Chapter 1708: The Tournament Begins——Suzhou Division

In the end, Bailiyuan agreed to the request of the Valkyrie Misaka team. The cubs he released could not just give up just like that, because Bailiyuan was very worried that they might sell all their equipment due to lack of funds in the future. Then I have to send a new team to find them who are wandering.

However, the Valkyrie Misaka team did not lie. Caroline found that they had indeed reached the area where the lazy avatar was located after calculating the location. The Valkyrie Misaka team could only search a little bit.

The evil clone clamored to go out to find the lazy clone, because it was the evil clone and the lazy clone that acted together, but in the end they lost the lazy clone.

Naturally, Baili Yuan didn't let him go, he was also worried that the evil clone would go out and make some foolish things.

It's not because Bailiyuan doesn't trust the evil avatar, but because the evil avatar is his avatar, he naturally understands the evil avatar, and if he lets the evil avatar go out, something will happen.

The more extreme a person's personality is, the easier it is to have accidents in unexpected things. Almost all of Bailiyuan's avatars are extreme in character, and the only one who makes Bailiyuan feel more at ease is the good avatar.

Last time, it was also because the four cities were about to be severely attacked that he had to release his avatar to save the scene.

Bailiyuan sat on a chair, feeding sweet mulberry leaves to the bright silkworms on the table.

The bright silkworm eats and gets fatter, but it doesn't mean to evolve at all. Bailiyuan is not in a hurry, at worst, he will keep the bright silkworm as a pet.

"With the help of the power of 'disaster', can the bright silkworm evolve?" Baili Yuan was a little curious, but the power of "disaster" was not enough for Baili Yuan himself, and he couldn't use it at will.

In the future, not only will the power of "Woe" be used for the elves, Bailiyuan's own power will also need the power of "Woe" to fuse.

"But is there any way to quickly accumulate the power of 'disaster'?" Baili Yuan was a little distressed.

If you want to quickly sound field "disaster", you need a lot of negative emotions from the dark side of creatures, not necessarily human beings, other creatures can also be used to generate "disaster" if they can generate the appropriate power.

But the Maga snake is wandering in the universe, and the whole universe is its hunting ground, but Bailiyuan has no way to go around the universe.

Baili Yuan stretched out his hand to touch the fat bright silkworm, and the bright silkworm affectionately rubbed Baili Yuan's fingers.

"It depends on the situation... Although the 'disaster' cannot be generated quickly, as long as it is a normal person, there will be a dark side more or less. Now I can also absorb these powers. The power of the 'disaster' is also increasing a little bit. It's a big deal I will find a chance to go to a few more worlds..."


The next day, Bailiyuan returned to the big blue world and came to the training room of the school team of Suheng College.

Still so handsome.

However, to Bailiyuan's surprise, when he walked into the training room today, no one was amazed by his handsome face. At this time, the members of the school team seemed to be discussing something lively, and Jiang Chen also came in front of Bailiyuan.

"Boss, did you do it last night?"

"What?" Bailiyuan was stunned for a moment, he didn't go to the wrong room last night... no, he returned the coat of arms last night to make the world sleep, and he didn't do anything in the big blue world.

"I recognized the boss's Black Shadow Corps." Jiang Chen took out his mobile phone, and there was a video on it. From the angle, it can be seen that it was taken in a panic, and the picture was exactly the activities of the Black Shadow Corps. figure.

Jiang Chen also said what other people were discussing, "Last night, a mysterious strongman appeared and defeated five A-level dimensional envoys in a row. It is said that the other party just looks like a teenager."

"Oh, that, my little brother did it."


How many people did Bailiyuan bring to my world?

Jiang Chen was a little puzzled.

"Don't worry, I didn't expose myself. Those people followed me, and I can only let people solve them, but I am a righteous person after all. It's okay to teach them a lesson. They didn't pose a substantial threat to me. I can't kill them either."

"The point is not this..." Jiang Chen sighed, "Anyway, boss, keep a low profile recently, the competition is about to start, and there are quite a few movements from all sides."

"I know, don't worry about me." Baili Yuan said with a smile.

Jiang Chen hurriedly shook his head, what I'm worried about is that you wiped out all the other forces, let alone participating in the competition, the alliance will send people to investigate!

But before Jiang Chen could say anything more, the rest of the school team finally noticed Baili Yuan's handsome face.

"Brother Yuan is here!"

"Brother Yuan, have you read the news?"

"Yes, yes, that young strong man is so strong..."

"The Tianyi Group has issued a statement. They will not pursue yesterday's misunderstanding, and they hope to cooperate with that strong young man."

"There are still people who suspect that the strong young man is from our Suheng Academy, because no one from Suheng Academy was beaten by the major forces last night. Do you really have such a strong person in our school?"

A group of people talked in a hurry.

Bailiyuan also joined in with a smile.

And Jiang Chen stood aside, a little speechless.

Vice captain Xin Yun noticed that there seemed to be something strange between Jiang Chen and Baili Yuan, but after observing the two of them, she didn't find anything.


The day of the competition is approaching day by day, and the atmosphere of the entire Suzhou city is gradually becoming more and more lively.

There have also been more temptations among the major forces, and even some temptations are no longer decent.

Bailiyuan felt more than once that battles broke out in the corner of Su Heng Academy occasionally.

However, Suheng College did not make any public statement, but stepped up the protection of the school team members. Of course, the daily training is also strict, and various resources are also heavily used for the school team.

Bailiyuan got a lot of good things. Although he didn't need them, he didn't want to give them for nothing, and some things from the Dimension Envoy could be handed over to the elves.

Finally, as the first foreign team rushed to the Suzhou competition area, the match was finally approaching!

The mutual temptation of the major forces seems to have completely disappeared on this day.

Bailiyuan found out later that it was also on this day that the referee team from the Eastern Conference arrived. From this moment on, the referee team will not only judge the players on the field, but also observe the players' usual performance. No one wants to leave a bad impression on the jury, and the major forces don't want to anger the jury.

Finally, the day to register has arrived.

Registration requires participating members to go to a special venue for review, and the team from Suheng College boarded a special car and rushed to the venue.

In order to protect the school team, there are even two S-level dimensional envoys in the special car. Although they are not the top S-level dimensional envoys, with this configuration, it is difficult for ordinary forces to threaten the members of the school team in a short time, enough to support arrival.

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