Chapter 1740 The Gyarados attacked the contestant... The Gyarados was beaten and cried...

After the game started, a large group of players flocked to the prescribed sea area, trying to seize a favorable position.

Different elves have different living habits, and the probability of catching different types of elves in different areas is also different.

For example, the two rarest elves-the Thorn Dragon King and the Venomous Algae Dragon.

These two kinds of elves are generally only seen in the deep sea, and if you want to catch these two kinds of elves in the specified sea area, you need to choose the right location to have a chance.

Of course, if Bailiyuan is willing, he can throw his Heima fishing rod into the sea and come to whatever he wants. Even at the seaside, he can catch elves in the deep sea.

But this time, Bailiyuan did not use the special abilities of the Heima fishing rod, but fished as an ordinary player.

Although fishing is carried out in specified sea areas, fishing areas can generally be divided into two types, one is sea surface fishing and the other is seaside fishing.

Bailiyuan chose to fish on the sea, that is, to find a way to go fishing on the sea.

Some people choose to go to the sea on elves, while Bailiyuan chooses to rent a fishing boat to go to sea.

It has to be said that Larry Town also has something to offer, and renting fishing boats is a huge income, and those players who want to go to the sea but don't have a suitable elf can only pay.

After paying the money, Bailiyuan got the fishing boat.

Sitting in the fishing boat, Bailiyuan went out to sea leisurely, with the fishing rod in his hand hanging into the sea, wearing a big sun hat on his head, with the sea breeze blowing on his face, he seemed a little leisurely in the tense atmosphere of the competition.

The fast-swimming frog is also wearing a sun hat, leaning on the wooden boat and looking at the sky.

Today's fast-stroke frogs also have the strength of level 80. There is no special jump in the growth of fast-stroke frogs, but they have entered level 80 quite steadily step by step.

In fact, elves with a growth style like fast swimming frogs are normal.

Bailiyuan provided enough resources for the elves. If it weren't for Bailiyuan's own special situation that affected the growth of the elves, the strength of the elves would definitely be stronger.

Of course, if Bailiyuan collects enough "scourges" in the future, it will still inject power into the elves. Leaving aside other abilities, the ability to become gigantic is enough to give the elves a huge leap in strength.

Soon, Bailiyuan's hook moved.

Seeing the right moment, Bailiyuan slammed his hand on the pole, and an elf was caught by Bailiyuan.

A nanny mambo, also known as a nanny fish.

Nanny Mambo is a kind of pink elf, because its body is similar to a heart shape, it is always mistaken for the evolution of love fish, but in fact Nanny Mambo has no evolution or degeneration.

Nanny Mambo looks elegant and proud, but in fact Nanny Mambo is very talkative and caring, and is defined as taking care of Pokémon.

Of course, don’t underestimate Nanny Mambo. Nanny Mambo’s first-hand healing ability is also quite good, and he also has a good performance in battles. He has been rated as "one of the most annoying Pokémon" all the year round. The main difficulty The reason is that if there is no big advantage, it is easy to be worn to death by the nanny Mambo, and the nanny Mambo can still give herself a couple of milks.

In this competition, Nanny Mambo is also considered a relatively rare elf.

But Bailiyuan finally chose to throw the nanny Mambo back into the sea.

A nanny Mambo is not enough to satisfy Bailiyuan.

At this time, Bailiyuan noticed several figures approaching him. He turned his head to look and found two figures approaching him, a man and a woman, who were stepping on a self-destructing magnet monster. The woman was holding a microphone, while the man was carrying a camera.


That's right, it's the reporter. If you want to build a reputation for the fishing competition, you can't just rely on the players to spread it to the outside world. If Avan Island doesn't find a rare elf as a reward some year, the players probably won't come.

The players are also quite realistic.

Therefore, the focus of publicity should still be on the reputation of the competition. Only with enough reputation, it will naturally attract investment, prizes with enough value, and then attract players to participate, and finally form a virtuous circle.

And the promotion of reputation is naturally indispensable to attract media reports.

Soon, a man and a woman flew to Baili Yuan's side.

"We met a contestant's surprising, our contestant is unexpectedly young." The hostess exclaimed.

Bailiyuan's teenage appearance is really eye-catching among many contestants, the most important thing is that Bailiyuan looks good-looking.

Although there are differences in the aesthetics of the East and the West, normal people will think good-looking things are good.

Just when the female reporter wanted to interview Bailiyuan, Bailiyuan's fishing rod moved again, and a huge figure rushed out of the sea.

"My God, this contestant caught a Gyarados, he is in danger... Oh, Gyarados was beaten by a fast swimming frog... Gyarados was beaten and cried..."

The fast-swimming frog will teach the Gyarados a lesson, and then kick the Gyarados back into the sea.

The female reporter moved to Baili Yuan's side with bright eyes and started the interview.


"He's so strong? No wonder he dared to come out alone." Shaina looked at the TV screen on the big screen in the town, a little surprised.

"Shaina, do you know that boy?" The old man sitting next to Shaina asked curiously.

Shaina nodded, and then replied: "Teacher, he is the kid I mentioned last night who came to participate in the competition by himself."

The old man is Shayina's university professor and her graduate tutor, Professor Moses.

Besides them, there were three men and one woman at the dining table, and they were all students of Professor Moses just like Shaina.

They came to Avon Island at this time, not to participate in the fishing competition, but to carry out scientific research activities. They were conducting a project called "Island Elf Ecological Research", and they happened to come to Avon Island to catch up with the fishing competition.

In fact, Shaina suspects that Professor Moses did it on purpose, because as far as Shaina knows, Professor Moses also likes fishing.

"That child is not simple. That fast-swimming frog, if I'm not mistaken, already has the strength of a king." Professor Moses said.

"What? Heavenly King?"

Several students were surprised.

"Is it the elf that his family lent him?" Some students guessed

Professor Moses smiled, "I'm not sure about this, but now there are several young kings, which prove that as long as you have talent, age does not affect your strength. Besides, everyone is good at different directions. For example, you, although not very He is good at fighting elves, but he is also very talented in doing research, and even became my student..."

As Professor Moses spoke, he began to boast about himself in disguise.

Several students at the table were a little speechless.

Fortunately, they are used to it.

"Okay, teacher, it's time for us to prepare for the investigation." Shaina said, interrupting Professor Moses' boasting.

"Oh, don't worry." Professor Moses waved his hand, "The ecology of the elves on the island also includes the ecology of the elves in the waters around the island. We can use this competition to investigate the elves in the sea area. You all have to look carefully. Turn around but let us You wrote the report."


The students of Shaina were speechless for a while.

They determined that Professor Moses was definitely here to watch the game, and then dropped by to conduct research.

Perhaps if it weren't for the fact that several of their students were staring at him, Professor Moses would definitely sign up for the competition himself.

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