I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1642 Divinity Emblem

Although the [Guardian] has never been on the bright side, and the current members of the organization will not reveal their identities to outsiders at will, but the [Guardian] has been actually guarding the world, and even once appeared In the event that all members were killed.

If it weren't for the [Guardian] friends who knew about the [Guardian] and took the initiative to assume the responsibility and contract of the [Guardian], perhaps the [Guardian] would have disappeared long ago.

Moreover, most of the [Guardian] members of the past have transcended the limitations of race and camp. They do not make judgments from the standpoint of certain forces, but act with the goal of protecting civilization.

Although the [Guardian] has no strength requirements for the members to join, there are still strong people among the Guardians, and strong people like Andy are not the strongest among the [Guardians].


It took Bailiyuan a lot of effort to finish reading this special book. In fact, before coming, Andy had already told Bailiyuan a lot about the [Guardian], and Andy was also in this organization, so Bailiyuan Li Yuan agreed to join this organization.

And now he has a better understanding of the [Guardian] organization.

If the content in the book is true, the [Guardian] organization is still very great.

[Guardian] is essentially an organization similar to an association. Although there is no official recognition, it is acting silently.

"Do you think the book is very well written, and you were very moved after reading it?" the old man Xiongren said to Bailiyuan.

Baili Yuan nodded, then looked at the other party.

The old bear man chuckled, "Actually, the contents of the book are all false."


"This book was originally written by a senior who is very good at storytelling, and the rest of the content is continued by future generations. I am not talented, and I have written two pages. Oh, it is really tiring to praise my own people. Human."

Bailiyuan felt that there was something wrong with this organization.

Fortunately, the old man Xiongren explained, "[Guardian] is not that kind of random organization. How could the real secret of [Guardian] be written down in a book like this? If the enemy steals it, wouldn't it be Are you in trouble? Besides, if there is a real danger of destroying the [Guardian], then this world will almost be cold."


Bailiyuan showed a forced smile.

"Don't worry, if you are really a qualified [Guardian], you will definitely know about the [Guardian] in the future, well, it's getting late, I'm going back to see my great-grandson, bye."

"Goodbye, senior."

The old man Xiongren left, although the other party was an old man, but the other party's strength was not weaker than Andy, even stronger than Andy, he was a veteran colorful powerhouse, I don't know how many years he had joined the [Guardian].

Baili Yuan looked at the book in his hand, then silently put it on the table.

"Xiao Yuan, come to eat!" Hua Hua called Bai Li Yuan.

Zhao Xing has already delivered the food, and the prepared food will automatically appear in the box.


Baili Yuan got up and walked to the dining table.

Some [Guardians] just wanted to see Baili Yuan, they also had their own business to do, so they left without staying longer, and some [Guardians] chose to stay and have dinner with Baili Yuan, after all, the restaurants The food is still very good. Of course, the cost is AA. Even if Andy's account is linked to the account of Yuncheng College, she can't treat everyone generously.

Otherwise, such a large consumption will be investigated.

At the dinner table, Bailiyuan also learned about Huahua's experience during this time.

When talking about her experience, Huahua felt a little angry.

She originally came to Yuncheng to find Bailiyuan, and Yuexuan went to pick her up, but Huahua was not taken to Yuncheng College at all, but was arranged by Andy, and she joined the [Guardian] after changing hands, and then it started Practice in 【Keeper】.

But this also let Bailiyuan understand that joining the [Guardian] actually doesn't require any long-term observation.

"Huahua, don't make it sound like I'm sorry for you. If it weren't for your special coat of arms, I wouldn't do it. Originally, your parents didn't let you come to Yuncheng to study at Yuncheng College. I didn't say that either. It is for you to come to Xiaoyuan. What you need to do now is to practice seriously. Xiaoyuan has become a great heraldry, but you are still stuck under the big heraldry. When you break through to the big heraldry, there will be If I can protect myself, I won't stop you!" Andy said helplessly.

Huahua sticks out her tongue.

Bailiyuan asked with some doubts: "Huahua's coat of arms is special?"

Andy nodded, "That's right, her crest is quite rare, and its rarity is almost the same as your Summoner's crest's innate ability [Passage to another world], and it has not appeared many times in the history of records." .”

"What occupation's coat of arms?" Baili Yuan became even more curious.

"It's the emblem of divinity!"

"Divine Emblem? What is that?" Baili Yuan was a little confused, this was the first time he had heard of it.

"There is no information about this type of heraldry in the database." Caroline had already scanned the information about the heraldry, and she also found nothing.

"This is a very special coat of arms." Andy explained. "As the name suggests, this type of crest is related to gods. Your god's spokesperson crest means that you have been chosen by the gods and can use some power on its behalf. However, the divine crest is more advanced, because... the crest represents God! Those who have such a coat of arms are the successors of the power of God! You understand the difference."

"At the beginning, Huahua's mother, Huazi, contacted me and discussed about Huahua and you. I went to Snow Village curiously, and then found out about Huahua's situation. Finally, I persuaded Huahua's parents to let her join the "Guardian" 】Practice."

Bailiyuan was surprised by the power of the divine crest, and was also a little surprised, but in the end he frowned because he felt something was wrong.

"You want to say that I told you before that the coat of arms should be the shackles of human power, how could it be possible for people to get such powerful power?"

Andy saw Baili Yuan's doubts, and smiled slightly, "Even so, no one said that gods cannot be used as shackles."

Using gods as shackles?

"Gaia uses various powers and inheritances to restrict human beings, but Alaya makes these restrictions also become human powers. These powers are divided into various heraldic occupations according to human personality and other aspects. They are different, but awakened in different people, so it is not surprising that the materials used by Gaia to make the coat of arms include two gods."

Bailiyuan imagined Gaia forging the two gods into shackles with a hammer like other powers, and Alaya grinded these shackles into shapes that could be used as weapons, using an assembly line.

Bailiyuan can only say awesome.

Thinking of this, Bailiyuan couldn't help rubbing the ring on his ring finger.

The god of fate is silent.

"Are you thinking about the God of Fate?" Andy asked with a smile, "Don't worry, the gods who can live to the present will generally not be given Adam material again, and the gods who can be dragged away have long been taken away That's it, the rest is just dying."

There was nothing in Andy's words to respect God.

And Bailiyuan noticed the meaning of Andy's words - usually not?

In other words, there are unusual situations?

"It's not easy for you." Baili Yuan sighed.

From the period when the gods still existed to the period when the gods disappeared, there was a period of excessive history, but there were few records. Since then, God has become one of many systems and is no longer the supreme existence. For this period Bailiyuan didn't know much about history. He asked Andy, but Andy said it was too troublesome and not important, so he asked Bailiyuan to find it in Akamoy's library by himself.

But... who can go to the library to find these unimportant materials?

"But, the divine emblem...does it mean that Huahua will become a god in the future?" Bailiyuan asked.

"Of course not." Andy shook his head, "The conditions for becoming a god are not that simple, or it can be said that because of the existence of the coat of arms, human beings have no way to become a god, but if Huahua grows up, he can become a god." A special existence that uses the power of a god as a god of man, although it has no name of a god, it has the power of a god, but it will not be immortal like a god."

"So that's the case, the divine emblem is really powerful." Baili Yuan sighed.

"That's natural, but the only problem is that the growth of the divine emblem requires more resources, and the needs of all aspects are more than ordinary emblems, even the diet is the same..." Speaking of this, Andy sighed tone.

Bailiyuan looked at Huahua, Huahua was eating mouthfuls, but before she knew it, there were already empty plates in her hand.

This appetite is no longer a problem.

Let's have a chapter today, a little Calvin

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