xiao Lu approached Baili Yuan.

"Master Xiaoyuan, it's bad!" Xiao Lu hurried into Bailiyuan's residence.

"What's wrong?" Baili Yuan who was boiling milk asked curiously.

"Fukui Desi has declared war on me!" Xiao Lu said.

"Huh?" Baili Yuan paused the spoon in his hand and looked at Xiao Lu.

Lai Ye, Pejia, Ren, Ze Luo, AIB's Zena, and Aizaki Moeya all rushed to the scene after hearing the news.

Fushii Idesi transmitted his voice into Xiaolu's mind through special means, expressing an offer to fight Xiaolu, clamoring to single out Gedde.

Then Xiao Lu came to look for Baili Yuan.

Because of Bailiyuan's teaching, Xiao Lu will no longer choose to act alone, because he has learned to trust his partners, and when something happens, he will come to Bailiyuan immediately.

Beating up bad guys, gang fights are not shabby.


did not hear.

The Ultra fighter said he didn't hear it if he didn't hear it.

So quietly still want to fight Ultraman?

A group of people discussed——

Xiao Lu: "Fukui Izushi came down to challenge me, and asked me to fight one-on-one tomorrow. How can I face the enemy?"

Sai Luo poured himself a glass of milk, took a sip, and then said: "Before the battle tomorrow, I just need to say a few words. Discipline Fukui Desi will surrender, and the enemy will retreat without fighting!"

Xiao Lu: "What kind of person is Fu Jing De Si? Just by saying a few words before the battle, you can make the enemy retreat without fighting?"

Sai Luo: "If you don't believe me, you can watch the battle in front of the battle tomorrow, and you will see the outcome then!"

Well, the drama ends here.

But that's about it for their conversation.

Xiao Lu was a little flustered, he, Lai Ye, and Pei Jia felt that Fukui Deshi must have a conspiracy.

Zena and Aizaki Moeya also think so.

Although Sai Luo knew that Fukui Idesi's challenge at this time was indeed abnormal, but who was Sai Luo? He won't be scared just because of a few words, and he must despise Fushii Desi before starting the fight.

But Sai Luo has matured a lot after all, and he despises Fukui Idesi verbally, but he still pays attention to Fushii Idesi psychologically.

"It's 20,000 years too early if you want to cheat on me! Xiaoyuan, I've given you a task, and you are responsible for foiling Fukui Deshi's plot!"

Bailiyuan thinks that Sai Luo regards him as the omnipotent Doraemon.

"You've watched too many cartoons with Mayu recently." Baili Yuan kicked Sai Luo directly.

Sai Luo picked up the pen as a header and was about to give Bailiyuan a slap, and then he saw Bailiyuan raise the spoon.

Fortunately, Aizaki Moya stood up in a hurry, so they didn't let them fight.

"I think it's better to accept tomorrow's challenge. After all, this is the only clue we have to understand Fukui's desilicon. We can't give up." Zena analyzed.

Everyone nodded.

"In case there are other plots in Fu Jing's production, I will let the avatar stay in the base tomorrow." Baili Yuan said.

A group of them will go to Fukui Idesi, if Fushii Idesi chooses to steal again, then he will be greeted by Bailiyuan's avatar package.

Then everyone began to discuss plans for tomorrow.

Zena looked at Bailiyuan, Xiao Lu and Sai Luo who were having a good discussion, and suddenly fell silent.

Why do Ultra fighters care so much when discussing gang fights?


Fushii Deji didn't take the initiative to come to the door, but invited Xiao Lu to a castle near Okinawa.

There are many castle ruins near Okinawa, and Fushii Deji is waiting for Oriku in one of the castles.

When the appointed time came, Xiao Lu came to the castle alone with his backpack on his back.

And in the distance behind Xiao Lu, a group of people from Bailiyuan dressed in camouflage set up an ambush.

"I didn't notice any special traps nearby, it seems that Fushii Deshi has other plans." Baili Yuan said.

"Someone is coming." He said hastily.

Everyone looked.

A figure came to Xiao Lu with a smile on his face.

"Who are you?" Xiao Lu frowned, he knew that the other party was coming towards him.

Ishikari Ariyi looked at Xiaolu with a smile on her face: "Come with me, Fushii Deshi has been waiting for you for a long time."

Then Ishikari Ari led Riku towards a direction.

Xiao Lu thought for a while, and then chose to keep up.

Bailiyuan and the others followed behind.

"Is that the accomplice of Fushii Idesiro?"

"Looks like a human being."

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