Chapter 1661 Bathing

After the battle, Baili Yuan's figure slowly disappeared.

Bailiyuan immediately chose to take the elves to move the position, because the fighter planes and troops of the Witt team had already rushed over.

Galatron and a group of elves are not small targets, and they are likely to be discovered by the Witt team, so they cannot stay here for long.

With Magjaba's death, the stench left by Magagha gradually dissipated. Hongkai breathed the fresh air, and immediately felt that he was revived.

This made him breathe a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, Hong Kai found the crystal left behind by Magjaba after his death, and used the Orb ring to turn the power of the Ultra fighters in the crystal into a card.

But at this time, something unexpected happened.

Part of the golden power was collected from all around by the Uub circle, and then injected into the place where the red card was placed.

Hong Kai didn't have time to look at the cards he just collected, so he hurriedly took out all the cards he had collected and checked the status of the cards.

Soon, Hongkai noticed the only card that had changed.

It was the special card with no attributes, and this card had obvious changes at this time.

The red in the background of the card turned into gold, and the half body of the image of the Ultraman warrior turned into the sacred form of Bailiyuan, and the position of the attribute was also divided into two halves, one half was dyed gold, while the other half was still blank .

"This card...what's the situation?"

Hong Kai frowned, but he didn't see any tricks on this card, so he had to give up.

Then he looked at the card he had just collected.

"It turned out to be Altman Jack, thank you for your hard work, please take care of me in the future." Hong Kai looked at the card in his hand and smiled.

At the same time, like Hongkai, Jugula also returned here, quietly collecting the power of Maga Jabba, and turning the power into monster cards.

With a smile on his face, Jugula held Magagha's card under his nose and sniffed it.

Although Maga Jabba has a taste, but the monster card is tasteless.

And what Juggler smelled was not the smell of the card, but the smell of joy.

Even if Uub didn't make the move, he still made a wedding dress for him after all.

"Only the last one left..."


With the death of Maga Jabba, the stench in the city's tap water gradually dissipated, allowing the stench that troubled everyone to dissipate.

People who have been troubled by the stench for a long time can finally take a good bath.

Hong Kai also came to the bathing pool again, not only to retrieve his luggage, but also to take a good bath.

After rinsing, Hongkai sat in the pool, enjoying the hot water comfortably.

Matsudo Mori and Hayami Zenta from SSP also came to the bath and took a pleasant bath.


"Wash Xiangxiang, wash Xiangxiang..."

At this time, there was no one else in the bath, and the three occupied the entire men's bath.

"Taking a bath!"

I saw Shanta take off and jump into the pool earlier, and Hongkai's face collapsed.

Hong Kai took a deep breath and shouted loudly: "Don't jump in!"

Jumping into the hot pool in the bathtub is not only unsafe, but also affects other people, good children must not learn~

And SSP's Yumeno Naomi is at the women's bath.

At this time, the door of the men's bath was opened from the outside, and another figure walked in wearing a towel.

After a simple rinse, I also sat in the hot tub.

The four men sat in the pool, no one spoke, as if they were enjoying this moment of tranquility.

While Hongkai was enjoying the bath to relieve his fatigue, a stream of water suddenly hit Hongkai's face.

The veins on the top of Hongkai's head twitched.

"Stop playing!" Hong Kai yelled at Matsudo Mori and Hayami Yoshita.

However, Hong Kai's roar startled the two of them.

Hong Kai looked at the two, and found that they didn't seem to be playing around, but looked at him with aggrieved faces, which made him a little embarrassed.

Also at this moment, another stream of water hit Hong Kai's face, directly into Hong Kai's still-closed mouth.

Mouth... burst.

"Bah, bah, bah..." Hong Kai spat out the water in his mouth, and looked in the direction of the water jet, which was on his left.

It was found that the person sitting there was the fourth person who came in.

This is a boy who looks to be only six or seven years old.

There was no expression on his face, his eyes were straight ahead, as if what happened just now had nothing to do with him, but the movements of his hands betrayed what he just did.

But before Hongkai could say anything, the boy squeezed his hands again, and another stream of water shot towards Hongkai.

This time Hongkai came to his senses, turned his head, and directly avoided the water flow.

"Hey, enough is enough!" Hong Kai said, but even though the boy provoked him, his tone softened, which was much gentler than when he yelled at Matsudo Mori and Hayami Yoshita before.

Matsudo Mori and Hayami Zenta were also attracted by the boy, and they were all curious about why the boy provoked Hongkai.

Under the gaze of the three of them, the boy's body suddenly trembled, and then he showed a relaxed expression.


Um? ?

Um? ? ?

The three of them reacted at the same time, and the reaction was...

The three of them hurriedly stood up, shaking their bodies as if they were about to shake off the water on their bodies, and at the same time they hurriedly ran out of the pool.

At this moment, expressions of anger and disgust appeared on their faces.

"You put water in the pool!?"

"Go, get out, I don't want to smell like urine."

Is it okay to get rid of the bad smell just now, and then get dirty again?

As the three got up and left, the boy also stood up from the water.

"Just kidding, I didn't do anything just now, you have to trust me." The boy explained.

Although the three want to trust the boy, they feel that if they trust him now, they will lose.

And as the boy got up, the three also saw the boy's figure, which was a little fat, but what caught the three of them most was that the boy had tattoo-like patterns on his chest, back of his hands and other parts.

In Japan in the past, people with tattoos often had special identities, especially those who were on the gangster road. Tattoos had a clear hierarchy and identity regulations. Although tattoos have become a hobby of ordinary people now, But seeing people with tattoos on their bodies still makes ordinary people shrink their necks and subconsciously want to stay away.

But now these suspected tattoo designs have appeared on a boy.

It is unusual for a child to have tattoos.

The boy is naturally Bailiyuan, and the tattoo on his body is not a tattoo, but a coat of arms.

Bailiyuan looked at Hongkai.

"I just came to say hello. We still have many opportunities to cooperate in the future."

After finishing speaking, Baili Yuan also left the pool and walked outside.

When he came to the door, Baili Yuan turned around and waved to the three of them.


When Bailiyuan left, the three of Hongkai still hadn't reacted for a long time.

"what's the situation?"

"Secondary illness? It's too early."

Matsudo Mori and Hayami Zenta looked at each other.

Only Hong Kai frowned, thoughtful.

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