Chapter 1713 The world of adults is really dark

"Yeah, so handsome!"

"One minute, I want the details of this man."

"No, I'm sorry, husband, I can't go back!"

Humans are creatures that are easily influenced by visual judgments. Humans’ first impressions of other strangers often come from what they see with their eyes. There is no doubt that good-looking people always get more people’s attention. sought after and favored.

After all, the biological instinct still makes people want to touch more beautiful things, and it would be even better if they can continue this beauty in themselves.

Hearing the shouts of the women in the venue, the host smiled and said, "It seems that the audience still values ​​Bailiyuan."

While talking, the host looked at Mr. Lin and Mr. Zhang, and gestured to them with his eyes—fuck him.

The two old men also smiled - received.

Since there is so much attention, then the next game will have to copy Bailiyuan's name.

The introduction of the team of Suheng Academy is almost done, and the next team is coming, which is the team of the Sword Alliance.

The host also temporarily put down the team of Suheng College and began to introduce the team of the Sword Alliance.

Although there used to be conflicts between the teams of the Sword Alliance and Su Heng College, but now is not the time to spark conflicts, and the host also maintained an objective introduction to the teams of the Sword Alliance.

It's just that although the Sword Alliance team also aroused the cheers of many people, the atmosphere was not as enthusiastic as when Baili Yuan showed up.

Soon, each team completed the admission.

Then there are leaders' speeches and player representative speeches that cannot be avoided in every world.

But this is a fighting game after all, and the leader's speech is quite simple.

Then Jiang Chen spoke as the player representative.

Although Jiang Chen said "friendship first, competition second", everyone knew that when it came to a duel, they would definitely not let go if they could kill the enemy.


The competition officially started on the day of the opening ceremony. In the afternoon, Suheng College ushered in the first team competition, and at the same time, Bailiyuan, Jiang Chen, and Xin Yun also ushered in the first individual competition.

"Today's game is specially arranged. Players and teams who have received attention or are well-known will play. Therefore, under normal circumstances, the opponents you meet today will not be too strong, but you can't be careless." Zhang Qifeng said to everyone As the man spoke, his words reassured the nervous team members temporarily.

Zhang Qifeng made arrangements for the team to play in the team battle.

A team battle is a seven-on-seven battle, and the number of people can be small, but not large.

Except for Bailiyuan, Jiang Chen and Xin Yun, the remaining four players are all B-level players.

This is for the tactical consideration of team battles later, because Baili Yuan, Jiang Chen, and Xin Yun have individual competitions today, so it doesn't have much impact on them to play, and the remaining two A-level players with strength, It is necessary to keep it as mysterious as possible, and try to avoid the exposure of strength.

Even though they'll have to play sooner or later, it's a race to hide one more game.

Although there are only three A-level dimensional envoys on the field, Zhang Qifeng is confident that Suheng Academy will win the first team competition.

"The three of you should hide your strength as much as possible in the individual competition. This will benefit your future team and individual competitions. However, if you really encounter a huge crisis, don't take risks. Try to ensure your own safety and security. One's own strength, because the individual competition counts, but as long as you retain your combat power, you can still continue to fight in the team competition, and the same goes for everyone else." Zhang Qifeng exhorted.

If there is really a situation where you have to work hard or even have the risk of being injured in the individual competition, Zhang Qifeng hopes that several people will surrender directly, because even if they win by luck, but because of the injury, it will be very important for the next game. Unfavorable, even the next individual match will be lost.

Moreover, personal injuries also affect the rhythm of the team competition.

Even if you lose in the individual competition, as long as you can maintain your strength and continue to participate in the team competition, you still have the hope of winning the championship.

Team competitions take precedence over individual competitions.

The team members did not have any objection to Zhang Qifeng's words.

The first team competition officially started. As the first Suheng Academy to enter the field, it was naturally the first to go up to fight.

The team against Suheng College is the representative team of Yangshan City around Suzhou.

The Yangshan City representative team also knew the purpose of this team battle. They went up to accompany them, but this was also an opportunity.

If the Yangshan City representative team can perform well enough in the battle with the Suheng Academy team, they can also gain a bit of Suheng Academy's reputation, which is also good for Yangshan City.

This kind of city representative team often represents the face of the city, and the interests they represent are also the city they are in. They know that they have no chance to win the final victory, so they came here for the purpose of promoting their city from the beginning.

It was the first match against the Suheng Academy team, and even if they lost, they could gain a wave of enthusiasm, which many city teams couldn't ask for.

It's a pity that this time the competition is supervised by the league's referee team, and they are also responsible for arranging the competition. Many teams with ideas want to arrange it but have no chance.

Zhang Qifeng went out once before playing, and when he came back, he said to everyone: "Let the Yangshan team's better."

Then Zhang Qifeng raised his eyebrows at everyone and rubbed his fingers.

"When the time comes, we will share equally, you understand."

Everyone understood, and then showed a tacit smile.

The people of Yangshan City have also lost their money.

Since there is such a good opportunity to promote the city, they will naturally not give up, and they must maximize the effect of this game.

Although it is always necessary to lose, the posture of losing is different, and the effect is naturally different.

But this naturally requires Su Heng Academy to give them this opportunity.

And opportunities often come at a price.

"My lord's world is really dark." Baili Yuan sighed.

Jiang Chen glanced at Baili Yuan, then suddenly remembered that Baili Yuan was still a child.

Soon, the teams from both sides played.

The Yangshan City team directly chose the strongest lineup for the first team match—three A-level dimensional envoys and four B-level dimensional envoys.

Although there are also three A-level dimensional envoys, this is because there are only three A-level dimensional envoys in their team.

Yangshan City's dimension makes resources limited, the number of strong players is small, and the growth cycle is long.

This is a youth competition, and all the contestants are under 30 years old. However, the average age of Suheng College is around 20 years old, while the average age of contestants in Yangshan City is around 28 years old.

There is no need to say much about the gap.

Standing on the field, Jiang Chen and the captain of Yangshan City looked at each other, and then understood each other's meaning.

Jiang Chen: Don't worry.

Captain of Yangshan City: OK.

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