Chapter 1745 Black Forest

Professor Moses called Xiaodai, and asked Xiaodai to use superpowers to check the situation of the fallen elves.

Xiaodai also gave a set of quite professional inspection results.

It's true, Xiaodai is not a fighting elf, he was also cultivated to cooperate with research.

However, Bailiyuan had already tried this method of checking elves with super powers, but found nothing, and Xiao Dai also found nothing.

"If there is no problem with elves themselves, then the problem is environmental factors. Although wild elves will attack humans, it is often because they strayed into their territory. It is rare for elves to leave the forest to attack humans. Perhaps Something in this forest has affected these elves." Professor Moses analyzed.

Bailiyuan agrees with Professor Moses' analysis.

Although he had inspected the forest last night and found no problems, it didn't mean that there were no problems in the forest. Things with problems might be able to hide themselves, and even escape Bailiyuan's detection.

In addition, the sudden increase of these elves with special circumstances also means that the thing that can affect elves still exists, and the scope of influence is wider.

"There are quite a few people in the town, and there are quite a few good trainers among them, so don't worry too much..." Professor Moses looked at Bailiyuan, "Young man, would you like to help me do some research in the forest? Only by solving the root cause of the problem can this matter be resolved.”

Bailiyuan naturally did not refuse.

"Wait, teacher, are you saying that we are going into the forest at night?" Shaina asked in surprise, and the other students also looked surprised.

Because of the appearance of wild elves, the forests in many places are no longer absolutely safe, and the forests at night are even more dangerous.

"I believe in teenagers." Professor Moses said, "And if things are allowed to develop, it will be bad for humans and elves in the end."

Shaina and the others hesitated for a moment. They wanted to say something, but they didn't think of any reason to prevent Moses from fighting.

On the one hand, it was because Bailiyuan had indeed shown a strong enough ability to solve this problem, and on the other hand, it was their teacher's arrangement, and what Professor Moses said was indeed true.

They felt that even if they disagreed, the final result might be that Professor Moses followed Bailiyuan into the forest alone.

But then Shaina looked at Bailiyuan, "Xiaoyuan, you shouldn't agree to the teacher's request so easily, don't you know that the forest at night is very dangerous?"

"But I went around this forest last night, and I didn't find any danger."


Professor Moses laughed, Bailiyuan's strength was stronger than he imagined, and then he directly started to arrange, "Everyone pack up your things, we will enter the forest in five minutes."

"All right."

Although Shaina and the others were reluctant, they still started to pack their things and got ready to enter the forest.

Bailiyuan also put away the barracuda.

"Young man, you said that you entered the forest last night. I remember that there were elves hurting people last night. If my judgment is correct, these elves have already started to have abnormal activities last night, and you I also noticed these elves, so I went into the forest to investigate." Professor Moses approached Bailiyuan and said straight to the point.

Bailiyuan nodded, "That's true, and I found that these elves are different from normal elves. The elves who attacked people seemed to be controlled when they launched their attacks. According to my observation, I just arrived at Avon Island yesterday. When I was there, the elves I met were very friendly, and they didn’t look like they would attack people.”

"Look, things may have happened since last night." Professor Moses squinted his eyes, not knowing what he thought of, but he didn't explain much, but said with a smile: "Next, I will trouble you, young man, although Bring us oil bottles, but don't underestimate these students of mine, although they don't have too much combat power, they also have their own specialties, and they are all excellent people."

Professor Moses is still very protective of his students.

Bailiyuan didn't mind.

The one who can hold him back is the oil bottle, and even if Professor Moses takes his students to join the enemy, it won't cause any trouble to Bailiyuan, so Bailiyuan doesn't mind at all.

"But this matter should have nothing to do with the professor, right? Why did the professor get involved? Contact the official directly, there should be someone dedicated to handling this matter." Baili Yuan asked curiously.

"Hmph, I don't believe in those selfish guys, they don't consider the interests of ordinary people and elves." Obviously, Professor Moses has a lot of opinions on the officials of the Lighthouse Kingdom, and then he continued: "I have some doubts about this matter. Guess, so it's better to investigate first, but it's confidential, sorry I can't tell you yet, but if I find solid evidence, if necessary, I will tell you the full truth of the matter, I hope it is I guessed wrong."

Bailiyuan was a little surprised, he didn't expect that Professor Moses had already guessed, and the matter seemed to be very troublesome.

Did something like this ever happen?

"Of course, let's think it's my old man's rare sense of justice." Professor Moses chuckled.

At this time, Shaina and the others had also sorted out their things, and it didn't take five minutes at all.

"Okay, let's go into the forest!"

Led by Professor Moses, a group of people entered the dark forest.

The elves lying down on the beach were ignored. These elves were not seriously injured. With the physique of the elves, they could get up and leave by themselves after a period of rest.


After entering the forest, Bailiyuan saw what a profession is. Professor Moses did not exaggerate, his students were indeed excellent.

Professor Moses took his students, each with a flashlight, and with the help of the elves, they explored the surrounding situation.

In the same area, Bailiyuan and Caroline can only get the species types and approximate traces in this area.

However, Shaina and the others were able to use professional eyes to analyze the surrounding living environment through the types of plants, and then judge the area based on the types of elves that are suitable or like to live in this environment, combined with more clues. What kind of elf territory does the area belong to, and then what to do next.

"After all, the environment here is dark and cold, with some slightly poisonous grasses growing. If there is no accident, this should be the territory of the Arbor snake. There may be more than one, but there will not be too many...Arbor snakes The number should be about 2~3, and combined with some activity traces, it can be judged that there is no Arbo monster here... Everyone pay attention to your feet, don't get close to the grass and several roots, and be careful of the branches above your head, the Arbor snake may Sleep there." A male student made a judgment based on the traces around him.

Bailiyuan sensed it, and sure enough, he found two Arbor snakes gathered together under several roots of a tree.

In this way, the group of people moved forward smoothly in the forest.

It may be because many elves ran out of the forest before, but there were not many elves in the forest.

But as they gradually penetrated into the forest, everyone's vigilance did not decrease but increased.

"This...should be the territory of Germination Deer and Four Seasons Deer." Shaina judged the elves that belonged to an area. However, looking around, the group did not see a Germination Deer or Seasons Deer.

The forest is eerily quiet.

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