I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 177 The moon is dark and the wind is high...

Breaking into Hualan Hole by force?

Hearing the young man's words, Wangtu shook his head hastily, he didn't want to have his legs broken, and just to prevent the other party from misunderstood, he was alone and didn't even bring any of his subordinates to see him.

To be honest, it is very stressful for me to face an elite trainer alone as an advanced trainer!

Seeing Wangtu shaking his head, the young man's eyes flashed with disappointment, but he did not lose hope, but asked tentatively: "Are you really not going to break in? Try it, it's not difficult, what if you succeed? You know, there is no penalty for success."

Wangtu took a step back, waved his hand, and smiled reluctantly.

"Don't be kidding me."

"It's a pity~" the young man sighed.

To be honest, the work of stationing Hualan Cave is very boring. Although there is Hualan City nearby, and there are three beautiful water flowers in Hualan City, but due to their duties, it is impossible to leave Hualan Cave for a long time. As for the three beautiful Flowers in the water, the young man also knows that the three flowers can only be seen, not touched. Although he is an elite trainer, he may not be able to appreciate him. After all, he is not the daughter of an ordinary family. Gym trainers can see many problems.

Wangtu twitched the corner of his mouth, the young man's thinking was a bit dangerous, he made himself very dangerous!

"You didn't come here to force your way into the Hualan Cave, so what are you here for?" the young man asked, a little lost in interest.

You took out your elf balls, but you rejected yourself, are you still a man?

"I'm looking for someone. In order not to cause misunderstanding, I came here to inform you." Wangtu said seriously, this is a serious matter.

"Looking for someone? Tsk." The young man curled his lips, "As long as you don't come to break into Hualan Cave by force, it has nothing to do with me."

After speaking, the young man turned and went back to the hut.


The door of the hut was slammed shut by the young man.

But Wangtu's heart was relieved.

The other party didn't say much, which meant that the other party would not care about this matter.

Wangtu turned and left.

The matter here is settled, so the matter of the rabbit——should be forgotten!

At this time, that rabbit... Ah no, it was Bailiyuan and T-X, who also noticed the person who came to follow him.

Looking at the picture on the egg detector, Bailiyuan smiled.

"Sure enough, the four eggs are here too."

Bailiyuan put away the detector and sent back the combat uniform.

"T-X, get ready to do it!"

T-X nodded, at this time she turned into T-800 again.

Bailiyuan's target is not only the eggs on the bearers of the four eggs, but also those who follow. Most of those people are carrying bags. Although they don't have any eggs on them, the The value of things is not cheap!

"start to act!"

There is a small forest near the roadside, and Bailiyuan is hiding here at this time.

Bailiyuan and T-X began to actively approach the person who was looking for them.

Soon, Bailiyuan and T-X met the first person.

A man with a supersonic bat by his side, the man is alone.

Supersonic bats have no eyes, but they use ultrasound to check the surrounding situation. Whether it is day or night, the information returned by ultrasound is clearer than that seen with eyes.

However, after the supersonic bat evolved into a big-mouthed bat, it has eyes. Although its strength has become stronger, its ability to use ultrasonic waves has become weaker.

Many trainers will choose not to let the supersonic bat evolve in order to let the supersonic bat retain the ability of supersonic waves, but some people will choose to specifically train the supersonic bat's supersonic ability, even after evolving into a big-mouthed bat and a forked bat The ability of ultrasound will not be weakened, but this method is time-consuming and laborious. If there are no special requirements, few people will choose to do so.

Either choose to sacrifice the ability of supersonic waves to improve strength, or choose to replace strength with skills, so as to retain the powerful supersonic ability of the supersonic bat period. These are the two mainstream training methods of supersonic bats today.

The supersonic bat patrolled around the man, using ultrasonic waves to detect the surrounding situation.

Looking at the surrounding scenery, the man rubbed his arms. Although he was unhappy with Heijie's domineering, he didn't dare to resist.

For a lone traveler like him, the most taboo thing is to have conflicts with big organizations and big forces.

But the man still felt uncomfortable.

Looking at the moon in the sky, the man couldn't help but feel emotional.

"Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, don't bully young people into poverty!"

"Uncle, you are in your thirties, don't pretend to be a teenager."

A voice rang in the man's ear.


The man was startled, and before he had time to bow his head, he felt numb and lost consciousness.

"Really, what a sight to see while walking." Bai Liyuan sighed, squatted down and began to "lick the box".

And T-X withdrew her hand behind the man, and her hand was still carrying electricity.

T-X didn't kill the man, but stunned him.

On the other side, Abo also let go of his mouth. The man's supersonic bat has already passed out. Facing a supersonic bat, even if it is well trained, the difference in strength can make Abo be able to kill it instantly. .

Just now, while the man was "looking up at the sky and looking at the moon", Bailiyuan's group carried out a surprise attack and killed the man in an instant.

After finding the man's backpack and checking it briefly, Bailiyuan put the backpack away.

After confirming that there was nothing hidden on the man's body, Bailiyuan quickly evacuated with T-X and Abo.

It's not for fear of being discovered, but for the next target.

There are not many places where people can hide nearby, and the harvest needs to be accelerated.

The forest nearby is not big, and Bailiyuan and T-X won't be able to hide for long.

As for why it is called harvesting.

If facing someone who is not guarded by a strong Pokémon, T-X will make a surprise attack and then stun the opponent. If the opponent is accompanied by a powerful Pokémon, T-X will choose to use a super electromagnetic gun at a distance, ah, no, it is a plasma cannon Stun the opponent's Pokémon, and then rush over to stun the opponent.

This group of mermaids, the Pokmon that most people follow are only around level 30, and there are very few Pokémon above level 40. Naturally, it is impossible to resist a plasma cannon and have the ability to counterattack like the Arbo monster. Although the Abo monster didn't make any effective counterattack at that time, at least the Abo monster could move, but the Pokmon around these people would generally lose their fighting ability directly after being hit by the plasma cannon.

By the way, Arbor also found out that his master was an existence with an arm capable of emitting powerful electric bullets, and looked a little dazed.

Abo blamed himself for thinking that it was some kind of weapon that severely injured him, but he didn't expect it to be his master.

For the strength of T-X, Abbe has a new understanding.

And Arbor's attitude towards T-X has also become lower.

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