Chapter 1720 Mere flames, not half as good as me

Although the location of the battle was remote, the movement of the battle still attracted the attention of people in the distance, and someone had already called the police.

Baili Yuan put his hands together again.

Whatever technique you want...cough cough.

A strong rattan stretched out from the wooden hand, binding the thirteen dimensional envoys.

And just when Bailiyuan was about to grab the group of dimensional envoys and leave, a terrifying force suddenly rose from a distance, turned into a flame demon, and flew towards the captured thirteen dimensional envoys!

This is to kill people!

Baili Yuan snorted coldly, and clasped his hands together again.

"Immortal method, wood escape, ranking technique!"

A huge wooden shield with Jack Altman's head rose from the ground, blocking between the flame demon and the thirteen dimensional envoys.


The flame demon collided with the shield, causing a terrifying explosion, and the flame demon dissipated, but the huge wooden shield with Jack Altman's head remained unscathed.

Ranking is the legendary artifact of Avalokitesvara. In the battle of the Valley of the End, Senjujuma once used this technique to defend Uchiha Madara's combination of Kyuubi's mighty outfit, Susanoo's slash. And the surface of the list is unscathed, which shows the powerful defense of this move.

This move can even be said to be Senjujuma's absolute defense!

A mere flame demon can't shake the defense at all.

However, the ranking technique of Qianshouzhujian has the appearance of a fangs grimace, while that of Bailiyuan is the head of Jack Altman.

It's like Kakashi would carve a dog's head on his dirt wall, Bailiyuan wanted to carve Jack Altman on the Ranking Art, it's not a matter of hooking his fingers.

The reason why I chose Jack is because on the Ultra card in Hongkai's hand before, Jack's attribute is [Shield], and carving a Jack's head may have defensive blessings.

Bailiyuan lifted the ranking technique, and the person who just launched the attack has also arrived.

This is a middle-aged man with a decent face, flying in the air, his breath is hot and violent.

He is an S-level dimensional envoy.

Baili Yuan jumped to the top of the tree, stood on the branch, and looked at the man.

But when Baili Yuan was about to make a move, the man suddenly spoke.

"I am Wang Yiwu, the deputy head of the Suzhou branch of the alliance. You have violated the alliance law by fighting in the city without authorization. Now everyone must be arrested and come back with me to investigate!" the man shouted.

Although the college is responsible for guarding one side, the alliance will still set up branches in various places, which are equivalent to the offices of the alliance, and are responsible for managing the daily affairs of the dimensional envoys. It is not surprising that there are S-level dimensional envoys in the Suzhou branch.

"A member of the alliance? But..." Baili Yuan grinned, "Your behavior and your malice just now have exposed your identity. It's a coincidence that you arrived just after the accident. Damn it! Could it be that the alliance wants to deal with me? But I think you are more like a pawn placed in the alliance by other organizations."

After hearing Baili Yuan's words, Wang Yiwu's expression turned cold and he snorted coldly.

"I don't know what you're talking about, but slandering a public official is an extra crime!"

"Shoot if you want, what do you want to do?" Baili Yuan said with a smile, but he didn't feel nervous at all.

"Hmph, since you're going to arrest without putting your hands up, I can only use violence!" Wang Yiwu yelled this sentence very loudly, as if to let everyone know that it was Bailiyuan who refused to accept the arrest.

It's not speculative, and Bailiyuan and Wang Yiwu don't intend to waste time, and the battle is imminent.

As soon as Wang Yiwu's words fell, flames burned around his body. The flames were raging, dyeing the sky red, and the flames illuminated the entire city of Suzhou.

Everyone in Suzhou looked at the direction of the fire.

"What happened? Such a it Wang Yiwu? Only his flame has such power."

"Could it be that he is fighting? Who is he fighting?"

"Are you catching criminals?"

Countless people are guessing.

People from the alliance branch also sent people to support Wang Yiwu immediately, and the three major forces also sent people to check, and Suheng College even sent S-level envoys to support Wang Yiwu.

Jiang Chen also saw the flames in the sky in his own home, and he also recognized Wang Yiwu.

Wang Yiwu is the most famous fire-attribute dimensional envoy in the Suzhou area. Only he can use this method of burning the sky. They also have a few encounters. In Jiang Chen's impression, Wang Yiwu is a very decent person. A little hot, but he hates evil like an enemy, and has a good reputation in the Suzhou area.

It's just that Jiang Chen suddenly had a bad premonition, so he was silent for two seconds, and then sent a message to Baili Yuan through private chat in the chat group.

"Boss Xiaoyuan, are you there?"

However, it was the system that wrote back to Jiang Chen, "My family is destined to fight."


Jiang Chen immediately put on his coat, rushed out of the house, and rushed towards the direction of the fire.

"Wang Yiwu, stop, you can't beat him!"

At this moment, Jiang Chen hated himself for not having two extra legs, because if he was a second late, Wang Yiwu might be about to play GG.

However, Jiang Chen still hoped that the easter egg system would tell Baili Yuan to show mercy.


"Be merciful?" Baili Yuan laughed after receiving the news, "Don't worry, after all I still want to save his life to torture him."

Wang Yiwu's attack also arrived.

Although Wang Yiwu is a relatively strong S-level dimensional envoy, he is not a top S-level dimensional envoy. That is to say, he does not have an S-level dimensional creature, and he did not release his A-level dimensional creature. Rim battle.

Wang Yiwu majored in fire power, and even obtained the volcanic godhead of Hephaestus, the god of fire and craftsmen in the [Olympus] field of different dimensions.

It is the same kind of godhead as Bailiyuan's beautiful godhead.

The difference is that the beautiful godhead increases the charm of Bailiyuan, while the volcano godhead can be used for fighting!

Moreover, what's interesting is that Aphrodite and Hephaestus, who Bailiyuan obtained the beautiful godhead, are a couple in name.

At this time, Wang Yiwu had already aroused the power of the volcanic godhead. His whole body was like a volcano, with violent power, but he did not lose control, but was still under Wang Yiwu's control.

"Nameless evil fire!" Wang Yiwu shouted angrily, and then raised his hands.

The flames around him turned into a huge fireball and fell towards Bailiyuan.

The fireball fell with terrifying heat, and the faces of the people who came nearby changed, and then hurriedly retreated to prevent being involved in the battle.

"Who is it that makes Minister Wang Yiwu use such a method?"

"There are trees all around. Could it be that the opponent is an enemy who is good at wood attributes?"

"Hey, that's interesting, can this wood still withstand the fire?"

However, it turns out that the wood can really hold up to the flames.

The falling fireball rises again and then explodes suddenly.

Everyone saw that a huge wooden man appeared in the city. Just now, the wooden man raised his hand and crushed the fireball.

Immortal method, wooden escape, wooden man's art!

On top of the wooden man, stood a figure.

It was Bailiyuan.

"A mere flame, not half as good as me!"

Wang Yiwu's eyes widened, almost bursting into flames.

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