Chapter 1678 Going to the Wrong Planet

"Senior, what's going on?" Hong Kai asked Baili Yuan.

In fact, Bailiyuan also doesn't understand now.

The current situation is more complicated.

Logically speaking, in Bailiyuan's cognition, Galatron is a very dangerous robot weapon, but now this Galatron conveys the will of peace, and also shows the ability to heal anger and disputes. ability.

"Correctly speaking, prejudice should not be used to judge a person or thing, but it still makes people feel uneasy."

Bailiyuan took a deep breath and made a decision.

"No matter what, you can't take strangers lightly, and if you trust others casually, you may be the one who gets hurt in the end."

Hong Kai nodded, indicating that he understood.

"I will just keep an eye on this robot, and if it changes, I will transform as soon as possible."

Baili Yuan pinched his chin and revealed a mysterious smile.

"Actually, dealing with this robot doesn't necessarily need to be so extreme."

Hong Kai: "?"


At this time, the trio of SSP and the people in the factory had already begun to check Galatron's body. They climbed onto Galatron's body and scanned Galatron's body structure, but Galatron was It's always on standby, without any denial of action.

Hongkai was holding a marble soda, and looked at Bailiyuan beside him with some doubts.

At this time, Bailiyuan was operating the bakeware in the factory and making dishes.

Is this for camping?

Senior, what are you going to do with this robot!

Bailiyuan handed a finished teppanyaki to Hongkai.


Hong Kai took the teppanyaki and took a sip.

"It's delicious."

"It smells so good, little brother, give me one too!"


The people from the factory were also attracted by Bailiyuan's cuisine.

Bailiyuan chuckled and continued to get busy.

Although Bailiyuan seemed to be playing around, at this time some professionals had already started targeting Galatron.

That's Caroline!

At this time Caroline is hacking Galatron's system.

Moreover, this is not the first time that Caroline has cracked Galatron's system. Although this Galatron is very powerful, the internal control system is not much different from the internal control system of Galatron I encountered before. , but more advanced, already has the level of artificial intelligence.

However, general artificial intelligence is not enough to look at Caroline.

Caroline can completely step on the artificial intelligence, and then check the internal system of the artificial intelligence bit by bit.

Soon, Caroline suppressed the system inside Galatron, and then began to analyze the program inside Galatron.

Since this Galatron didn't move and didn't know what it was going to do, Bailiyuan and Caroline decided to find out the shape inside it, and then dye it with their own scent.

Bailiyuan seemed to hear Caroline yelling "Give me Kangkang", and then grabbed Galatron's system and started the analysis.

The Witt team was also very concerned about the sudden appearance of this huge robot, and soon sent a professional research team.

However, because Galatron is too big to move easily, otherwise this professional team will definitely carry Galatron away.

Everyone in the factory also wants to participate in the research on Galatron.

The professional team was led by Shibukawa Kazutoru, uncle of Yumeno Nasumi, who thought for a while and agreed to the request of everyone in the factory.

In fact, it is easy to understand, because Mr. Xiaozhou of the factory is also very good at technology research and development. If he can find some inspiration from Galatron and develop better springs, it will greatly promote the development of the industry.

Soon, the professional team analyzed many special parts of Galatron through professional equipment.

At the same time, they also found that the sensing device at the tail of Galatron seemed to be scanning the situation of the earth.

However, if you want to study Galatron further, you need to disassemble Galatron.

Everyone didn't attack Galatron, so they could only stay by Galatron's side, hoping to communicate with Galatron later.


Finally, as the sun went down, Caroline returned with the results of the analysis.

"Facts have proved that it is right to be on guard against this Galatron," Caroline said.

"Oh?" Baili Yuan was taken aback, "Is there any problem?"

"The core instruction in this Galatron's body is indeed to guard peace, but the additional instructions are quite simple. The peace judged in this Galatron's system is no killing, and there are no restrictions!"

Baili Yuan's face became serious.

The way this system works is very simple, one size fits all!

There cannot be any killing without any restrictions, that is, even hunting by creatures for survival is considered unpeaceful.

"Then what action will it take?" Baili Yuan asked.

Caroline said eight words, "Destroy everything and restart the world!"

"Then do you know who created this Galatron, and who sent it to this world?" Baili Yuan asked.

"According to the memory data of Galatron I read, I found that the superior of this Galatron is called Gilbaris, and it should be an artificial life. The order received by this Galatron is to bring Peace, and then sent to this world, there is no way to contact Gilbaris, and there is no information about whether other Galatrons will be sent over in the future."

"It seems that we can talk about the future things later, let's deal with this Galatron first."

"I see."


Galatron was originally inserted into the ground, but the tail that probed the illusion of the earth suddenly stopped releasing power.

The sudden change caught everyone's attention.

Matsudo Mori came alive.

"Is it getting up?"

Because of the signal released by Galatron before, Matsudo Mori is looking forward to the communication with Galatron.

And if Galatron is willing to stay on Earth, maybe he can protect Earth with Uub and another Ultra warrior.

Sure enough, as Matsudo Mori expected, Galateron got up slowly and started his activities.

All eyes were on Galatron.

The Witt team is also prepared to communicate, and at the same time, they are also prepared. If Galatron suddenly makes an attack, they can respond in time.

After Galat stood up, the monitors of the surrounding computers suddenly jumped, and a series of messages appeared on the surrounding computer screens.

"It's a message from Galatron!" Matsudo Mori exclaimed.

"What did it say?" Everyone asked hurriedly.

Bailiyuan looked at Matsudo Sen, who stared at the computer screen, the expression on his face changed from anticipation and surprise to surprise, and then gradually became bewildered.

Matsudo Mori raised his head and read the message on the screen.

"Sorry, old iron, I went to the wrong planet."

As if to verify Matsudo Mori's words, Galatron flew into the sky with a whoosh, then flew into space, and finally disappeared.

Only a group of bewildered people were left on the ground.

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