Chapter 182 False certificates and the top prize (14,000 votes plus updates)

"Artificial mythical beasts...artificial mythical beasts...couldn't it be Chaomeng!" In Bailiyuan's few memories of the Pokémon world, the most impressive artificial elf, and the Pokmon that has been called a mythical beast, seems to be only Mew-two.

And I am in the Kanto area at this time, that is to say, this information is probably related to Chaomeng.

Bailiyuan suddenly felt that today's excitement was a bit too much.

Taking a deep breath, Bailiyuan pulled out the documents and read them.

quite a while.

Bailiyuan sighed and inserted the information back into the file bag.

"Can not Understand it……"

Bailiyuan himself does not have any level of scientific research. Although he has come into contact with many high-tech items when he was in the Kingdom of Light, it only broadened his horizons, and Bailiyuan doesn't understand the specific principles at all.

What's more, this information is related to genetic engineering, and Bailiyuan doesn't understand it, so he didn't see it at all.

"Keep it for now, maybe you can understand it later." Baili Yuan put away the information.

After tidying up his things, Bailiyuan looked in the direction of T-X.

"T-X, what are you doing?" Baili Yuan moved to T-X's side and asked curiously, staring at the screen with open eyes.

"Pokémon Alliance Kanto Alliance identity certificate processing... Fuck!"

Only then did Bailiyuan realize that T-X had actually hacked into the archives of the Pokémon Alliance.

Next to the official gymnasium of the Kanto Alliance, Bailiyuan wanted to ask T-X how he did it.

"I also just came in. This computer itself is specially set up. According to my guess, this computer itself is prepared for making fake identity certificates. It has a secret door in the database itself. I just It took some work to understand the system of this computer, then found the door, and finally went in." T-X explained.

The computer that T-X uses now is the one with many accessories added.

Bailiyuan rummaged through the pair of things that were about to be thrown away, and sure enough, he found a sign that said "do identity verification".

"Excuse me, do I need to apply for an identity certificate?" T-X looked at Bailiyuan.

Baili Yuan turned her head and nodded hastily.

It was Bailiyuan's headache to prove his identity, and he didn't expect the surprise to come so suddenly.

Why didn't I see it in the dark street before?

Maybe I didn't look carefully.

"That's right." Bailiyuan took out a picture book, "Can you put your identity certificate on it?"

T-X shook his head, "Sorry, this machine doesn't have this function yet, if you want, I can help you modify this machine."

"Then what do you need?" Baili Yuan asked curiously.

"I haven't estimated it yet, but generally speaking, it needs some parts and time, and because there is no formal illustrated book as a reference for comparison, there may be loopholes." T-X said.

Baili Yuan shook his head, "Forget it, or just apply for an identity certificate."

The illustrated book can be purchased and bound after applying for the identity certificate, there is no need to take risks with the unknown number of goods.

"Then apply for an identity certificate. Is there any trouble?" Baili Yuan asked.

"There is no difficulty in this aspect. Combining other people's files and materials, I can completely apply for a flawless identity certificate for you. Do you have any requirements for your identity certificate?"

"Well... Try not to be too attractive, you can figure it out, follow the best plan." Bailiyuan said.

When communicating with T-X, we still need to be clear about the requirements. Whether there is the word "optimal" or not, the result is completely two results.

"Okay, I see." T-X nodded.

"By the way, I will also apply for an identity certificate for you, which must be related to my identity certificate." Bailiyuan said.

"Okay, wait a minute." T-X said, staring at the screen.

Bailiyuan couldn't understand the operation of T-X, and Bailiyuan played with another computer out of boredom.

The computer has been hacked by T-X, and Bailiyuan can use it directly.

Although it was different from any computer system that Bailiyuan had used before, Bailiyuan knew characters and could quickly operate it easily.

Everything in the computer has been sorted out by T-X.

There are some information about Pokémon in it.

In addition to information, there are some software.

Bailiyuan curiously went to a platform called "Trainer Exchange Platform".

The account of the original owner of the computer is also logged on the platform.

"Hualan, brother Tie." Baili Yuan grinned, this name is really tough.


"The Rock Snake of Qiuming Mountain, perfect."

I looked at the other party's social accounts, and the other party followed some people. He pinned a girl's account to the top, and the other party recently posted a post. Check the time, it was just now.

Bailiyuan clicked in curiously, and looked at the profile picture, it was a beautiful girl, still wearing a school uniform.


"Excellent pride?"

The following identity introduction is "Pokémon Research School top student", and the location is not too far from Hualan City.

The latest post by Youyoujiazi has attracted Bailiyuan's attention.

"Insomnia~ Today I was defeated by a not very powerful trainer with Pikachu with his Pikachu's inverse attributes. I carefully cultivated Caracalla. He told me that the training of Pokmon is not only based on the level and character development, but also I want to become companions with them, which made me start to rethink my trainer path, so I couldn’t sleep~~~crying~, I don’t know what everyone thinks about the trainer path?"

Pikachu with the trainer, ah, no, the trainer with Pikachu?

Why does it sound familiar?

Below is also the description made by the superior favored child to express that the trainer who defeated her was really weak.

As a rookie trainer, I only collected two badges and three Pokémon in two months. Pikachu is the initial Pokémon.


Bailiyuan felt that he had confirmed it, that he was the one he thought of.

At this time, the post has already received quite a few replies, which shows that the popularity of the top prize is still very popular.

Scrolling down the post, there are a group of foot-picking guys "hugging" comforting below. Bailiyuan can smell the smell of feet-picking through the screen.

In a later post, the superior pride also stated that he wanted to learn from the trainer during the day.

Bailiyuan twitched the corner of his mouth.

No, you can't think!

That person's way of being a trainer is not something ordinary people can learn.

Bailiyuan wanted to save this girl who might have gone astray.

"Although the training of Pokémon does not only depend on the level and character development, it is also important to communicate with Pokémon heart-to-heart, but I know that it must be cool to have a high level. By the way, I know the trainer. His trainer path, how should I put it, forget it, let’s not talk about it, as far as this is concerned, you can judge it yourself.”

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