Chapter 1737 Avon Island Fishing Contest

The Nine Tails Cup Youth Competition was held at the Children's Palace in Yunhua City.

Because there are mega stones as rewards, it has attracted many players, and many schools have sent outstanding students from their own schools.

The same is true for Bosung First Trainer School.

With the system plug-in and his own efforts, Chen Hua became a contestant representing the school.

The competition will last for three days, and now it is the second day, and Chen Hua also gained a lot of limelight because of his outstanding performance on the first day.

The game is in full swing.

Bailiyuan happened to catch up with Chen Hua's match.

The game is three-on-three, and now both sides have the last elf left.

In the field at this time, Chen Hua was commanding Pikachu, and his opponent was using a rock snake with dual attributes of rock and ground.

The attribute is not good for Pikachu, but Chen Hua's Pikachu is not that simple. Obviously, Chen Hua has already considered how to deal with this unfavorable attribute for Pikachu.

"Pikachu, please rain!"


Then Pikachu really used a water attribute move to beg for rain, and it started to rain lightly in the field.

Not only Chen Hua's opponent, but also many audience members showed shocked expressions.

"Pikachu can also learn to ask for rain?"

"Referee, that Pikachu cheated!"

Although Pokémon has become popular among ordinary people, not everyone is familiar with the things involved in the battle. Many people simply don't understand how Pikachu can use the rain.

Are you sure everyone is playing the same version of Pokémon?

But the referee still knew that Pikachu did not cheat. Pikachu could indeed learn to beg for rain, and begging for rain was often used in conjunction with that trick...

"Pikachu, thunder!"


In the thunder light, the figure of the big rock snake fell down.

Begging for rain and thunder, the classic combination of electric attribute elves.

The battle was won, Chen Hua and Pikachu were very happy, Bailiyuan also noticed that the girls who followed Chen Huashan before were also cheering in the auditorium not far behind Chen Hua.

"Do you want to reproduce the battle between Xiaozhi and Xiaogang?" Bailiyuan thought to himself when he saw this scene, with a smile on his face.

For Chen Hua with the system, Bailiyuan was more concerned.

"Chen Hua and his elves have grown to a certain extent, but the growth rate is slower than expected." Caroline said.

"It seems that Chen Hua's system is not the kind of unreasonable system, and he was originally from an ordinary background. It is not bad to have the current strength. Maybe he may enter the Heavenly King level before the age of twenty."

Only Bailiyuan can say this, Chen Hua's growth rate is already very fast in the eyes of his classmates and teachers, and he even got the appreciation of Lu Nishang, the owner of Yunhua Gymnasium.

Chen Hua left the arena, and Bailiyuan had no intention of going to Chen Hua.

Bailiyuan continued to watch the game.

The participants in the junior competition did not appear to be too strong players, so most of the competitions were tactical battles, and there were almost no crushing rounds.

After watching the game leisurely all day, after today's game ended, Bailiyuan stretched and left the Children's Palace.

"The enthusiasm for watching the game is almost gone, where should I go next?"

Bailiyuan will stay in this world for seven days, if Bailiyuan doesn't find something to do, he will stay for seven days.

Although seven days of leisure can indeed be said to be a rest, resting with nothing to do can also easily make people feel tired.

But it's not like Bailiyuan has no plans at all.

"Caroline, search for large-scale fishing competitions around the world."


World of Pokémon II, North America, East of Lighthouse Country, Avon Island.

Because of the various terrains that came, the terrain of the world has changed greatly, and the same is true for North America.

And because of changes in terrain, the economy and culture of each region are also quietly changing.

Like Avon Island.

Avon Island used to be a large ordinary island, but now there is a large piece of very primitive forest on Avon Island. There are various rare elves in the forest. At the same time, there are many monsters around Avon Island. A rare sea elf.

Using these extra resources, Avon Island has gradually developed a new economic center of gravity-tourism.

Use the rare elves in the forest to attract outsiders to travel, use the rich sea elves to hold various related competitions, hold fishing competitions, build brands, and further promote tourism.

Then, Bailiyuan came.

Avon Island is holding a big fishing competition in a town called Larry on the coast of Avon Island.

To hold a competition and want to gain fame, the prizes cannot be ordinary things. In addition to the golden fishhook trophy as a symbol of the championship, Avon Island also brought a very rare dragon-type elf tooth as a prize.

Dragon elves are quite rare in any world.

Perhaps because of the attractiveness of the dragon elves, there were many people who signed up for this fishing competition, and it took a long time for Bailiyuan to sign up.

Larry Town is no longer as peaceful as it used to be, but has become quite lively. Competitors holding fishing rods can be seen all over the street. friendly, while some relationships are quite hostile.

Bailiyuan walked around the town and harvested a lot of raw materials that can be used to synthesize "Woe". Now the "Woe" in Bailiyuan's body has long been used by Bailiyuan to fuse the rules for the elves. Needs to be replenished urgently.

If there are people in circulation, it means that there is economic development, and the residents of Larry Town are all happy, and several restaurants and hotels in the town are already full.

Those who failed to book a hotel chose to pitch tents outside the town, forming a special landscape.

Bailiyuan also chose to pitch a tent.

A bear tent was set up by Bailiyuan, and it looked a bit unique among the many ordinary tents.

In fact, this kind of elf tent is common in the world of Pokmon One.

A few contestants passing by occasionally couldn't help giving Bailiyuan a thumbs up, saying "good, cool", and there were some girls who wanted to take a photo with Bailiyuan's tent, Bailiyuan didn't refuse either. , I have to say that there are beauties in every region.

The sun went down quickly.

The Doudou pigeon flew back to the forest, and a few deer of the four seasons flashed by the edge of the forest. A dancing swan brought a group of baby ducks back to the small town and back to his master's yard.

The elves on the lighthouse country are mainly elves from the Hezhong area.

The people in the tent area did not rest as the sun set, but lit several bonfires, and a group of men and women gathered together to drink happily.

Bailiyuan had nothing to do, so he quietly joined them.

"Any pretty girls want a drink?"

Holding a large glass of beer, Bailiyuan laughed.

Then Bailiyuan was arrested.

Underage drinking is illegal in Beacon Country.

Bailiyuan has always maintained the appearance of a 14-year-old child.

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