Chapter 1706 Wearing a bear: I also became light

Wearing a bear, she rushed towards Hanhan Divine Monk aggressively, and then she was sent flying by Hanhan Divine Monk in turn.

Bailiyuan was not surprised.

After all, the Hanhan God Monk is a real diamond-level dimensional creature, but the wearing bear has suddenly gained diamond-level strength, and cannot fully exert its diamond-level strength at all, and the skills he has mastered due to rapid upgrades are not yet proficient .

But wearing a bear, she didn't have the slightest sense of admitting defeat. She turned over, got up from the ground, and rushed towards the Hanhan monk again.

Baili Yuan didn't say much, because he suddenly got such powerful power, he had to go through the situation when he was wearing a bear, and he had to learn how to be beaten before beating someone.

There is nothing fancy about the fight between the bear and the monk, because they are all powerful fighters. Apart from simple fighting skills, the rest is head-to-head.

Although the technique is useful, it is not just talking about dropping ten times with one force.

However, in such a fierce collision, the wearing bear is also getting familiar with his own strength little by little, gradually changing from being passively beaten to being able to parry two moves.

"That's it, wear a bear, cut it mid lane!"

The aftermath of the battle between wearing a bear and the monk Hanhan destroyed many stones and trees around, but this is a different-dimensional domain, after a while the environment here will return to its original state, even if the monk Hanhan is killed Reappears after a while.

It may be because of the particularity of the monk Hanhan, few people come to trouble the monk Hanhan, and also few people come here, because there are no other dimensional creatures except the monk Hanhan.

Therefore, there is also enough space for the battle between the wearing bear and the Hanhan monk, so that the wearing bear can have fun.

Baili Yuan has been standing on the sidelines watching the battle, and did not choose to intervene.

And Uchiha Shisui called the two chakra-fused ninjas and began to instruct them to practice.

The physical structure of the ninjas of the ninja group is naturally different from that of humans, but this is not a problem, because Uchiha Shisui has also given up the restriction of gestures to a certain extent. He mainly pointed out how the two ninjas use Chakra, and at the same time Teach them the knowledge of ninjutsu.

Uchiha Shisui's chakra attributes are fire, wind, thunder, and yin, and he also has a lot of wind attribute ninjutsu.

While receiving Uchiha Shisui's instructions, the two ninjas began to try to release ninjutsu.

Finally, after a few minutes, the fire attribute ninja soldier raised his finger, and a small flame was sprayed out by it.

"Successful." Uchiha Shisui's eyes lit up.

Although only a small flame, it was a successful start.

Then, the fire attribute ninja released ninjutsu again. This time, a huge fireball appeared in front of the fire attribute ninja.

Art fire escape ho fireball!

This time, the Hao Fireball Technique already has a diamond-level strength!

Uchiha Shisui was a little surprised by the gap between the two ninjutsu.

"Is this the particularity of ninja soldiers? Yes, Chakra has already fused with them, so it's surprising that they can't release such moves."

And another ninja soldier also successfully released ninjutsu.

Wind Escape·Big Breakthrough!

Although this is only a C-level wind escape ninjutsu, it also has diamond-level power.

After abandoning the restriction of knot seal, ninjutsu becomes a way of using chakra. As long as the strength is enough, the level of ninjutsu is not so important. The only difference may be that some advanced ninjutsu is learned. It is very difficult, and it is not easy to release it.

"Zhishui, you can teach them the spiral pill again." Baili Yuan said suddenly.

Uchiha Shisui's eyes lit up.

Heliwan, a Muji ninjutsu that is described in detail in the original work, Uchiha Shisui who has read the original work naturally mastered it, and through Naruto’s various developments on Heliwan in the comics, he also started to develop Heliwan develop.

Not to mention, the ninjutsu of Heliwan Wan is really easy to use.

No wonder Naruto used balls to beat everyone.

And this ninjutsu has great potential.

For example, the wind escape and spiral shuriken developed by Naruto in the original book, maybe you can try to let the wind attribute ninja soldiers master it, although this move will hurt yourself if you can’t throw it, but... Are ninja soldiers afraid of death? ?

Don't be afraid!

Even if it is beaten to pieces, when it goes to the world of shadows for a turn, it will come back with another...a good ninja soldier.

What happened to the suicide attack?

Since you are not afraid of death, why don't you quickly learn some suicide skills or the skills of dying together?

Because often the power of this skill will be stronger!

As for the fire attribute ninja soldier, it can also try to develop the fire escape spiral pill.

"However, if the Huo Dun Spiral Pill also has shortcomings, wouldn't it make users set themselves on fire?"

But self-immolation is not important, the important thing is to learn!

Uchiha Shisui smiled at the two ninja soldiers.

"Please teach me more next time."

The two ninja soldiers looked at each other, then shivered.

Although the Shadow Corps is no longer human, they are refined from human spirit and soul, and they still have IQ and simple emotions.

The two ninja soldiers already felt something was wrong.


The battle between the bear and the Hanhan monk also came to an end.

Although their battle was fierce, only the aftermath of the battle spread to the surrounding area, and did not affect further places, because most of their attacks fell on each other, and they both suffered a lot of damage from each other.

In the early stage, it was true that the Hanhan priest suppressed the wearing bear, but the wearing bear is a fighting elf after all, and has a good talent in fighting. When she gradually became familiar with and mastered her own power, the situation began to change.

The monk Hanhan started to get injured, and his injuries gradually became serious.

When the bear's paw lit up with light, and the palm flew away Hanhan Divine Monk, Hanhan Divine Monk sensed that something was wrong.

Baili Yuan's eyes lit up as he looked at the light on the bear's palm.

Because this is not a skill, but the application of the power of light and sacred power in its body by wearing a bear. Although the power of these two attributes will not cause extra damage to the Hanhan monk, it represents that wearing a bear He has become more and more proficient in controlling the power of light and sacred power in his body.

"It's almost there..." Baili Yuan smiled.

The performance of wearing a bear is very good. Although she is also injured all over, she is getting stronger and stronger.

At this time, the Hanhan Divine Monk actually chose to escape, and it ran towards the direction of Hanhan Spring. If it came into contact with the spring water of Hanhan Spring, it would be healed!

But when Bailiyuan was going to intercept him, the bear in the suit roared, as if he was displeased with Hanhan's performance of running away.

At this moment, wearing a bear seemed to have broken a certain limit, her body actually lit up again, and then... her size became bigger and bigger!

Bailiyuan looked up at the gigantic bear, and opened his mouth wide.

"Have you become the light too?"

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