Chapter 1783 Fukui Deshi is not a male mother (???????)

Chapter 1783 Fushii Deshi is not a male mother ()

Silan felt a strong gravitational force pulling his body backwards.

Although Slan wanted to resist this gravitational force, his body was inevitably pulled in the direction of Bailiyuan.

But Silan didn't panic, he knew that it would be a while to delay now.

However, Bailiyuan noticed the movement on the earth, and Bailiyuan's eyes lit up, seeing the battle between Geed and Belmengado on the earth.

Bemengedo was running wild and Ged was being beaten. Although Bemengedo was injured in one arm, Ged was still a little reluctant to face Bemengedo.

"The strength of that monster is not simple...I don't have time to waste with you." Bailiyuan no longer tugged at Slan, but raised his other hand.

Chakra Shadow Halo, open!

Chakra Sun Ring, open!

The field of fairy magic is expanded!

Put your hands together and get what you want.

"Immortal Method Earth Explosion Star!"

Earth Explosion Star is the ability of the reincarnation eye, a powerful sealing ability. At this time, Bailiyuan used the celestial chakra fusion pupil power to use this pupil technique, and at the same time fused the power of Yin Yang Dun, the two halos lit up, Shaking constantly.

The celestial method used by Bailiyuan, the Earth Explosion Star, is more powerful than the super Earth Explosion Star used by Uchiha Madara, but it has not fully reached the Six Paths Earth Explosion Star that can directly seal Otsuki Kaguya, but because Incorporating the power of Yin-Yang Dun, Bailiyuan's Immortal Method Earth Explosion Star also has the effect of sealing.

This is also the special feature of Bailiyuan's fairy method Earthburst Star. With the power of the halo, even if Bailiyuan didn't personally contact the target, the sealing power of Yin Yang Dun can still exert its effect.

And the reason why Bailiyuan chose this move was because even if the light ghost form was equipped with a full body costume, Susan, it would be difficult to kill Silan in a short time, so Bailiyuan chose to seal Silan first, Come back and deal with him.

Bailiyuan directly used this trick on Silan's side.

A black dot appeared beside Silan.

"What is this?" Silan was startled, and then he felt a huge suction from the black dot.

Silan subconsciously wants to attack the black spot, but with Yin Yang Dun's sealing power added, Silan has no possibility of resisting.

Silan's body twisted gradually.

The seal is about to be completed!

Bailiyuan used this trick to attract the wreckage of spaceships, aliens and monsters around him, and he planned to use these things to make a sealed shell.

Silan didn't continue to struggle, but looked at Bailiyuan through the cracks in the wreckage.

"Ultra fighter, it seems that I lost, but Master Belia will return soon, and I will look forward to the news of your going to hell!"

Although Silan had no way to resist, he directly chose to commit suicide.

With a bang, Silan's body exploded, and his monster capsule also shattered.

But the power of the explosion was sealed by the sphere formed by countless wreckage.

Bailiyuan let go of his hand.

"Did you commit suicide? Caroline, I'll give you the ball, and I'll go support Gedd!"


Caroline controls EX Galatron and flies towards the sphere.

If this sphere is not disposed of, it is okay to say that it becomes space junk, but if it falls on the earth, at least it can destroy Honshu Island.

After all, this is a sphere made of many spaceships, corpses of spacemen and monsters, and its volume and mass are not small.

However, many things in this sphere are also worth recycling, and Caroline will not waste good things.

The people of the AIB monitored the scene of the battle through the satellites in the distance, until Bailiyuan left, many AIB agents still couldn't recover.


On the other side, on Earth.

Gedd's counterattack did not last long.

Even if Bemengedo only has one left hand that can absorb power, it will be difficult for Ged to kill him in a short time, but the battle will no longer be one-sided. However, the situation will soon change. Had to take a nosedive.

Because Gedde also encountered the same problem as Bailiyuan, that is, Gedde's transformation time is approaching.

And he still can't use up the light to use up the darkness like Baili Yuan, and use up the darkness to use up spiritual power.

But Ged still stood in front of the old man with Litrul Star in his body, delaying the monster's pace.

Laiye and Peijia took turns carrying the old man on their backs and ran into the distance.

The old man also introduced himself. The old man’s name is Chaocang Hammer. He has no children. He was the one who picked up Xiao Lu and named him. When he was in Lu, his wife died of illness suddenly. He thought that he was not capable of taking care of Xiao Lu alone, so he entrusted Xiao Lu to other people to take care of him.

And he has been silently caring about Xiao Lu.

Recently, Chao Cang Hammer has awakened the power of Litru Star in his body, and the power he got is clairvoyance.

He can see far away, see through objects, and even has some ability to foresee the future.

With this ability, Chao Canghammer saw the battle between Bailiyuan and Sai Luo in the universe, he also saw the underground Xingyunzhuang base, and at the same time he also discovered that Xiaolu was not from Earth.

As for today's events, Chao Canghui was naturally clear, because recently he had been staring at Fukui Idesi with his clairvoyant eyes, and he could see what arrangements Fushii Idesi had made.

He knew that Fushii Deji was going to attack Xiao Lu, so he planned to go to Xingyun Village to send a message to Xiao Lu and the others, but the action of AIB stimulated Fushii Deji, so Fukui Deji made the move ahead of time, so he directly diverted to come here I'm looking for Xiao Lu.

Chao Canghammer didn't intend to escape like this, "You put me down, the monster is coming for me."

"How is that possible!" Leyer said.

"No matter what, we won't let you go." Peijia said.

The determination of the two made Asakura Hammer a little passionate, and subconsciously wanted to find out his golden memory, and then suddenly realized that this was Ultraman's set.

That's fine. (Asakura hammer is played by the BOSS Sonosaki Ryubei in "Kamen Rider W")

Chao Canghammer can only use strength, and wants to see if there is a way to help Xiaolu.

Ged was suppressed by Belmengado, and the situation became more and more critical.

"Hahaha, it's so cool, do you really think you can resist me?" Bemengado gradually suppressed Ged, and Fushii Desuke also began to say a lot of things that were suffocating in his heart.

"I put you on the observatory 19 years ago. It seems like it happened yesterday. I didn't expect time to pass so fast. Now you have given me such great joy."

joy? That's right, joy?

Beating up Ged now gave Fushii Izuki a sense of spiritual refreshment.

"What do you mean?" Zhao Canglu was startled, "Who are you?"

"Don't you understand?"

Fushii Desi controlled Belmengado and pointed at Ged.

"I created you!"

Xiao Lu widened his eyes.

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