Chapter 1776 Kingly Protagonist Template

It may be because the Doujianshuo comes from England in Europe, so he also likes to look up at the sky very much.

Bailiyuan once wondered whether Keng Doujiansuo had a dream of going to heaven, and said that as long as Keng Doujiansuo opened his mouth, he could find a way to make Keng Doujiansuo have the ability to fly.

However, Keng Dou Jiansuo said that he simply likes to watch.

At this time, Keng Dou Jiansuo looked at the sky, and suddenly his eyes moved. He didn't know if it was an illusion. He seemed to see an extra star in the sky.

But isn't it daytime?

Although he is a fish, but he has seen a lot of sky, and he also has common sense.

On the other hand, it may be because of the long waiting time, some active elves are a little impatient.

The long-haired giant approached the wearing bear quietly, then smiled and threw several stones at the wearing bear.

The bear turned around, looked at the hairy troll, smiled, and...


Big trees were knocked down one after another, and long-haired monsters in bear chasing scurry around.

The other elves watched their chase and slapstick with interest.

Even the blackened Meloetta came nearby, watching the long-haired monster being beaten, and smiled rarely.

In the past six years, although the blackened Meloetta still couldn't integrate into the elves and was always outside the circle of elves, she still gradually drew closer to the elves, at least she would no longer lock herself in the circle of elves. in the room.

"Be quiet, don't be noticed!" Baili Yuan shouted at them.

The hairy troll just needs a beating.

But although he knows that wearing a bear is not easy to mess with, he always likes to tease a wearing bear.

This kind of behavior of provoking the unruly elf seems to make the long-haired giant feel that it is a challenge to himself, and he never tires of it.

It's just that after almost every provocation, the hairy giant has to be sent to the infirmary.

Baili Yuan thought of something, and shouted to them again: "Wearing a bear, don't knock out the teeth of the long-haired monster this time, and eat later."

However, just as Baili Yuan was about to prepare the meal, the bucket-tipped shuttle suddenly jumped violently.

Smelly flower passed by with a double bomb gas, and glanced at the bucket tip shuttle, saying that it's not yet time for Xianyu to turn around.

But the bucket-tipped shuttle jumped up and gave Smelly Flower two tails.

"Look at the sky, there are meteorites!"

Smelly Flower was taken aback for a moment, then looked up at the sky.

Baili Yuan also noticed their movements, and raised his head curiously.

I saw a huge thing falling in their direction in the sky.

To be precise, it flew from space.

"It is estimated that the landing site is near us, and it will not affect us too much," Caroline said.

And Bailiyuan also saw clearly what fell from the sky, it was not a meteorite, but...a monster!

"It doesn't look like a monster invading the earth." Baili Yuan said, and then suddenly showed a surprised expression, "Wait, this monster is..."

Then Baili Yuan and a group of elves watched a monster pass by their heads and landed in a mountain not far away.

Even wearing a bear forgot to beat the hairy troll.

When the monster landed, the bear-wearing fist landed, and the long-haired giant passed out as expected.

"That monster... seems to be Sandrias." Baili Yuan said.

Sandrias, a race that looks like a monster, is no less intelligent than the cosmic people, and has a simple race relationship.

I was reminded that it cannot be treated as a normal monster.

In fact, the strength of the Sandrias race is actually not that strong.

Eddie had encountered the Sandrias race before, and not only did no battle happen, but he also had to help them restore their mother-child relationship.

Because Sandrias is very intelligent, it is easy to have some problems that only occur in intelligent races, such as family conflicts and emotional disputes.

In short, this is a moderately powerful, intelligent, but troublesome race.

Because they are likely to make some special actions because of their own problems, but with their huge size, they often cause trouble for other races.

But no matter what this Sandrias did on earth, Bailiyuan realized one thing.

"Hurry up and eat, everyone, someone will come later!"

If Sandrias comes to Earth so swaggeringly, the people on Earth will definitely react.


After Bailiyuan and the others finished their meal and left, it was not the people from Earth who came to deal with Sandrias's problem, but the AIB.

Because this is also within the scope of their work.

And a group of AIB members came, including Aizaki Moeya and her seniors.

But things did not go as expected. After a failed attempt to communicate, AIB chose to call foreign aid to resolve this matter.

Since the monsters are unwilling to communicate with them directly, they choose to communicate with them in other ways.


And Bailiyuan took the elves to find an uninhabited island and continued to have dinner together.

Sandrias is not a dangerous monster. With Geed and Zero around, he can handle its affairs well, and Bailiyuan prefers to use these time to get along with the elves.

Although all kinds of things happen every day, no matter what, remember those who you cherish and value yourself.

After spending the day happily, Bailiyuan didn't return to the capital until the sunset, and returned to the beautiful wife's home.

It's just that when taking a bath with Ren Ren at night, Sai Luo kept complaining to Baili Yuan about Sandrias who met today.

Unsurprisingly, that Sandrias got angry again because of some problems, and the reason for his getting angry turned out to be a relationship problem—a love crisis.

And Xiaolu also sent a message, saying that because of today's incident, Aisaki Moeya knew his identity as Geide, and he also learned about an organization called AIB.

In fact, it’s not that Bailiyuan has never been in contact with AIB. During the six years of wandering in the universe, Bailiyuan also came into contact with AIB organizations on other planets. It’s just that Bailiyuan didn’t expect Aizaki Moya to be a member of AIB... Well, actually Bailiyuan didn't even know who Aizaki Moya was, after all, he hadn't had much contact with Aizaki Moya.

But Bailiyuan knows one thing, that is, now Xiaolu has a good friend from the universe (Peijia), and he meets a female swordsman (Laiye) by chance, and they started living together after only knowing each other for a day, and there is another The female artificial intelligence assistant (Lime), now has a childhood sweetheart sister (Aisaki Moeya).

Xiao Lu has already started to take the kingly route.


"We still have to drill him harder!"


The peaceful days continued.

Xiao Lu continued to train.

Ren is still an office worker, and Sai Luo has also seen the hardships of office workers in Japan, saying that it is not easy for anyone.

Laiye is practicing swordsmanship.

Peijia's handicraft skills improved, she made more money, and bought better instant noodles.

However, Fushii Desi will not let this dullness continue.

He finally planned to act again.

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