I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1639 [Guardian]

Night, quiet.

— 23:59 —


Time is up.

Not any special time.

In the dean's room, a light door rose, and Andy took out the key and opened the door.

"Okay, let's go."

Andy led Bailiyuan and Nicole into the Light Gate.

This door leads to a restaurant in the gap between time and space. This restaurant can soothe the hearts of travelers through delicious food.

Stepping through the light gate, the three of them came to a quaint small restaurant.

Bailiyuan has only been to this restaurant once, but he still has a fresh memory of the restaurant.

But compared to last time, the restaurant has become bigger and there are more waiters, but Zhao Xing was not seen, presumably he was busy in the back kitchen.

In addition to these, there is an extra bar in the restaurant, and behind the bar is a shelf with various bottles and cans.

Between the bar and the shelves, Lian, the waiter of the restaurant, was busy.

"It's a newly opened water bar. Some guests can taste fine wine or drinks there. Lian is in charge. The drinks and wine she mixes taste pretty good." Andy explained to Baili Yuan.

Baili Yuan nodded, Lian was an ordinary waiter when she came last time, but now she can make delicious drinks and wine.

But Nicole ran to the water bar with ease, and then climbed onto the high chair.


"Have a glass of Milky Way Bubble Water~" Nicole patted the table and said in a very sophisticated manner, looking like a big brother who often hangs around here.

"It's Nicole." Lian smiled when she saw Nicole, and she was familiar with Nicole, "If you are here, that means..."

Lian looked at the door and just saw Andy, she nodded politely to Andy, then Lian saw Bailiyuan and opened her mouth in surprise.

Although Bailiyuan was not dressed so formally this time, she still recognized Bailiyuan.

She still had a fresh memory of Baili Yuan.

After all, Bailiyuan was the one who beat Boss Zhao Xing, and he was the only one who beat Zhao Xing in cooking.

Occasionally, chefs would pass by this restaurant, and the chefs were also very interested in this special restaurant, so naturally a competition was unavoidable, and Zhao Xing also used his cooking skills to defend his position as the owner of the restaurant.

In private, Zhao Xing also said that if it wasn't for the competition with Baili Yuan back then, it would take him more time to grow his culinary skills, and he might not be able to defeat those challengers.

And Zhao Xing still wanted to compete with Bailiyuan, but Bailiyuan never came to the restaurant again.

I didn't expect to come with Andy this time.

Because there were still guests waiting, Lian didn't come out to say hello, but she saluted Bailiyuan respectfully.

Seeing this scene, Andy naturally noticed the difference in Lian's attitude, couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and squinted at Bailiyuan.

"I didn't expect you to come here once, and you have more face than me."


Andy didn't say anything more, but asked Nicole to drink sparkling water slowly at the water bar.

A female elf waiter came up to ask Andy's needs, and Andy said that he wanted to use a private room, and the specifications were the same as last time.

Bailiyuan didn't know why, but Andy was a regular customer of the restaurant, so the waiter naturally understood what Andy said.

Then, Andy led Baili Yuan to the side, and opened a passage on the side of the restaurant. There are many private rooms in the passage, hollowed-out windows, covered with embroidered white curtains, antique.

"These private rooms are also newly opened services, but not all guests can enter the private room. You need to spend a certain amount to have your own exclusive private room." Andy explained, and brought Bailiyuan to a private room. .

"How much does it cost?" Bailiyuan asked curiously, he knew that the restaurant's consumption was not cheap.

"a lot of."

"Then you are really rich."

"Hmm...hehe~" Andy didn't respond positively.

Bailiyuan blinked, feeling something was wrong.

Caroline explained, "As a former dean, Andy's account is linked to the account of Yuncheng College, which is a benefit that previous deans can enjoy."

Wait, is it connected to the account of Yuncheng College?

Isn't this misappropriation of public funds?

"Okay, let's go in quickly." Andy changed the subject.

Baili Yuan also raised his head, and saw the name of the private room - [Modern Restaurant].

"What's the name of this private room?" Baili Yuan complained.

"You'll know when you go in." Andy smiled mysteriously.

Andy opened the curtain and walked into the private room with Baili Yuan.

Stepping through the curtain, Bailiyuan's eyes flashed, and when he saw the surrounding situation clearly, he found that he had stepped into a magnificent and brightly lit restaurant at some point.

Behind you are modern doors, not antique curtains.

The building is in the shape of a semicircle, with curved walls entirely composed of windows.

Standing at Bailiyuan, one can have a panoramic view of the entire hall and the scenery outside the window.

All kinds of noble furniture are placed on the floor of the hall, which does not look chaotic at all, but makes people feel that nobility and art are combined with each other.

It was already dark outside, and you could see the shadows of high-rise buildings outside the window row upon row, dotted with lights of various colors.

Standing at the position of Bailiyuan, one feels as if one is looking down on the outside, reflecting the fact that the location of this restaurant is absolutely high.

Andy walked to the center of the hall.

"This is where I'm taking you..."

Andy clapped his hands.

The lights in the hall gradually dimmed, and finally the whole hall was plunged into darkness, only the light outside the window and the light brought by the lights allowed Baili Yuan to see Andy and the shadows of various furniture in the hall.

"Bailiyuan." Andy suddenly called out Bailiyuan's name with a serious tone.

"I'm here." Bailiyuan couldn't help but get serious, and stood up a little bit.

This time he didn't think wrong, because before coming, Andy had already said what he was going to do here this time.

Andy spoke slowly, this time her voice seemed to have a strange power, resonating with something.

Bailiyuan's eyes lighted up with a golden light, allowing him to see clearly that Andy was surrounded by the power of the contract at this time, and her words triggered a special and powerful contract.

"After my review, combined with your actions, your character and ability have been recognized by me. Therefore, I officially invite you to join the [Guardian] to protect our world and the continuation of civilization. Would you like to ?”

"I am willing." Baili Yuan accepted it seriously.

"Inviter, Andy, joiner..." Andy's voice paused.

"Bailiyuan!" Bailiyuan said his name.

A faint light lit up on Andy's chest, and she said, "From today onwards, I will protect the light, and when darkness falls, I can also turn into light!"

"Starting today, I will protect the light, and when darkness falls, I can also turn into light!" Bailiyuan repeated Andy's words, and at the same time his chest also lit up with a faint light, weak but firm.

The contract is established!

The contract on Andy's body continued to extend, split into two, and wrapped around Bailiyuan's body.

At the same time, several figures continued to appear in the dark hall. The same thing was that they all had that faint light on their chests.

They are all 【Guardians】!

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