Chapter 1676 The Victory of the Avatar

Virtual anchor.

A form of meeting the audience with virtual characters in the picture.

There is no need to say more about the specific definition.

Bailiyuan also explained why he did this.

"By observing and analyzing the browsing data of your website, I found that your website is actually followed by people, but it lacks the key points to keep those people, that is, it doesn't attract fans enough!"

"A metaphor for this situation is that your website is like a kabuki girl, and it's not the most advanced kind. Although it can attract customers, most of them are a one-off sale, that is, let people see it. It’s fresh, there’s no real thing that can add value, and the best outcome in the future is to be spotted by local tyrants and give you an investment.”

"Why is this, it's too much." The trio muttered.

"Why do you use a girl as a metaphor for our website? We are also working hard on the website." Seeing Shanta as the maintainer of the website, he was naturally a little unhappy when Bailiyuan commented on the website.

Baili Yuan sneered, "Then let me ask you, what is the most famous Kabuki?"

"Oiran!" Hayami Zenta replied.

He still knew this.

"That's right, a single oiran can attract countless dignitaries." Baili Yuan nodded and said, "But do you know the reason why an oiran is an oiran, but a girl can only be a girl?"


Hayami Zenta was at a loss for words for a while, he looked at the companions around him, but Naomi Yumeno and Hayami Zenta couldn't answer him.

But the one who gave the answer was Hong Kai, "The oiran does not climb up step by step according to the rank of the girl, but is selected from a girl with qualifications, who receive elite training from a young age, master various skills, and finally become a girl. Oiran."

The trio looked at Hong Kai in shock.


"What's wrong?" Hong Kai looked bewildered.

"Why are you so clear!"

"...No, actually I haven't been to Kabuki."

Hong Kai's expression was a bit awkward. The reason why he knew it was because he had been to Japan in ancient times. At that time, Japan's oirans were still famous, and these things were also known to ronin.

Hong Kai mixed with other ronin as a ronin, so he naturally knew these things.

But he couldn't explain it.

The way the trio looked at Hongkai had changed.

Hong Kai was worried that there would be another misunderstanding, so he had to sit aside and choose not to answer the phone.

Bailiyuan spoke again, attracting the trio's attention, "That's right, so what you have to do now is to package your website as an oiran, you have what others have, and you have what others don't have."

"As for the content output by your website, there will be similar reports on other websites and media platforms. At most, the reporting angles are different. Even some unscrupulous platforms will shamelessly plagiarize your content, so you have to Come up with something new, something that others cannot easily imitate."

"Since there is no way to continue to package the content, it can only package people. Therefore, this is the virtual anchor plan, and it can also be called the virtual idol project!"

The trio blinked.

"So, what exactly is a virtual anchor?"

Baili explained this.

With the help of sensors placed on the head and limbs, the optical motion capture system captures real people's movements and expressions, and synchronizes the movement data to the virtual character. With the help of the real-time motion capture mechanism, the virtual character can also interact with reality in various ways. Communicate with fans in the world.

"Considering the audience, I designed three images for you, girl love for male audiences, handsome silver for women, and little loli Nezuko for people of other age groups."

"Two women? Then do I need to dress up as two characters?" Yumeno Naomi wondered.

"You're overthinking." Bailiyuan chuckled, "You don't even have a boyfriend, how could you be able to attract the audience by pretending to be a female character? The girl and the little loli are for the morning and Matsudo respectively .”



Seeing Zenta and Matsudo Mori were stunned.

"Don't worry, I still have foley equipment here!" Baili Yuan patted his chest.

Yumeno Nasumi was immediately unhappy, "What, they don't have girlfriends either!"

"That's right, it's because they don't have girlfriends that they know what a man's ideal woman looks like. As for the little loli... Believe me, there is no one who doesn't like little loli except children!"


Hongkai can no longer keep up with Bailiyuan's rhythm.

What kind of evil theory is this?

"Then I don't know how to pretend to be a boy." Yumeno Naomi said aggrievedly.

But Bailiyuan waved his hand indifferently, "You don't have to worry about this, girls now like boys who are a little girly, and if you add animal ears, you will be cute. As long as your business is in place, everything else is easy to talk about. "


Thus, the SSP virtual anchor project was launched in full swing.


The live broadcast of SSP is going on normally, and the video is also uploaded to the webpage normally.

The only difference is that what appeared on the screen this time was a virtual character.

The trio stared at the computer screen.

"How's the situation?" Naomi Yumeno asked nervously.

Hayami Zenta checked the data.

"The number of views... has tripled! And it's not just this video, the recent videos recorded with avatars all have a high number of views!" Yoshita Hayami exclaimed.

The expressions of the trio were a little complicated.

Although he doesn't want to admit it, but... Baili Yuan's method is indeed useful!

Hong Kai sat on the side, stopped sipping soda, and looked at Bailiyuan.

At this moment, Bailiyuan was drinking coffee calmly.

"This means that you have a certain fan base. In the future, if your reputation spreads, there will be more fans, and you may even have the opportunity to go out of Japan, so you should optimize your webpage, you can open a store, or open an advertising column, and then It's a lot of income." Bailiyuan planned the future direction for the three of them.

And Zao Jian Shanta looked at the comments, but frowned.

"However, the comments are all about virtual characters, and no one pays attention to our content."

【Brother Yin, please give me a hug~】

[Love is exactly the type I like! I really want a girlfriend like this! 】

【Ah, Nezuko is so cute, I also want a granddaughter like this. 】

"Wait, is this an older fan?" Hayami Zenta was a little puzzled, why everything was different just by changing his image.

Yumeno Nasumi frowned, "However, our purpose is to tell more truths to ordinary people, not to make them pay attention to us."

Baili Yuan raised his finger and shook it.

"You guys made a mistake. Originally, your content is very boring most of the time. Why do you ask others to read your content? If they don't read your content, they will naturally not pay attention to important information, and you When you attract more fans, it will be easier to tell others the key information and gain their conviction, don't underestimate your Japanese fan base!"

"What's more, without enough financial support, how do you buy equipment, explore those strange things, and output better content?"

"Oh, by the way, in order to maintain your character image, you'd better not disclose your true identity, and deal with the previous videos. After all, it's better to leave some illusions for your fans and break their illusions. It's just too cruel for them."


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