Chapter 1645 Six major forces besiege the Demon King Sect

Contradiction is an objective existence in things, but the scale and form of expression of contradictions are different.

Some contradictions will appear and manifest more intensely.

Not to mention that [Innocence] itself is not the kind of organization that is completely united. There are many forces that choose to cooperate with [Innocence] or submit to [Innocence]. strength to resist.

Demon King Sect is currently one of the organizations cooperating with [Innocence]. In addition to cooperating with [Innocence], they will also act for their own interests, such as... preaching.

And since the arrival of the "Emissary of the Devil King", the actions of the Devil King Sect have become even more presumptuous.

But it wasn't that kind of tyrannical expansion, but began to encroach on the interests of other forces that also cooperated with [Innocence].

Many of the forces cooperating with [Innocence] are from different worlds. Although the heraldry world implements "peaceful diplomacy" with the different world, the forces that are targeting the "fat" of the heraldry world in the different world But there are definitely not many, and there have been cases where another world attacked the world of the coat of arms.

The heraldry world is often bigger than the other world, and has more abundant resources. Some forces and powerhouses who stand at the apex in their own different worlds tend to expand a bit, thinking that they should "conquer" the heraldry world. .

There is no shortage of hawks in any world.

If it weren't for the heraldry to make the world's combat power strong enough, the heraldry would have made the world turbulent long ago, and the hundreds of different worlds constantly connected could definitely make the heraldry to divide the world into a situation.

Although the world of the coat of arms defeated the intruders who wanted to invade, counterattacked and retaliated, and even blocked the passage connecting the different world with force, but the people of the world of the coat of arms could not stay in the other world forever, after all, There will be fish that slip through the net.

However, the blocked passage is not a closed passage. The heraldry makes the people of the world only cover and block, and the passage may still be opened.

What's more, there are some forces that realized the gap in strength in advance, but did not take action, but instead hid it.

These forces are hidden threats. They know that they cannot attack the world of heraldry from the front, so they choose to lie dormant.

And the [Innocence] forces that choose to cooperate are almost all such forces.

Previously, the secret language forest incident was only put on the stage to attract people. Although the threat was huge, it was not the real purpose of [Innocence].

Attacking the four major cities in Azpedan is not the ultimate goal of [Innocence].

The ultimate purpose of the series of [Innocence] operations is to take advantage of this chaos to cover the smuggling of those forces from other worlds into the world of heraldry. Smuggled over.

However, the changes in the Forest of Whispers and the four major cities still affected the [Innocence] plan.

The expected chaos and disaster did not occur in the Forest of Whispers and the four major cities, allowing Azpedan to react in advance, with more spare power, so that [Innocence] did not take advantage of that opportunity to let more forces Humans stowed into the world of heraldry.

There is a shortage of manpower, so the various forces that have smuggled in can only temporarily hide and develop secretly.

And [Innocence]'s recent incidents are also to hold the attention of various forces, and then proceed to the next step.

The first step of the plan has not been perfectly achieved, and the next step will cause even greater disturbances.


Because all the forces that have smuggled in have to develop secretly, which means that there is not much room for these forces to develop, and [Innocence] does not care about logistics, and all forces must cherish their own development resources.

But the difference is that other forces are short of manpower due to the limited number of smuggled people, but the Demon King's Cult is not. The forces of the Demon King's Cult have already moved to the world of heraldry with Syphia in advance, and they have already established a foundation development of.

Coupled with the arrival of the "Devil King Messenger", then the Devil King Sect will expand.

Although the Demon King Cult is led by a woman named Sylphia, the development strategy of the Demon King Cult is not as gentle as most women, but quite domineering.

So the Devil Sect began to "grab for food".

Seize the development resources and space of other forces, and force other forces to bow their heads.

And [Innocence] will not be like a parent but "struggle".

[Innocence] Those who want to cooperate are powerful forces, not garbage forces that only call their mothers after being beaten.

Other forces have been taught by the devil for several months like this, and have been angered by the devil for several months.

But on this day, other forces finally rose up.

Those strong men from other forces who hadn't had time to smuggle here also arrived little by little, and finally accumulated enough manpower, and then united, and started to trouble the Demon King Sect in turn.

The attacks of other forces were also quite sudden.

Before the Devil Sect could react, they were blocked at the door of the house.

The headquarters of the Devil Sect continues the tradition of being in the 404 different world. It is still hidden in a mountain range, surrounded by open spaces, quite hidden, easy to defend and difficult to attack.

In order to develop, many subordinates of the Demon King's Sect are active outside, and the headquarters is hidden in the mountains.

However, it is reasonable to say that other forces should not know where the headquarters of the Demon King Sect is hidden, but the fact is that they not only found the headquarters of the Demon King Sect, but also brought people to block the door.

Mare Fake led the people left behind by the Demon King's Sect, looking at the forces blocking the door outside, with an ugly expression on their faces.

He just counted. Judging by the flags and costumes, there are six forces united. The number of people brought by these six forces is already twice the number of the demon king's sect left behind, not to mention there are more than a dozen of them. strong.

But now the only ones who can be called strong in the Demon King's Cult are him and Syphia. The other strong men are all acting outside and can't come back in a short time. What kind of strength is it, I just hope that he does have good strength, but the other party's lazy look really makes it hard for people to feel safe.

"How did you find this place?" Mare Fake questioned, and at the same time he was also secretly guessing that there must be a ghost in his Demon King Sect.

But it shouldn’t be. People who joined the Demon King Cult have been brainwashed and will not betray. There are very few people who have not been brainwashed except him. The “Devil King Messenger” who came recently has not been brainwashed. Who is the traitor? ?

The forces who came to block the door probably thought they had a chance to win, so they answered Mare Fake's question.

"Great prophecy, understand."

The one who answered the question was a Holy See force from a different world. The Great Prophecy is the facade skill of this Holy See force. It is a necessary skill for predicting the future, seeking secrets, traveling at home, killing people and setting fires.

Of course, such a powerful skill is also difficult to learn, and only a few powerful high-level people in the Holy See have learned it. This time, some high-level people came to the world of heraldry. They also used this skill to find the Demon King. Teach the base camp, and then choose to go straight to Huanglong.

Although Mare Fake didn't know the specific situation of the great prophecy, he could tell from the name, so his face gradually became ugly.

Prophecy, as the name suggests, does not require any investigation and temptation, and what you want to know will come out as soon as you move your lips.

Such a disgusting skill can indeed bypass the warning of the Demon King's Cult, and the hands of the Demon King's Cult who act outside will not feel anything at all, but the other party can choose a good day, and then they can directly copy the guy and bring someone to find the Demon King's Cult base camp.

To deal with prophecy-type abilities, most of the warning methods do not have, not to mention that the Demon King Sect also has no means to block prophecy-type abilities.

The most important thing is that Mare Fake also realized one thing, that is, even if they escaped by chance today, the other party is likely to find them and kill them!

"Who's in there?" Someone asked.

Although he is blocked now, Mare Fake will not lose his momentum. He said in a cold voice: "The devil teaches cadres, Mare Fake!"

"No energy, can't hear at all!"

"can not hear!"

"volume is too low!"

"No energy, do it again, do it again!"

Listening to the noisy voices outside, Mare Fake's face gradually turned green.

This is angry.

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